Do Black Lives Really Matter?

Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.
It is a genuine problem and a genuine movement. The fact it bothers you on any level simply points out what a racist you are: you resent any special attention to given to any minority, and in this instance your resentment is based on race.
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.

Objective comparison suggests the latter. The actual number of Black suspects shot by police is so small that it is difficult to find unwarranted examples to publicize. On the other hand, the horrendous number of Black-on-Black homicides is viewed as hardly worth coverage on the back page.

What is going on here? Have Black lives become so devalued that violent death is an accepted (and expected) fact in Black America? Why are not all Americans demanding that this situation be addressed and corrected? Do Black lives really matter?
Only black votes matter to democrats....what happens after blacks vote, democrats could give a fuck less about.....
If blacks believe and agree with you then all they have to do is not vote.

But from the blacks I talk to they don't agree with Republicans.

But by not voting they will help nominate your party.

If blacks agree with you then by all means they should stay home or vote for trump. I'm OK with that. But they don't agree with you and neither do I.

I am very curious to see what happens to poor communities if Paul Ryan gets his way. I don't think it's a good idea but I'd love to end welfare for ANYONE who doesn't vote but takes public assistance
The blacks I talk to do agree with republicans....but then, we are makers...
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.

Objective comparison suggests the latter. The actual number of Black suspects shot by police is so small that it is difficult to find unwarranted examples to publicize. On the other hand, the horrendous number of Black-on-Black homicides is viewed as hardly worth coverage on the back page.

What is going on here? Have Black lives become so devalued that violent death is an accepted (and expected) fact in Black America? Why are not all Americans demanding that this situation be addressed and corrected? Do Black lives really matter?
Only black votes matter to democrats....what happens after blacks vote, democrats could give a fuck less about.....
If blacks believe and agree with you then all they have to do is not vote.

But from the blacks I talk to they don't agree with Republicans.

But by not voting they will help nominate your party.

If blacks agree with you then by all means they should stay home or vote for trump. I'm OK with that. But they don't agree with you and neither do I.

I am very curious to see what happens to poor communities if Paul Ryan gets his way. I don't think it's a good idea but I'd love to end welfare for ANYONE who doesn't vote but takes public assistance
The blacks I talk to do agree with republicans....but then, we are makers...
LMAO Do tell...LOL
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.
It is a genuine problem and a genuine movement. The fact it bothers you on any level simply points out what a racist you are: you resent any special attention to given to any minority, and in this instance your resentment is based on race.
The new American democrat dream...killing cops...
The answer in a nut shell is no. It is a sham thought up and paid for by George Soros to create division. There is no addressing the black on black crime, school drop outs, single mothers...

Wiki Leaks shows us that the DNC has instructed all Dims to listen to BLM complaints, but then to not promise them anything nor act on anything cuz they know they already have a block vote.
When an entire race has, generally IQs in the low eighties it's easy to manipulate them.
That's what the DEMs AKA 'Santa Claus Party' has been doing to the negroes in the US for decades.
It's now turned out that the DEM 'negro fire wall' is sitting this election out compared to the turn out for someone with the same skin color.
Even a negro with an IQ in the low eighties is apparently intelligent enough to know he/she was conned by Obama. They sure as hell aren't stupid enough to believe some old White multi millionaire hag who carries a "bottle of hot sauce" in her purse is going to make their lives better.
If anything they all know how to spot a criminal.
Not in the least. They have proven that they are nothing but wannabe thugs that loot and burn and steal for no reason other than their own drive to create unrest and get something for nothing. I'd hope they start some shit around here but they won't.
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.
It is a genuine problem and a genuine movement. The fact it bothers you on any level simply points out what a racist you are: you resent any special attention to given to any minority, and in this instance your resentment is based on race.
Its not valid. Most of the "killings" by police are done because the individual pretty much begged them to shoot.
Yes there are some instances where the police acted wrong, but was it racist or was it just plain fear.
BLM is making the situation worse, they are putting the police on guard before anything happens, the police are starting to expect the worse because thats what BLM and its supporters are doing. You get an officer that is concerned about being the next cop killed by a BLM member and its going to take very little action on the part of the "victim" to get that cop to shoot. Violence is not going to stop the violence, its only going to make it worse.
When Trump Wins, I am gonna start a new movement. "White Racist Confederate Flag Lovers" Matter !!!!
Seven people were killed this morning when a Confederate flag walked into an Alabama shopping mall and started shooting.

According to local reports, the flag entered Cherrywood Mall outside Huntsville armed with two AK-47 assault rifles, a P 228 handgun and several grenades. It immediately proceeded to unload its ordinance on unsuspecting shoppers.

In addition to those killed, 23 people were injured and are currently being treated in area emergency rooms. Several are in critical condition and not expected to survive. The flag’s motivations are uncertain at the moment. However, according to witnesses the flag did specifically target White people with Northern accents.

“The flag chased us down the hallway screaming ‘Die, Yankees Die!’, says Justin Anderson, an aeronautical engineer originally from New Hampshire. “Luckily flags don’t move very fast, so my girlfriend and I managed to outrun it.”

Lucy Patterson, a homemaker from New Jersey wasn’t so lucky. Both her legs were blown off when the flag lobbed a hand grenade at her feet.

“It looked straight into my eyes, pulled the pin, and threw a deathball my way,” she says. “It was so cold-blooded. Almost as if it weren't human.”

Shortly thereafter the flag turned the gun on itself, shooting itself in the pole several times. Rushed to Huntsville Beth-Israel Medical Center, it was pronounced dead on arrival.

Confederate flags have increasingly been committing mass shootings in the South. Although retailers like Wal-Mart and Amazon have belatedly banned their sale, the existing stockpile of flags should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

“It’s a real tragedy,” says Bret Michaels, the CEO of retailer Wal-Mart, “We should have stopped selling Confederate flags sooner. Think of how many flag-on-human shootings we could have prevented.”
The answer in a nut shell is no. It is a sham thought up and paid for by George Soros to create division. There is no addressing the black on black crime, school drop outs, single mothers...

Wiki Leaks shows us that the DNC has instructed all Dims to listen to BLM complaints, but then to not promise them anything nor act on anything cuz they know they already have a block vote.
When an entire race has, generally IQs in the low eighties it's easy to manipulate them.
That's what the DEMs AKA 'Santa Claus Party' has been doing to the negroes in the US for decades.
It's now turned out that the DEM 'negro fire wall' is sitting this election out compared to the turn out for someone with the same skin color.
Even a negro with an IQ in the low eighties is apparently intelligent enough to know he/she was conned by Obama. They sure as hell aren't stupid enough to believe some old White multi millionaire hag who carries a "bottle of hot sauce" in her purse is going to make their lives better.
If anything they all know how to spot a criminal.
Democrats are the most racist motherfuckers on earth....
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.

Objective comparison suggests the latter. The actual number of Black suspects shot by police is so small that it is difficult to find unwarranted examples to publicize. On the other hand, the horrendous number of Black-on-Black homicides is viewed as hardly worth coverage on the back page.

What is going on here? Have Black lives become so devalued that violent death is an accepted (and expected) fact in Black America? Why are not all Americans demanding that this situation be addressed and corrected? Do Black lives really matter?
Only black votes matter to democrats....what happens after blacks vote, democrats could give a fuck less about.....
If blacks believe and agree with you then all they have to do is not vote.

But from the blacks I talk to they don't agree with Republicans.

But by not voting they will help nominate your party.

If blacks agree with you then by all means they should stay home or vote for trump. I'm OK with that. But they don't agree with you and neither do I.

I am very curious to see what happens to poor communities if Paul Ryan gets his way. I don't think it's a good idea but I'd love to end welfare for ANYONE who doesn't vote but takes public assistance

Many Black people are getting on the Trump train. They're waking up to the reality that the hillarys and obamas will do nothing for them..

Below is one of many clips that can be found on the net about how Trump may be the one to help Black America, because the clintons and obamas sure as hell don't give them a second thought except at election time. What Trump is telling them is "what do you have to lose".
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.

Objective comparison suggests the latter. The actual number of Black suspects shot by police is so small that it is difficult to find unwarranted examples to publicize. On the other hand, the horrendous number of Black-on-Black homicides is viewed as hardly worth coverage on the back page.

What is going on here? Have Black lives become so devalued that violent death is an accepted (and expected) fact in Black America? Why are not all Americans demanding that this situation be addressed and corrected? Do Black lives really matter?

Democrat Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.

Objective comparison suggests the latter. The actual number of Black suspects shot by police is so small that it is difficult to find unwarranted examples to publicize. On the other hand, the horrendous number of Black-on-Black homicides is viewed as hardly worth coverage on the back page.

What is going on here? Have Black lives become so devalued that violent death is an accepted (and expected) fact in Black America? Why are not all Americans demanding that this situation be addressed and corrected? Do Black lives really matter?
Only black votes matter to democrats....what happens after blacks vote, democrats could give a fuck less about.....
If blacks believe and agree with you then all they have to do is not vote.

But from the blacks I talk to they don't agree with Republicans.

But by not voting they will help nominate your party.

If blacks agree with you then by all means they should stay home or vote for trump. I'm OK with that. But they don't agree with you and neither do I.

I am very curious to see what happens to poor communities if Paul Ryan gets his way. I don't think it's a good idea but I'd love to end welfare for ANYONE who doesn't vote but takes public assistance

Many Black people are getting on the Trump train. They're waking up to the reality that the hillarys and obamas will do nothing for them..

Below is one of many clips that can be found on the net about how Trump may be the one to help Black America, because the clintons and obamas sure as hell don't give them a second thought except at election time. What Trump is telling them is "what do you have to lose".

Yes we heard
Black Lives Matter has become such a strong constituency within the Democratic Party that the phrase "all lives matter" is now banned from its lexicon. The question is whether BLM is genuine movement concerned about the shocking death rate among young Black men or merely a political maneuver to capitalize on the sensationalized publicity accorded by the media to police shootings of Black suspects.

Objective comparison suggests the latter. The actual number of Black suspects shot by police is so small that it is difficult to find unwarranted examples to publicize. On the other hand, the horrendous number of Black-on-Black homicides is viewed as hardly worth coverage on the back page.

What is going on here? Have Black lives become so devalued that violent death is an accepted (and expected) fact in Black America? Why are not all Americans demanding that this situation be addressed and corrected? Do Black lives really matter?
Only black votes matter to democrats....what happens after blacks vote, democrats could give a fuck less about.....
If blacks believe and agree with you then all they have to do is not vote.

But from the blacks I talk to they don't agree with Republicans.

But by not voting they will help nominate your party.

If blacks agree with you then by all means they should stay home or vote for trump. I'm OK with that. But they don't agree with you and neither do I.

I am very curious to see what happens to poor communities if Paul Ryan gets his way. I don't think it's a good idea but I'd love to end welfare for ANYONE who doesn't vote but takes public assistance

Many Black people are getting on the Trump train. They're waking up to the reality that the hillarys and obamas will do nothing for them..

Below is one of many clips that can be found on the net about how Trump may be the one to help Black America, because the clintons and obamas sure as hell don't give them a second thought except at election time. What Trump is telling them is "what do you have to lose".

Yes we heard

You mean you herd

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