Do Democrats realize that fewer illegal Mexicans = more welfare to taxpayer dependent REAL Americans


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Do Mexicrats honestly believe there is infinite funding for welfare?
Do they realize that every American dollar given to illegals could be given to our hurting and homeless Veterans?
It’s been reported over and over...American taxpayers spend $100 BILLION each and every year on illegal Mexicans.
How much could we improve the quality of life for REAL Americans by diverting those funds back to our own?
Why is something so simple so hard for Mexicrats to see and understand?
With that said, how can you, a REAL hurting American continue to cast a vote for the party that wants to spend “your welfare” on federal criminals instead of investing in you?
Do Mexicrats honestly believe there is infinite funding for welfare?
Do they realize that every American dollar given to illegals could be given to our hurting and homeless Veterans?
It’s been reported over and over...American taxpayers spend $100 BILLION each and every year on illegal Mexicans.
How much could we improve the quality of life for REAL Americans by diverting those funds back to our own?
Why is something so simple so hard for Mexicrats to see and understand?
With that said, how can you, a REAL hurting American continue to cast a vote for the party that wants to spend “your welfare” on federal criminals instead of investing in you?
How much could we improve the quality of life for REAL Americans by diverting those funds back to our own?
Improve the quality of life? My fucking god, our poor who owns cars, cellphones and computers, get free food, internet and tv, while the REAL poor around the world barely have cardboard walls with a tin roof. I am sick of the illegals and I am sick of our POOR who think that they are entitled to a better life, just because they vote for the very people who keep them victims of liberalism. Take the FREE SHIT away and those POOR would be out looking for a job. Even the jobs no black person would ever do.

Do Mexicrats honestly believe there is infinite funding for welfare?
Do they realize that every American dollar given to illegals could be given to our hurting and homeless Veterans?
It’s been reported over and over...American taxpayers spend $100 BILLION each and every year on illegal Mexicans.
How much could we improve the quality of life for REAL Americans by diverting those funds back to our own?
Why is something so simple so hard for Mexicrats to see and understand?
With that said, how can you, a REAL hurting American continue to cast a vote for the party that wants to spend “your welfare” on federal criminals instead of investing in you?
The problem is simple. As our population of "oppressed" AKA African-Americans pull themselves out of poverty, they turn from Dem to GOP.
Ergo, the Dems need to increase their base, the obvious solution is the illegal immigrants, get them the vote and the dems have a brand new group of oppressed to hornswaggle.
bbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt they buy things. So they pay sales tax :abgg2q.jpg:
Foreigners are the replacements for Americans. Using Hispanics and Africans to bleed off whatever they can from Americans is what they want.
OK lets look at this Mexican deal, about 2% of white people are willing to pick fruit & vegs. if more wanted to pick them could we assume that white owners would let them have the jobs? at a slightly higher rate that also go's for other low pay, terrible working condition jobs. so what jobs are they taking? housekeeping, child care, day labor. who is giving them these jobs? white people. so it is true that Mexicans are taking some jobs. but its not true that the major job shortage in lower paying jobs are caused by Mexicans. agree or not?
OK lets look at this Mexican deal, about 2% of white people are willing to pick fruit & vegs. if more wanted to pick them could we assume that white owners would let them have the jobs? at a slightly higher rate that also go's for other low pay, terrible working condition jobs. so what jobs are they taking? housekeeping, child care, day labor. who is giving them these jobs? white people. so it is true that Mexicans are taking some jobs. but its not true that the major job shortage in lower paying jobs are caused by Mexicans. agree or not?
If the illegals weren't in the country forcing lower wages, would the 2% white people be picking if the pay was worth it? you liberals always say that wages aren't right, why invite people here who keep them down? Because you are stupid fucks...
I'll tell you what Democrats realize...if they can gift amnesty and the right to vote to millions of broke ass uneducated illegals then bribe them for votes with government hand outs then they will control congress and the White House for decades.
I'll tell you what Democrats realize...if they can gift amnesty and the right to vote to millions of broke ass uneducated illegals then bribe them for votes with government hand outs then they will control congress and the White House for decades.

And the only pathway for Republicans to ever win another election would be in whoring themselves out to the same bottom feeders...what happens to a nation essentially ran by bottom feeders?
OK lets look at this Mexican deal, about 2% of white people are willing to pick fruit & vegs. if more wanted to pick them could we assume that white owners would let them have the jobs? at a slightly higher rate that also go's for other low pay, terrible working condition jobs. so what jobs are they taking? housekeeping, child care, day labor. who is giving them these jobs? white people. so it is true that Mexicans are taking some jobs. but its not true that the major job shortage in lower paying jobs are caused by Mexicans. agree or not?

You’re making the common mistake made by those whom love their pet brown humans / 21st century slaves....See, it isn’t the underworld, underclass illegal causing all the is their byproduct they steal citizenships for that is, their litters of filthy anchor babies doing most of the damage...They overrun our welfare system, our jails and prisons, our education systems, our healthcare systems, our low to middle income job markets....etc etc. They are human cockroaches and they destroy everything they come in contact with.

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