do gangster rappers hate the black community?

scarface said:
that's your opinion. i question how much you get out into the real world and see what's going on? read the paper or watch the news?
myself? everyday.
I question your comprehension abilities... but then again, that's just my opinion. Seriously, where'd you get this from? Which pundit?
The ClayTaurus said:
I think people should stop focusing on what is and what is not a bad influence and start focusing on how to take responsibility for themselves.

DAMN, Clay...that's EXACTLY it. Unless/Until Scarface can grasp that simple concept it's useless to debate with him/her.
The ClayTaurus said:
I think people should stop focusing on what is and what is not a bad influence and start focusing on how to take responsibility for themselves.

You have the psychological insight of a 13 year old.

well people generally aren't that smart, never have been never will be. not an excuse but their minds are too easy to condition. just like i'm sure yours is, to some degree even if not as bad as maybe most.

you sound like a 13 year old with wimpy comments like that.
why didn't you just call me a poopie head?
dmp said:
DAMN, Clay...that's EXACTLY it. Unless/Until Scarface can grasp that simple concept it's useless to debate with him/her.
The other part of that post is pretty on-point as well. I wonder how long until he asks if I'm black.
scarface said:
well people generally aren't that smart, never have been never will be. not an excuse but their minds are too easy to condition. just like i'm sure yours is, to some degree even if not as bad as maybe most.

you sound like a 13 year old with wimpy comments like that.
why didn't you just call me a poopie head?
Ah yes, the "people aren't smart enough to take care of themselves so we'll just do it for them" argument.

It's good you feel you're enlightened enough to set the standards for those who don't meet the bar, in your eyes. It's tough being such an intellectual pillar of society, ain't it? Tell me, what should I have for lunch today? I'm too dumb to put together a balanced diet.
scarface said:
... if i was black and some other black dude called me ****** i get pissed. ....
No you most probably wouldn't, it is part of the black culture. It is acceptable in the proper context, believe it or not.
Mr. P said:
No you most probably wouldn't, it is part of the black culture. It is acceptable in the proper context, believe it or not.
Shhh, he just wanted to type "******" a couple times on the library computer at school on his lunch break. Don't ruin his fun :D
The ClayTaurus said:
Shhh, he just wanted to type "******" a couple times on the library computer at school on his lunch break. Don't ruin his fun :D
:laugh: Okay..
Mr. P is right. Using the n-word among black people is about the same as using "dude" among stoners, it's just part of the vocabulary. And for the most part, if they're cool with you, they probably wouldn't care if you used the word, too. It's just a word.

believe it or not, other (non black) races listen to rap just as much as white.

It was a joke.

and no offense but thinking that black gangster rappers don't realize how their words influence young blacks is incredibly ignorant. this old realization has been brought up several times for years directly to certain black gangster rappers through the media.

Yeah, I seem to remember when Connie Chung was interviewing Warren G about this topic. You do realize this is the year 2006, right, Scarface? I don't mind discussing it, but this topic is pretty much as old as the genre, so please don't act like you're breaking new ground by discussing it.
Dan said:
Mr. P is right. Using the n-word among black people is about the same as using "dude" among stoners, it's just part of the vocabulary. And for the most part, if they're cool with you, they probably wouldn't care if you used the word, too. It's just a word.

It was a joke.

Yeah, I seem to remember when Connie Chung was interviewing Warren G about this topic. You do realize this is the year 2006, right, Scarface? I don't mind discussing it, but this topic is pretty much as old as the genre, so please don't act like you're breaking new ground by discussing it.

i never said i was breaking new ground with this topic, i just brought it up, and just because some blacks call each other ****** as a friendship thing, doesn't mean they all do, and doesn't make it right either. why don't you go up to a older black guy and call him this like it's cool? video record it to.

i take it that you and a few others here are maybe too thin skinned for hot topics? maybe hits too close to home? i see alot of people who like to make excuses for why certain things are wrong or play denial because they can't handle truth or reality, so they make believe its perfect and happy go lucky.
now i know you will replie with a one sided story about how it's alright to preach doing drive by's. even if nobody was influenced by this music, why would you preach to do it?
The ClayTaurus said:
Ah yes, the "people aren't smart enough to take care of themselves so we'll just do it for them" argument.

It's good you feel you're enlightened enough to set the standards for those who don't meet the bar, in your eyes. It's tough being such an intellectual pillar of society, ain't it? Tell me, what should I have for lunch today? I'm too dumb to put together a balanced diet.

i believe it. i wonder whats make people like you excuse gangster rap as being alright? maybe you're a socialpath? or live in a fantasy world?

go ahead now and make another little kid insult reply, you know will.

three two and...
scarface said:
i believe it. i wonder whats make people like you excuse gangster rap as being alright? maybe you're a socialpath? or live in a fantasy world?

go ahead now and make another little kid insult reply, you know will.

three two and...
Social path? wtf is that? Was it french toast stick day? Or pizza? Does your librarian know you're doing this? Tsk tsk tsk!
scarface said:
i never said i was breaking new ground with this topic, i just brought it up, and just because some blacks call each other ****** as a friendship thing, doesn't mean they all do, and doesn't make it right either. why don't you go up to a older black guy and call him this like it's cool? video record it to.

i take it that you and a few others here are maybe too thin skinned for hot topics? maybe hits too close to home? i see alot of people who like to make excuses for why certain things are wrong or play denial because they can't handle truth or reality, so they make believe its perfect and happy go lucky.
now i know you will replie with a one sided story about how it's alright to preach doing drive by's. even if nobody was influenced by this music, why would you preach to do it?
Using your logic, we should ban anything you deem to be unsavory. I take it you're no fan of Johnny Cash, either.
The ClayTaurus said:
Using your logic, we should ban anything you deem to be unsavory. I take it you're no fan of Johnny Cash, either.

The only way I can cope with rap is to try to think of it as a completely different form of entertainment. Unfortunately it takes on the guise of music and adopts some of its accoutrements (CD's, Videos, Concerts, Band names, etc.) If you think of it not as music but something else its less annoying.

I would imagine an Olympic Gold Medalist would turn on CNN and see poker or tractor pull and feel the same way, "This is not a sport".
Nuc said:
The only way I can cope with rap is to try to think of it as a completely different form of entertainment. Unfortunately it takes on the guise of music and adopts some of its accoutrements (CD's, Videos, Concerts, Band names, etc.) If you think of it not as music but something else its less annoying.

I would imagine an Olympic Gold Medalist would turn on CNN and see poker or tractor pull and feel the same way, "This is not a sport".
It can be a form of music; it's just that majority of what receives airplay is 95% marketing. But that's no different than any other outlet of pop "music" in this country today. Trust me, there are rap/hip-hop artists who are stellar musicians.
The ClayTaurus said:
It can be a form of music; it's just that majority of what receives airplay is 95% marketing. But that's no different than any other outlet of pop "music" in this country today. Trust me, there are rap/hip-hop artists who are stellar musicians.

When I was young they told us music has melody, harmony and rhythm. Rap has only one of those. Therefore I don't consider it music.

Whereas modern day pop country or R&B are definitely music, just bad examples of it.
Nuc said:
When I was young they told us music has melody, harmony and rhythm. Rap has only one of those. Therefore I don't consider it music.

Whereas modern day pop country or R&B are definitely music, just bad examples of it.
Ah you're one of those music-must-always-be-this kinds of people. Nothing like rigid definitions on forms of artistic expression.
Nuc said:
Whereas modern day pop country or R&B are definitely music, just bad examples of it.

I was beginning to worry, until the bolded part.
The ClayTaurus said:
Ah you're one of those music-must-always-be-this kinds of people. Nothing like rigid definitions on forms of artistic expression.

I have about 2000 CD's and 3000 LP's and I listen to every kind of music except rap. I don't like it.

I've forgotten more about music than you'll ever know.

I'm not insulting you because you like rap, don't insult me because I don't.
Nuc said:
I have about 2000 CD's and 3000 LP's and I listen to every kind of music except rap. I don't like it.

I've forgotten more about music than you'll ever know.

I'm not insulting you because you like rap, don't insult me because I don't.

If I might be so bold...

Numbers don't impress. I've slept with...perhaps 50 women in my life. 3 were there kinds of encounters dreams were made of. I could have had just those three and known more about women than the other 47 combined.

I don't think ANYONE cares if you like rap or not - just please, show the maturity to 'no-like it' for the right reasons.

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