CNN US : Biden : "I've made it clear that if the Israelis go into population centers [such as Rafah], we will not be supplying arms [4 the job]"

Idiot. If you can’t see a genocide right in front of you, fuck off.

There is plenty of blame on both sides. You only blame one side, because you’re a dumb fuck. Totally controlled by the oligarchy.
I am civilized. Don't you wish you were civil to posters?
After Hamas invaded Israel and murdered many of them, you tell me after all your bitching you did not support Hamas? Try bitching at Hamas trying to persuade me.
That’s the thinking of a child.

If you think the way to stop terrorism is murdering 35,000 civilians, then you may be the real terrorist.

If your beloved Israel, the nation you are truly loyal to murders 100,000 civilians, will you stay loyal?
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That’s the thinking of a child.

If you think the way to stop terrorism is murdering 35,000 civilians, then you may be the real terrorist.

If your beloved Israel, the nation you are truly loyal to, murders 100,000 civilians will you stay loyal?
My problem that you do not share is this is not news to me. I have studied our nation murdering 630,000 and call it a civil war. Not very civil as I see this.
I watched millions die in WW2 and thankfully I was a young man. I later went to the funeral of my uncle who truman sent to Korea to be killed. See this is not news to me.

You young punks have no clue what war does!!! What did you think would happen to Hamas when they murdered Israelis? Did you think Israel would ship them more rockets?

I was born when there was no such thing as Israel pal. I know there was no Palestine then. Still is no Palestine. Stop worshiping those Arabs. They hate your guts too.
I stand by my post.

You will only criticize him for being not right wing enough.
My complaints are static on Trump. Such as his way of talking. It invites haters. Same as your talks do on this forum.
Hamas needs to do that for certain!

But killing tens of thousands of women and children indiscriminately, is not the answer for Hamas not doing that....!

It only creates the next generation of Hamas, or Hamas like Twin imo.

Seems like Israel's war plan is to destroy every city in all of Gaza region, whether Hamas is killed or not, making it impossible for any of the Palestinians to live there again without the infrastructure, without rebuilding....and rebuilding takes money and time... if the effort is ever made....they are eliminating the Palestinians it seems, and Hamas indirectly will fall with them....perhaps? But I know nothing about war games, it just appears that way to me, as an ignorant bystander.
Not one opening post from a Leftist stating Hamas must surrender.

All you antisemitism loons post about is letting terrorists hide behind human shields.

Why aren’t Gaza citizens telling the IDF where all the tunnels are?
My problem that you do not share is this is not news to me. I have studied our nation murdering 630,000 and call it a civil war. Not very civil as I see this.
I watched millions die in WW2 and thankfully I was a young man. I later went to the funeral of my uncle who truman sent to Korea to be killed. See this is not news to me.

You young punks have no clue what war does!!! What did you think would happen to Hamas when they murdered Israelis? Did you think Israel would ship them more rockets?

I was born when there was no such thing as Israel pal. I know there was no Palestine then. Still is no Palestine. Stop worshiping those Arabs. They hate your guts too.
No one’s called me young in a long time.

What you know is all wrong. You’ve deluded yourself into accepting the establishment narrative. Weak. Very weak.

Stop being a traitor to your country. Or get the fuck out.
Isn’t Biden aiding and abetting the enemy during war by withholding ptrviously approved support from our ally?
Why are THEY our enemy, and what war are you referencing? Are they ally enough to be dragged into a nuclear war? I don't believe so. Are you sure that we aren't being played by global forces beyond the purview of our well being? We need to step back and take care of our own backyard.

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