Do Jews Control the Media?

You've got nerve complaining about making vacuous comments. You continue to complain about Jewish prominence in fields requiring superior intelligence as though that is a reason to condemn them. You continue to state that most Democrats are Communists or Communist sympathizers, although this is obviously not true.

Are you seriously trying to argue that most American Jews and Democrats aren't far Left/Communist-leaning? Because if you are, there is no point continuing this discussion. If you want to be honest, we can continue. If not, we'll part company and agree to disagree. No need to waste the time.

Translation: If you don't concur with Pauly's Nazi POV, there is no reason for him to have to be bothered with you. Therefore you are dismissed!
Nazis are such pompous jackasses.

Sure thing Princess, i mean Comrade. ;)
Ah, that's just lazy predictable PC drivel. I've asked some honest straight-forward questions. Take a shot at answering them honestly and openly...Or don't. Whatever.

No you haven't. You've stated unadulterated Nazi BS and dismissed any rejection of it by claiming your opinions to be "undeniable facts."

Easy there Comrade. Next, you'll be saying you're a 'Socialist/Progressive', but definitely not a Communist. I think i get it now. You Communists just don't want to accept the fact you are Communists. But why? It's an interesting question. Why all the denial?

Because it is not true.

I have known members of the American Communist Party. I have always liked them. Nevertheless, we disagreed about fundamental issues.
Are you seriously trying to argue that most American Jews and Democrats aren't far Left/Communist-leaning? Because if you are, there is no point continuing this discussion. If you want to be honest, we can continue. If not, we'll part company and agree to disagree. No need to waste the time.

Translation: If you don't concur with Pauly's Nazi POV, there is no reason for him to have to be bothered with you. Therefore you are dismissed!
Nazis are such pompous jackasses.

Sure thing Princess, i mean Comrade. ;)

Sieg Heil, Bubba
Well, i think you're at least getting closer to accepting the fact you're a Communist. Your denial wall is beginning to crumble.

Out of misplaced respect for you I gave a detailed answer to your question. My hope is that my explanation of why many secular Jews once found Marxism appealing will inform others.
i'm not joseph mccarthy. But like i said, he was right about the heavy jewish/communist influence in hollywood. He's just as right about that today.

Jews, Communists, and Communist sympathizers have had every right to influence public opinion in hollywood, television, journalism, and in education. They have had every right to influence government policy as politicians and civil servants.

won't argue with you there.

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Well, i think you're at least getting closer to accepting the fact you're a Communist. Your denial wall is beginning to crumble.

Out of misplaced respect for you I gave a detailed answer to your question. My hope is that my explanation of why many secular Jews once found Marxism appealing will inform others.

My bad, sorry i offended. But i have to disagree with you somewhat. Most American Jews still find Marxism appealing. They disguise it by calling themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives', but it's still Communism. For various reasons, they just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' But that is what they are.
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Too late. The OP's question has been answered. Obviously Jews control much of American Media. Now if you have anything to offer on why most American Jews have chosen the Communist/Democrat route, i'm willing to listen.
I disagree with the second sentence, because I believe communists, democrats and so called conservatives are one and the same animal controlled by one and the same criminal industry, just in a slightly different way in order to add interest and confusion. nice to meet a Ron Paul fan btw, I donated $100 to his campaign in 2008 or 7 before he dropped out, but since have come to conclusion that no good politician shall ever go on the establishment media debates and discussions. and I will soon make a video speech explaining why exactly and I hope you will listen to my speech. I sent you a friend request also, so we can keep in touch
Jews, Communists, and Communist sympathizers have had every right to influence public opinion in Hollywood, television, journalism, and in education. They have had every right to influence government policy as politicians and civil servants.
I will try to be as polite and direct as I can, please do not bring up anti Semitism or racism - what do you think about Hitler having the right to liberate German people from brothels and enslavement of international bankers? I ask because that is what Hitler did first before putting his people back to work, and that is why he was a popular leader in Europe. again, I ask not to start any flame baiting or name calling, this is a simple question and I am not a teenager, I have no interest in insults
Well, i think you're at least getting closer to accepting the fact you're a Communist. Your denial wall is beginning to crumble.

Out of misplaced respect for you I gave a detailed answer to your question. My hope is that my explanation of why many secular Jews once found Marxism appealing will inform others.

My bad, sorry i offended. But i have to disagree with you somewhat. Most American Jews still find Marxism appealing. They disguise it by calling themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives', but it's still Communism. For various reasons, they just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' But that is what they are.

"Communist" is what you call them because of your unwillingness or inability to make distinctions. The writings of Karl Marx influence the thinking of many intelligent, well informed people. They should, because Marx had valid insights. Nevertheless, as a political ideology Marxist in its varieties has never been a prominent ruling ideology in the United States. It has not been fashionable since the War in Vietnam. Even then, most in the anti war movement did not consider themselves to be Marxists.

I have known and liked Marxists. They were not reluctant to call themselves "Marxists."

You carelessly accuse people of being Marxists because you think that by doing so you somehow win the argument.
Jews, Communists, and Communist sympathizers have had every right to influence public opinion in Hollywood, television, journalism, and in education. They have had every right to influence government policy as politicians and civil servants.

I will try to be as polite and direct as I can, please do not bring up anti Semitism or racism - what do you think about Hitler having the right to liberate German people from brothels and enslavement of international bankers? I ask because that is what Hitler did first before putting his people back to work, and that is why he was a popular leader in Europe. again, I ask not to start any flame baiting or name calling, this is a simple question and I am not a teenager, I have no interest in insults

First of all, that is an irrelevant comparison. I am in favor of Nazis, neo Nazis, and Nazi sympathizers having the right to express their opinions, and to work for the government if they can pass civil service exams.

Did Hitler put an end to prostitution in Germany? I doubt it.

I am not sure what harm "international bankers" were doing to Germany. Capitalism is impossible without financiers.
Out of misplaced respect for you I gave a detailed answer to your question. My hope is that my explanation of why many secular Jews once found Marxism appealing will inform others.

My bad, sorry i offended. But i have to disagree with you somewhat. Most American Jews still find Marxism appealing. They disguise it by calling themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives', but it's still Communism. For various reasons, they just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' But that is what they are.

"Communist" is what you call them because of your unwillingness or inability to make distinctions. The writings of Karl Marx influence the thinking of many intelligent, well informed people. They should, because Marx had valid insights. Nevertheless, as a political ideology Marxist in its varieties has never been a prominent ruling ideology in the United States. It has not been fashionable since the War in Vietnam. Even then, most in the anti war movement did not consider themselves to be Marxists.

I have known and liked Marxists. They were not reluctant to call themselves "Marxists."

You carelessly accuse people of being Marxists because you think that by doing so you somehow win the argument.

Socialism is Communism. But most people for various reasons, just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' They feel more comfortable referring to themselves as 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Even Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro began calling themselves 'Socialists.' The term 'Communist' has fallen out of favor. I'll let you decide for yourself why it has fallen out of favor.
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Jews, Communists, and Communist sympathizers have had every right to influence public opinion in Hollywood, television, journalism, and in education. They have had every right to influence government policy as politicians and civil servants.
I will try to be as polite and direct as I can, please do not bring up anti Semitism or racism - what do you think about Hitler having the right to liberate German people from brothels and enslavement of international bankers? I ask because that is what Hitler did first before putting his people back to work, and that is why he was a popular leader in Europe. again, I ask not to start any flame baiting or name calling, this is a simple question and I am not a teenager, I have no interest in insults
My bad, sorry i offended. But i have to disagree with you somewhat. Most American Jews still find Marxism appealing. They disguise it by calling themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives', but it's still Communism. For various reasons, they just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' But that is what they are.

"Communist" is what you call them because of your unwillingness or inability to make distinctions. The writings of Karl Marx influence the thinking of many intelligent, well informed people. They should, because Marx had valid insights. Nevertheless, as a political ideology Marxist in its varieties has never been a prominent ruling ideology in the United States. It has not been fashionable since the War in Vietnam. Even then, most in the anti war movement did not consider themselves to be Marxists.

I have known and liked Marxists. They were not reluctant to call themselves "Marxists."

You carelessly accuse people of being Marxists because you think that by doing so you somehow win the argument.

Socialism is Communism. But most people for various reasons, just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' They feel more comfortable referring to themselves as 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Even Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro began calling themselves 'Socialists.' The term 'Communist' has fallen out of favor. I'll let you decide for yourself why it has fallen out of favor.

Once again, you seem to have a misunderstanding about what communism is.

It's easy enough to look up the differences in the two. There are most definitely strong similarities, but they are not the same.
Socialism is Communism. But most people for various reasons, just don't want to be associated with the term 'Communist.' They feel more comfortable referring to themselves as 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' Even Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro began calling themselves 'Socialists.' The term 'Communist' has fallen out of favor. I'll let you decide for yourself why it has fallen out of favor.

I like the idea of democratic socialism. However, I acknowledge that it has never existed anywhere. Therefore it may not be capable of existing. I think that a dictatorship is an unacceptable government for a socialist economy.

The closest approximation to democratic socialism is Scandinavian Social Democracy. I like that. Do you think Scandinavian Social Democracy is Communism?
First of all, that is an irrelevant comparison. I am in favor of Nazis, neo Nazis, and Nazi sympathizers having the right to express their opinions, and to work for the government if they can pass civil service exams.

Did Hitler put an end to prostitution in Germany? I doubt it.

I am not sure what harm "international bankers" were doing to Germany. Capitalism is impossible without financiers.
I wonder about those service exams, I'm surprised you really don't understand how enslaved nations become breeding ground for prostitutes and drugs? international bankers had Germany enslaved and economy therefor in ruins - As soon as Hitler came to power he fixed unemployment within months everyone was back to work. I WISH he would not have blamed all Germany's problems on the Jews, because that is what eventually caught up to him and his nation (looking for scapegoats instead of finding a problem within yourself. even if he lectured his people not to expect any help from others) He should have stayed more humble and continued preaching what he preached minus any hatred towards Jews of which I have not seem much myself, it was mostly against international bankers and the criminal industry who betrayed his nation causing them to become slaves after WW1 responsible to pay reparations to the rest of the world indefinitely. anyway, international bankers have EVERYTHING to do with WW2 AND with Hitler coming to power to begin with, because Germans would have never elected Hitler if Germany would not have been a nation enslaved to international bankers in ruins. end of story, hope you got the point. there simply isn't an argument about this, sorry. you either know it or you don't. :)
Articles: The Jews, the Communists, and the Democratic Party

The following is an enlightening article written by a Jew.
It begins:

December 24, 2011
The Jews, the Communists, and the Democratic Party
By Ted Belman

I just began reading Blacklisted by History; The Untold Story of Joe McCarthy. It seeks to establish that many of the people that McCarthy targeted unsuccessfully were later proven to be communists. It brought back many memories for me.

I grew up in the forties and fifties. My father's family, like many other Polish Jewish families in Canada, were avowed Communists. They were dedicated to workers' rights and marched in the streets. They even managed to get one of their own, J P Salsberg, elected to the Ontario legislature representing the Communist Party, then called the Labour-Progressive Party.

Massive Jewish emigration from Russia to the U.S. was caused by a wave of anti-Jewish pogroms sponsored by the tsarist government after the assassination of Alexander II in 1881. Russia wanted to suppress those advocating reform. The minister of the Interior gave a speech in 1903 in which he said:

In Western Russia, some 90 per cent of the revolutionaries are Jews, and in Russia generally -- some 40 per cent. I shall not conceal from you that the revolutionary movement in Russia worries us but you should know that if you do not deter your youth from the revolutionary movement, we shall make your position untenable to such an extent that you will have to leave Russia, to the very last man!

Of course, all politically correct folks know that the anti-Jewish pogroms had nothing to do with them instigating the assassination of the of Alexander II, nor did it have anything with the Jews fomenting revolution, it was all "Anti-semitism", pure and simple; that irrational, inexplicable, uncontrollable urge that all "gentiles" get towards all "Jews" (people that call themselves Semitic whether they are or not)
for no reason at all!


Wikipedia summarizes:

By 1924, two million Jews had arrived from Eastern Europe. Growing anti-immigration feelings in the United States at this time, resulted in the National Origins Quota of 1924 which severely restricted immigration from many regions including Eastern Europe. The Jewish community took the lead in opposing immigration restrictions, which remained in effect until 1965.

Thereafter, Jews came to Canada as their second choice. These included my father's family, which were Communists, and my mother's family, which were Zionists.

Here again we observe the evil white gentiles, opposing the Jewish immigrants for no reason at all.
It's amazing that no matter how bad the Jews say the gentiles are in their "anti-semitism" they still remain so eager to move in among them.
Perhaps the gentile resistance had something to do with the fact that as soon as the Jews did move in among them, they set about trying to alter their society in the directions of communism and Zionism.



Couldn't be.


The Jews, Communist or otherwise, worshiped Roosevelt.

Wasn't Roosevelt the Prez that instituted "the New Deal"?

Interview: Richard Breitman and Allan Lichtman, Authors Of 'FDR And The Jews' : NPR

President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets with the National Jewish Welfare Board — (left to right) Walter Rothschild, Chaplain Aryeh Lev, Barnett Brickner and Louis Kraft — at the White House on Nov. 8, 1943.

The subject of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's relationship with the Jewish community is complicated, multidimensional and contentious. On the one hand, the former New York governor won Jewish votes by landslide margins and led the Allies to victory in World War II, defeating Nazi Germany. Some of his closest advisers and strongest supporters were Jews, including Felix Frankfurter, whom he named to the Supreme Court, speechwriter Samuel Rosenman and Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau.

The Jews remained loyal to the Democratic Party throughout. They also remained loyal to liberalism and secularism. Communism was embraced because it offered an antidote to discrimination and persecution as it existed in Russia and in America in the first half of the 20th century; you know, "Workers of the World, Unite!" Even though Communism proved to be a false God, duly noted by Kunstler's The God That Failed, the Jews continued their quest for equality and civil rights. They believe as a result in the separation of church and state and the responsibility of the state to provide for those in need.

The Jews believe in "separation of church and state".

What are the biblical "Noahide Laws" that George Bush signed into law in 1991? - Yahoo! Answers
“The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”

One People One World 2013


Setting the stage:

Guillotine Death by Noahide Laws Passed by Congress-1991 - Beware of the Noahide Laws

Then they led the civil rights movement, which resulted in the liberation of blacks. Not that the blacks appreciated it. In fact, black anti-Semitism is very high compared to other groups. They see the Jews as responsible for black exploitation rather than black liberation.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was formed in 1920 by a group of radicals, socialists, and Communists whose purpose was to defend their fellow radicals.

Over the years, Jews became very influential in this organization.

From the above we learn that it was the Jews, not the Northern states that "liberated" the blacks. Perhaps "liberated" is too strong a word. It would be more to the point to say that the Jews helped to ensure that future LeRoy's and Jamals would be entitled to get a "piece of the American pie" whether "the man liked it or not".

But , the INGRATITUDE of them. Why,..... I never....!


Somebody needs to ensure that all the pieces are the same size in order to ensure equality.


Is it just me, or is that poster loaded with Jews and Shicksa hoes?
Yep. I do believe it is.
It seems like the Jews had more in mind than just LeRoy and Jamal's better interests.

The ACLU's activities have been characterized as anti-God, anti-American, and anti-family, all notable communist goals. Yet the ACLU did what it did in the name of individual rights. Although the ACLU lobbies Congress and state legislatures, its accomplishments derive chiefly from judges who share the ACLU's view of the Constitution as a "living document." There is little if any daylight between them and the Democratic Party and Barack Obama. And they are all pro-uncontrolled immigration.

A fellow traveler of the ACLU is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which was formed in 1913 "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all."

Levinson charges that "[t]he ADL has also become a facilitator and enabler of the very hate-mongers it claims to oppose," that it shilled for President Obama by proposing "National Pledge for Unity on Israel," that it was and is an advocate against Second Amendment Rights to bear arms, and that it is a defender of sharia.
Rabbi Nachum Shifren is not so kind. He writes, "The ADL has nothing to do with Judaism, Jews, or Jewish Survival. It is a collection of communists, anarchists, Jewish 60's [sic] drop-outs, bitter about their nothing status and eager to spread their venom about a socialist paradise at which they believe only they can succeed. (The earlier Bolsheviks and Trotskyite's [sic], they assure us, just didn't get it right.! [sic])" (Emphases in the original.)

Unfortunately, liberal Jews don't see it that way. They continue to worship the ACLU and the ADL.
It has been said of the Jews that they earn like Episcopalians and vote like Hispanics. Obviously their economic success and connection to Israel are not enough to separate them from the Democratic Party. The two groups are joined at the hip.

The good Jewish author here has neglected to mention that the current head of what once was the Republican party, ie the NEO-CONS, was created by and is controlled by Jews!

Betwixt the DemocRATS and the RepubliCONS, that doesn't leave much option for the gentile man in the street.

Nope. It won't do that. But it WILL get you into office!
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Gee, endless allegations and insinuations, but not a single factual bit of support for them. And all from some few 'anoymous' blogstains.......
Articles: The Jews, the Communists, and the Democratic Party

The following is an enlightening article written by a Jew.
It begins:

December 24, 2011
The Jews, the Communists, and the Democratic Party
By Ted Belman

I just began reading Blacklisted by History; The Untold Story of Joe McCarthy. It seeks to establish that many of the people that McCarthy targeted unsuccessfully were later proven to be communists. It brought back many memories for me.

I grew up in the forties and fifties. My father's family, like many other Polish Jewish families in Canada, were avowed Communists. They were dedicated to workers' rights and marched in the streets. They even managed to get one of their own, J P Salsberg, elected to the Ontario legislature representing the Communist Party, then called the Labour-Progressive Party.

Massive Jewish emigration from Russia to the U.S. was caused by a wave of anti-Jewish pogroms sponsored by the tsarist government after the assassination of Alexander II in 1881. Russia wanted to suppress those advocating reform. The minister of the Interior gave a speech in 1903 in which he said:

In Western Russia, some 90 per cent of the revolutionaries are Jews, and in Russia generally -- some 40 per cent. I shall not conceal from you that the revolutionary movement in Russia worries us but you should know that if you do not deter your youth from the revolutionary movement, we shall make your position untenable to such an extent that you will have to leave Russia, to the very last man!

Of course, all politically correct folks know that the anti-Jewish pogroms had nothing to do with them instigating the assassination of the of Alexander II, nor did it have anything with the Jews fomenting revolution, it was all "Anti-semitism", pure and simple; that irrational, inexplicable, uncontrollable urge that all "gentiles" get towards all "Jews" (people that call themselves Semitic whether they are or not)
for no reason at all!


Here again we observe the evil white gentiles, opposing the Jewish immigrants for no reason at all.
It's amazing that no matter how bad the Jews say the gentiles are in their "anti-semitism" they still remain so eager to move in among them.
Perhaps the gentile resistance had something to do with the fact that as soon as the Jews did move in among them, they set about trying to alter their society in the directions of communism and Zionism.



Couldn't be.



Wasn't Roosevelt the Prez that instituted "the New Deal"?

Interview: Richard Breitman and Allan Lichtman, Authors Of 'FDR And The Jews' : NPR

President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets with the National Jewish Welfare Board — (left to right) Walter Rothschild, Chaplain Aryeh Lev, Barnett Brickner and Louis Kraft — at the White House on Nov. 8, 1943.

The Jews believe in "separation of church and state".

What are the biblical "Noahide Laws" that George Bush signed into law in 1991? - Yahoo! Answers


Setting the stage:

Guillotine Death by Noahide Laws Passed by Congress-1991 - Beware of the Noahide Laws

From the above we learn that it was the Jews, not the Northern states that "liberated" the blacks. Perhaps "liberated" is too strong a word. It would be more to the point to say that the Jews helped to ensure that future LeRoy's and Jamals would be entitled to get a "piece of the American pie" whether "the man liked it or not".

But , the INGRATITUDE of them. Why,..... I never....!


Somebody needs to ensure that all the pieces are the same size in order to ensure equality.


Is it just me, or is that poster loaded with Jews and Shicksa hoes?
Yep. I do believe it is.
It seems like the Jews had more in mind than just LeRoy and Jamal's better interests.

Unfortunately, liberal Jews don't see it that way. They continue to worship the ACLU and the ADL.
It has been said of the Jews that they earn like Episcopalians and vote like Hispanics. Obviously their economic success and connection to Israel are not enough to separate them from the Democratic Party. The two groups are joined at the hip.

The good Jewish author here has neglected to mention that the current head of what once was the Republican party, ie the NEO-CONS, was created by and is controlled by Jews!

Betwixt the DemocRATS and the RepubliCONS, that doesn't leave much option for the gentile man in the street.

Nope. It won't do that. But it WILL get you into office!

Do you expect anyone to read that blast of hot air? :confused:

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