Do any of you old guys (over 50) lift weights? If so what is your routine?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep
I used to do 72 pullups a day, but it started messing with my rotator cuffs. Now I do 50 pushups 5 times a week, 15lb curls, 40 usually, and 4-5 40 min sessions on an airdyne.
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep
I like to keep a curl bar with app 80-85 lbs on it next to treadmill.....I do 2.5-3 miles walking on treadmill and after each quarter mile jump off and do a set of curls, back on treadmill for another lap then a set of military press, then a set of rowing, maybe a dead lift set...a different set after each lap then repeat until done. Then after resting a few minutes using the same bar start with 8 reps of military press, slide down to 8 reps of arm curl, then bent rowing and dead lift all without putting the bar down or stopping until finished. Then do one more of those. Helps to lose weight and stay strong.
I am 66 and have a regular regimen that involves right arm curls where I hoist glass devices filled with amber liquid that gradually diminishes in weight as I proceed through my workout. Being the stern taskmaster that I am, I often repeat this process several times before I am satisfied with the progress I have made.
I am 66 and have a regular regimen that involves right arm curls where I hoist glass devices filled with amber liquid that gradually diminishes in weight as I proceed through my workout. Being the stern taskmaster that I am, I often repeat this process several times before I am satisfied with the progress I have made.

I also did 12 oz curls.

When I was in my 30's I worked out and got muscled up pretty good. The gym where I worked out closed and I quit and got fat.

I think lifting weight 2 to 3 times a week is plenty for health purposes. It's probably better not to bulk up too much; I don't think that results in a longer and heather life. It is good to have give your body a day of recovery time after working a muscle group.
One of my health problems is the wear and tear from too much physical activity when I was young. After a long rest I have just started back recently. 5lbs weight and my old calisthenics routine . I'm 62 and over weight and and out of shape from the long lay up.
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep

Yep - I'm 63 and have a personal trainer that I really trust coming to my home. Since all the gyms in Oregon are closed half the time, I invested in a Bosu Ball, yoga mat for planks, etc, a set of resistance bands and a set of Ativafit DialTech Elite dumbbells that go from about 10 to 70 pounds and take up very little space.

Found them on Amazon Prime with free delivery which was a bigly bonus. These are HARD to find. Took me two months of digging and finally got an email and grabbed the last set they had. People are snatching these things up and selling them for 2-3 times retail so ya gotta be quick!

My workouts vary (don't get in the habit of the same workout every time) and I do 3-4 times a week. Here is the workout I got for today via email (TrueCoach app) just to give you an idea. They are completely different each time. My gal comes twice a week.

I'm on a weight loss (low carb with increased exercise) regimen right now as I need to lose about 20 pounds to be ready for the beach this summer (COVID pounds suck ;-)


Hey DrLove,

Upper Body


Perform each exercise for 1 min
Rest 1 min in between sets
Repeat 3-4x
Use very light weight for warmup (like 5lbs)

Arm Circles
Front to Lateral shoulder raises (very light weight 5lbs)
Banded pull aparts
Seated DB Shoulder press (very light weight 5lbs)

A) Dumbbell Thruster

12-15 reps

B) Cross body bicep curl

12-15 reps

C) Standing Around the Worlds

5-10lbs (keep it light)
12-15 reps

D) Bent Over KB Row

15-20lbs use DBs instead of KBs
12-15 reps per side

E) Lying Chest Press

12-15 reps

F) Floor tricep dip

12-15 reps

Bosu balance cool down

Bosu Squats
Bosu Deadlfts
Bosu Step ups
Bosu glute bridge
Side lunge on Bosu Ball
Mike Mentzer. Heavy Duty.
I just do pullups and pushups these years. Pushups are fast.Drop and do 15-20 every couple hours. Takes seconds. Adds up quick. I do pullups in my shop.10 or so 3-4 times a day. Makes a big difference. Plus lifting all this steel crap I build is a form of "dead lifts"
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep
Weight lifting is the best thing you can do as you get older. You should try to body build and push yourself unless you physically cant do it. My genetics make me swell up very fast so I have to do light weights 15lbs but a ton of reps. I do 200 pushups every other day. 50 per rep. 100 curls 25 per rep every other day and 200 situps 50 a rep every day.
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep
I’ve found that smashing poon tang is a much better workout than dumbbells
Mike Mentzer. Heavy Duty.
I just do pullups and pushups these years. Pushups are fast.Drop and do 15-20 every couple hours. Takes seconds. Adds up quick. I do pullups in my shop.10 or so 3-4 times a day. Makes a big difference. Plus lifting all this steel crap I build is a form of "dead lifts"
View attachment 451542
Pushups are great, one of the best exercises ever.
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep
Drive distance comes from rotational force and the legs. Squats lunges and core training would be more effective for your purpose. Do not quit doing what you are doing total body focus is always good. Also spend a good amount of time stretching. I no longer give lessons but back when I did I noticed guys your age were taking three quarter back swings due to loss of range of motion. Video tape your back swing . High likelihood you no longer have a full one.
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep

Yep - I'm 63 and have a personal trainer that I really trust coming to my home. Since all the gyms in Oregon are closed half the time, I invested in a Bosu Ball, yoga mat for planks, etc, a set of resistance bands and a set of Ativafit DialTech Elite dumbbells that go from about 10 to 70 pounds and take up very little space.

Found them on Amazon Prime with free delivery which was a bigly bonus. These are HARD to find. Took me two months of digging and finally got an email and grabbed the last set they had. People are snatching these things up and selling them for 2-3 times retail so ya gotta be quick!

My workouts vary (don't get in the habit of the same workout every time) and I do 3-4 times a week. Here is the workout I got for today via email (TrueCoach app) just to give you an idea. They are completely different each time. My gal comes twice a week.

I'm on a weight loss (low carb with increased exercise) regimen right now as I need to lose about 20 pounds to be ready for the beach this summer (COVID pounds suck ;-)


Hey DrLove,

Upper Body


Perform each exercise for 1 min
Rest 1 min in between sets
Repeat 3-4x
Use very light weight for warmup (like 5lbs)

Arm Circles
Front to Lateral shoulder raises (very light weight 5lbs)
Banded pull aparts
Seated DB Shoulder press (very light weight 5lbs)

A) Dumbbell Thruster

12-15 reps

B) Cross body bicep curl

12-15 reps

C) Standing Around the Worlds

5-10lbs (keep it light)
12-15 reps

D) Bent Over KB Row

15-20lbs use DBs instead of KBs
12-15 reps per side

E) Lying Chest Press

12-15 reps

F) Floor tricep dip

12-15 reps

Bosu balance cool down

Bosu Squats
Bosu Deadlfts
Bosu Step ups
Bosu glute bridge
Side lunge on Bosu Ball
You are 63?

I was thinking you were in your teens or early twenties.
68. I have decades of martial arts in my background, and practice an hour or so every day. Usually start with Yang style Tai Chi, then half of 18 Taekwondo forms and some footwork.

Finish with a two-finger dollop of Beam or Jameson's before breakfast. :2up:
I'm curious because I started lifting a few months ago and I am well over 60. I have a lifting rack in my house so I don't have to go to a gym. What I like is that it doesn't take long and I do feel like I'm getting stronger. I keep to what I can comfortably do, I don't feel like I'm straining. I'm not trying to body build, just trying to keep it together and add a few yards to my drives. FWIW this is what I do 3 times a week. I'm 205 lbs:

dumbbell curls 15 lbs 2x25 rep
bench 135 lbs 6x6 rep
dead lift 185 lbs 3x5 rep
rows 65 lbs 2x10 rep
Weight lifting is the best thing you can do as you get older. You should try to body build and push yourself unless you physically cant do it. My genetics make me swell up very fast so I have to do light weights 15lbs but a ton of reps. I do 200 pushups every other day. 50 per rep. 100 curls 25 per rep every other day and 200 situps 50 a rep every day.
I agree weight lifting is great but I don't know about body building. I'm seeing benefits from what I do, I may up the reps.
Drive distance comes from rotational force and the legs. Squats lunges and core training would be more effective for your purpose. Do not quit doing what you are doing total body focus is always good. Also spend a good amount of time stretching. I no longer give lessons but back when I did I noticed guys your age were taking three quarter back swings due to loss of range of motion. Video tape your back swing . High likelihood you no longer have a full one.
Agreed on all of that. I didn't mention I also do stretching and do the 'ab ripper' 15 minute routine for core. Yes I've definitely lost shoulder turn, I used to wind up like John Daly when I was young now I barely get to parallel. I have added about 5 yards to my drives and iron distances since lifting and doing core.

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