Do all Democrats hate our right to sovereignty and do they only hate it as it pertains to Mexico?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Would they create “sanctuary cities” for illegal Russians if we suddenly saw a huge invasion of Russian migrants?
Would they create “sanctuary cities” for illegal Russians if we suddenly saw a huge invasion of Russian migrants?

This issue has nothing to do with immigrants legal or otherwise and has everything to do with raw hatred for our current POTUS. So the question then becomes why does half the country and all "woke" liberals despise our CIC? Because they fear him. It's that simple. They're terrified He will stop the spread and encroachment of their postmodernist culture war victories throughout American society, culture, media and religion. Most of all, they fear Donald Trump will plant seeds of sane doubt in the minds of America's youth. Doubt in the pantheons of political correctness and moral relativism. Doubt in the fad of atheism. Doubt in the religion of child murder and child mutilation. Fear Him they should . . .
When you title a post,
"Do all Democrats hate .... whatever..."
the answer is always NO.

The same thing goes for
"Do all Republicans hate .... whatever..."

Not all people in some demographic think the same way.

When you title a post,
"Do all Democrats hate .... whatever..."
the answer is always NO.

The same thing goes for
"Do all Republicans hate .... whatever..."

Not all people in some demographic think the same way.


Read it again, the title is presented as a question.
Also, take note, not a single Mexicrat has engaged to say “I love and respect Americans right to sovereignty.”
Would they create “sanctuary cities” for illegal Russians if we suddenly saw a huge invasion of Russian migrants?
Putin would never let them leave Russia. Perhaps Republicans might find it attractive to move to Russia?
Would they create “sanctuary cities” for illegal Russians if we suddenly saw a huge invasion of Russian migrants?
Putin would never let them leave Russia. Perhaps Republicans might find it attractive to move to Russia?

Does this mean you don’t have the balls to state your position on America’s right to sovereignty?

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