Do NOT Let Liberals Off the Hook for Their Foul Mendacity

After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.

You are right and wrong. The wacko that shot Gifford had no political motives. He did not even know what planet he was on. This guy absolutely did have political motives.
Liberals wanted a recount....then they tried to intimidate the Electors to the Electoral Trump won because of a Russia-Trump campaign conspiracy. It's sickening.
All the hate from the left has come home to roost.
I will request this calmly, show one gotdamn incident of liberals being violent and then show a fuck Trump town hall, a fuckin Trump rally and then call me...and lets get something straight, Brexit is getting hell from the seeds they sowed with their violence against mankind and muslim...the God's keep on thier ass non stop....with our Brexit, ie Trump, its gonna get worst. Do not, I repeat, Do not under fuckin estimate the temperture of everybody in this country who's on edge with that white idiot in the white house and I mean that...don't send for something you mf's aren't ready to handle, just sayin....cause these young mf's today would rather shoot your eyes own than show you were to hell to me, I live around these mfs 24/7 and they got guns tooo!!
Liberals start violence at Trump rally.

Trump supporters attacked 2 protestors at Trump rally.
Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience
All the hate from the left has come home to roost.
I will request this calmly, show one gotdamn incident of liberals being violent and then show a fuck Trump town hall, a fuckin Trump rally and then call me...and lets get something straight, Brexit is getting hell from the seeds they sowed with their violence against mankind and muslim...the God's keep on thier ass non stop....with our Brexit, ie Trump, its gonna get worst. Do not, I repeat, Do not under fuckin estimate the temperture of everybody in this country who's on edge with that white idiot in the white house and I mean that...don't send for something you mf's aren't ready to handle, just sayin....cause these young mf's today would rather shoot your eyes own than show you were to hell to me, I live around these mfs 24/7 and they got guns tooo!!
Liberals start violence at Trump rally.

Trump supporters attacked 2 protestors at Trump rally.
Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience

Was he beaten? Unlike left wing groups that would come out in numbers to disrupt Trump rallies.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.

Palin's cross hairs comment did in fact spark the hate that young shooter had that day, that bitch got blood on her hands, end of does most whites in this country who thrive on hatred.
You are insane....if Trump supporters, who sucker punched a black while at one of his rallies, who shoved a black women out the door and kicked along the way, who beat the fuck out of a white guy holding the american flag, and the trump supporter was a black guy, I mean the list is endless, if any of these mf's got their ass's kicked...I hope its on Youtube and making money!!
All the hate from the left has come home to roost.
I will request this calmly, show one gotdamn incident of liberals being violent and then show a fuck Trump town hall, a fuckin Trump rally and then call me...and lets get something straight, Brexit is getting hell from the seeds they sowed with their violence against mankind and muslim...the God's keep on thier ass non stop....with our Brexit, ie Trump, its gonna get worst. Do not, I repeat, Do not under fuckin estimate the temperture of everybody in this country who's on edge with that white idiot in the white house and I mean that...don't send for something you mf's aren't ready to handle, just sayin....cause these young mf's today would rather shoot your eyes own than show you were to hell to me, I live around these mfs 24/7 and they got guns tooo!!
Liberals start violence at Trump rally.

Trump supporters attacked 2 protestors at Trump rally.
Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience

Was he beaten? Unlike left wing groups that would come out in numbers to disrupt Trump rallies.

Yes he was attacked because he tried to defend the women who were being attacked. In addition Heidi Cruz had to be taken off the floor of the Republican Convention because of fear for her safety. Both sides have gone crazy and your attempt to lay it on 1 side is why this goes on. The fault lies with both sides.
All the hate from the left has come home to roost.
I will request this calmly, show one gotdamn incident of liberals being violent and then show a fuck Trump town hall, a fuckin Trump rally and then call me...and lets get something straight, Brexit is getting hell from the seeds they sowed with their violence against mankind and muslim...the God's keep on thier ass non stop....with our Brexit, ie Trump, its gonna get worst. Do not, I repeat, Do not under fuckin estimate the temperture of everybody in this country who's on edge with that white idiot in the white house and I mean that...don't send for something you mf's aren't ready to handle, just sayin....cause these young mf's today would rather shoot your eyes own than show you were to hell to me, I live around these mfs 24/7 and they got guns tooo!!
Liberals start violence at Trump rally.

Trump supporters attacked 2 protestors at Trump rally.
Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience

Was he beaten? Unlike left wing groups that would come out in numbers to disrupt Trump rallies.

Yes he was attacked because he tried to defend the women who were being attacked. In addition Heidi Cruz had to be taken off the floor of the Republican Convention because of fear for her safety. Both sides have gone crazy and your attempt to lay it on 1 side is why this goes on. The fault lies with both sides.

What we she doing at GOP convention? Just wanted to be a shit stirrer.
All the hate from the left has come home to roost.
I will request this calmly, show one gotdamn incident of liberals being violent and then show a fuck Trump town hall, a fuckin Trump rally and then call me...and lets get something straight, Brexit is getting hell from the seeds they sowed with their violence against mankind and muslim...the God's keep on thier ass non stop....with our Brexit, ie Trump, its gonna get worst. Do not, I repeat, Do not under fuckin estimate the temperture of everybody in this country who's on edge with that white idiot in the white house and I mean that...don't send for something you mf's aren't ready to handle, just sayin....cause these young mf's today would rather shoot your eyes own than show you were to hell to me, I live around these mfs 24/7 and they got guns tooo!!
Liberals start violence at Trump rally.

Trump supporters attacked 2 protestors at Trump rally.
Florida Pastor's Lengthy Facebook Post Details His Frightening Trump Rally Experience

Was he beaten? Unlike left wing groups that would come out in numbers to disrupt Trump rallies.

Yes he was attacked because he tried to defend the women who were being attacked. In addition Heidi Cruz had to be taken off the floor of the Republican Convention because of fear for her safety. Both sides have gone crazy and your attempt to lay it on 1 side is why this goes on. The fault lies with both sides.

How many Trump supporters tried to disrupt DNC Convention on the floor? You help make my point about left wing extremism.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

And now you see why MSM continuously attacks inforwars because they have so much inside intel from ppl who give them information from all levels of government, the controlled MSM, people like Maxine Waters, Obama, Clinton make it a point to attack them if you remember during their poltical run , why all the attack on infowars because people are actually waking up in masses, and that is why we are seeing an uprising of people who are seeing what is going on. From catching the MSM lying , to seeing what ANTIFA is really doing etc etc...

They had / have to make them look bad , you can still see even on these boards how many retards who are still in a trance they attack people like us. They're too fkn stupid to see the plans right in front of them.

I wish I could give you SIX STARS for this one.

SAUL ALINSKY, and BILL AYRES are using that map to create all of these issues we seeing going on
Dividing the Country. The media is using these assholes to REACT, so they can blame Trump again the only ones falling for it are the leftst sheep who can't think on their own.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

But it IS everyone's responsibility, not JUST libs. Division can't exist without two sides. Think about it. It's not justification or an excuse and it's not "running for cover." It's TRUE
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

LOL, it was only a couple weeks ago that the big frenzy around here was the Rightwing nut chorus of SUPPORT for Gianfronte, the conservative candidate who beat up a reporter. in...he had it coming!
Democrats need a new play in the park. This one should have democrats running around randomly killing republicans with guns, axes and knives.

It's just a play. Free speech.
Paul Ryan, the guy who is working day and night to take healthcare away from 20 million Americans, and make it more expensive for millions more,

is out today pretending he's human because one of his pals got shot and ended up IN THE HOSPITAL.

You 'nuts digest that.

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