Do Marxists scare you?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Given all the violence around the USA, who believes Marxists exist? Notice the violence? Notice who protests very actively?
What do you think is their end game?

Their end game is the destruction of the USA.
Given all the violence around the USA, who believes Marxists exist? Notice the violence? Notice who protests very actively?
What do you think is their end game?

Dude, you don't even know what one is.

and yet you worship an Authoritarian, go figure.
Okay, list the totalitarian shit Trump has done??? Then after your ice cold two digit IQ fails I will effortlessly counter your idiocy with many many examples of Biden, Obama, and the fascist democrat machine doing exactly what you lie your lips off about Trump doing!

Get to it dumb ass.....:auiqs.jpg:
Nope! I don't even know what a Marxist is.

Can anyone in the thread define it?
kind of fun that nobody denies they worship Trump, just argue he is not an authoritarian, even though he wants to take the broadcast license away from any outlet that does not cover 100% of all his speeches....
kind of fun that nobody denies they worship Trump, just argue he is not an authoritarian, even though he wants to take the broadcast license away from any outlet that does not cover 100% of all his speeches....
There is nothing fun about creatures such as yourself, you lie your fucking lips off and then when confronted about such, you jive & shuck your fat little asses off, never ever able to back up a shred of your ludicrous, trolling assertations!

Here you may begin process of exposure to the reality, and the reality you evil little troll of the pit, is that its you and your evil fucking political machine who are the totalitarians, you are revealed a cretin, and utterly lacking in any ability to defend your evil fucking worldview.....

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Explain that comment!!!!

Of course since I once did business in a marxist country, I sure know what they are.
I could easily post hundreds of documents and linked articles, all proving beyond all doubt that the trolls you attempt to confront are totally totalitarian, and deeply, profoundly evil! One of the managing directors of BlackRock, a Jewish women no less, was just strongly linked to an online pedo ring by Steven Crowders program, which I might add has revealed more blockbuster news of totalitarian democrats doing the blackest of evil than the fake news media has simply made up about Trump over 7-years!

Democrats are the enemies of humanity, utterly, joyfully, Satanic and sexually deviant, they have murdered an estimated 70-million American babies, literally industrializing the horror and carnage, auctioning off the murdered babies bodies, tissues and organs to the highest bidders and then bragging about it funding their latest luxury auto purchases!

Now they are grooming Americas little boys and girls to be their living sex toys, with many fascist democrat courts, and state legislatures enacting or enforcing laws, which allow democrats to seize the children of any parents who do not comply with their evil edicts, and then force the sexual mutilation upon their children, all of this brazenly championed by the ugly, totally evil psychopath they cheated into office in 2020!

Currently, that traitorous Joe Biden is flooding the nation with hordes of illegal aliens and successfully blackmailing high court justices such as Amy Coney-Barrett into literally ditching Article IV of the US constitution, and ordering Texas to submit to Biden's totalitarian take down of the United States, Texas just told them, and her to fuck off today, and strung up even more barbed wire!

Don't even waste your time on the scum, they are all of them, exactly what they claim America, and Americans are, and its looking very much like this is going to a shooting war, when that happens it will not be stopped until every democrat on the continent has been removed from it! :wink:
kind of fun that nobody denies they worship Trump, just argue he is not an authoritarian, even though he wants to take the broadcast license away from any outlet that does not cover 100% of all his speeches....

Kinda funny that you lie and declare him an authoritarian when it is your demofascist masters who are violating COTUS at the drop of a hat.

Face it little progbot you, no one believes your bullshit.
Given all the violence around the USA, who believes Marxists exist? Notice the violence? Notice who protests very actively?
What do you think is their end game?

(Alleged) Marxists don't scare me, as they're less than 0.1% of the population.

Idiots, however, are very scary, and their numbers are legion.
Given all the violence around the USA, who believes Marxists exist? Notice the violence? Notice who protests very actively?
What do you think is their end game?

I've known Marxists, or at least Communists. Did they scare me? No. Did I like their politics? No.
Marxists do not scare me, if I can see them, as they are the same target silhouette as fascists or run-of-the-mill criminals.

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