Do NOT Let Liberals Off the Hook for Their Foul Mendacity

After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

But it IS everyone's responsibility, not JUST libs. Division can't exist without two sides. Think about it. It's not justification or an excuse and it's not "running for cover." It's TRUE

No ma'am. I have evidenced on this post the extremist siege mentality of the left and the left wing media. It is this horrible behavior by the left wing media that they can stir up shit...then when violence happens..."Oh, how terrible, we are all to blame." Nope. Not this time. Liberal media and politicians are not going to get off the hook this time with all this talk of brotherly love after the fact. No ma'am.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.

The Democrats need to take some responsibility for this. I've never seen anything like it. Ever. I'm a lib, but the "Resist" marches and related foolishness, the continual needling and petty criticism of the President in the MSM is definitely part of the societal phenom that bred "Terminate the Republican Party." I guess some people might read that as "vote them out" but this guy obviously took it literally.
No one, not one single politician out there, deserves death threats for their views. No one deserves to be demonized for being a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a tree hugger. Sure you can completely disagree with them and refuse to invite them to your barbecues, but no one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not anyone. That goes for BOTH sides, though, I agree 100% with that.
Paul Ryan, the guy who is working day and night to take healthcare away from 20 million Americans, and make it more expensive for millions more,

is out today pretending he's human because one of his pals got shot and ended up IN THE HOSPITAL.

You 'nuts digest that.
Health Care would collapse unless something was done. Obamacare was passed without regard to the future. But that's not the liberal take on it. Nope. Media "PAUL RYAN WANTS TO TAKE HEALTH CARE AWAY FROM 20 MILLION AMERICANS! Cause panic, fan flames. You buy into it
Paul Ryan, the guy who is working day and night to take healthcare away from 20 million Americans, and make it more expensive for millions more,

is out today pretending he's human because one of his pals got shot and ended up IN THE HOSPITAL.

You 'nuts digest that.
Health Care would collapse unless something was done. Obamacare was passed without regard to the future. But that's not the liberal take on it. Nope. Media "PAUL RYAN WANTS TO TAKE HEALTH CARE AWAY FROM 20 MILLION AMERICANS! Cause panic, fan flames. You buy into it

It's a fact and Ryan doesn't deny it.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.

The Democrats need to take some responsibility for this. I've never seen anything like it. Ever. I'm a lib, but the "Resist" marches and related foolishness, the continual needling and petty criticism of the President in the MSM is definitely part of the societal phenom that bred "Terminate the Republican Party." I guess some people might read that as "vote them out" but this guy obviously took it literally.
No one, not one single politician out there, deserves death threats for their views. No one deserves to be demonized for being a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a tree hugger. Sure you can completely disagree with them and refuse to invite them to your barbecues, but no one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not anyone. That goes for BOTH sides, though, I agree 100% with that.

Me too. Well said. It was practically perfect in every way:)
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

But it IS everyone's responsibility, not JUST libs. Division can't exist without two sides. Think about it. It's not justification or an excuse and it's not "running for cover." It's TRUE

No ma'am. I have evidenced on this post the extremist siege mentality of the left and the left wing media. It is this horrible behavior by the left wing media that they can stir up shit...then when violence happens..."Oh, how terrible, we are all to blame." Nope. Not this time. Liberal media and politicians are not going to get off the hook this time with all this talk of brotherly love after the fact. No ma'am.

What about your support for Gianfronte beating up the reporter?
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.

The Democrats need to take some responsibility for this. I've never seen anything like it. Ever. I'm a lib, but the "Resist" marches and related foolishness, the continual needling and petty criticism of the President in the MSM is definitely part of the societal phenom that bred "Terminate the Republican Party." I guess some people might read that as "vote them out" but this guy obviously took it literally.
No one, not one single politician out there, deserves death threats for their views. No one deserves to be demonized for being a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a tree hugger. Sure you can completely disagree with them and refuse to invite them to your barbecues, but no one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not anyone. That goes for BOTH sides, though, I agree 100% with that.

Me too. Well said. It was practically perfect in every way:)

What I said just before that still stands, though. Two thoughts, same brain. And they're both true.
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

But it IS everyone's responsibility, not JUST libs. Division can't exist without two sides. Think about it. It's not justification or an excuse and it's not "running for cover." It's TRUE

No ma'am. I have evidenced on this post the extremist siege mentality of the left and the left wing media. It is this horrible behavior by the left wing media that they can stir up shit...then when violence happens..."Oh, how terrible, we are all to blame." Nope. Not this time. Liberal media and politicians are not going to get off the hook this time with all this talk of brotherly love after the fact. No ma'am.

What about your support for Gianfronte beating up the reporter?

How liberal media and interest group...from Washington DC harass GOP candidates. Watch
Big Sky, Big Money
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.

The Democrats need to take some responsibility for this. I've never seen anything like it. Ever. I'm a lib, but the "Resist" marches and related foolishness, the continual needling and petty criticism of the President in the MSM is definitely part of the societal phenom that bred "Terminate the Republican Party." I guess some people might read that as "vote them out" but this guy obviously took it literally.
No one, not one single politician out there, deserves death threats for their views. No one deserves to be demonized for being a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a tree hugger. Sure you can completely disagree with them and refuse to invite them to your barbecues, but no one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not anyone. That goes for BOTH sides, though, I agree 100% with that.

Me too. Well said. It was practically perfect in every way:)

What I said just before that still stands, though. Two thoughts, same brain. And they're both true.

why can't they just accept that Trump is President and grow up?
Back in my Democrat daysI took a couple of years away from my career to work in a presidential campaign. My guy did not win. But I accepted the results.
You, sir need to get your mother fuckin facts straight.....Obama the black guy, ran for office twice and I fuckin dare you to show one inch of footage any where near the violence of Trump and his white Nazi bastards started last year at his fuckin Klan rallies. Fact number two, anytime there was violence on any levels during the Obama years, Palin is the reason Gabby got shot, and just about every gotdamnd mass shooting during the Obama years, 99.99% all by white mf's. Another mf fact, Trump since announcing his run for office, along with his Nazi henchmen, has all but advocated violence, rallied around violenc and has in fact, sanctioned violence with his Nazi general Sessions!! and finally, it was the white tea party, ie former Klan fucks that made Obama's rallies and town halls rowdy.

Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.
The Democrats need to take some responsibility for this. I've never seen anything like it. Ever. I'm a lib, but the "Resist" marches and related foolishness, the continual needling and petty criticism of the President in the MSM is definitely part of the societal phenom that bred "Terminate the Republican Party." I guess some people might read that as "vote them out" but this guy obviously took it literally.
No one, not one single politician out there, deserves death threats for their views. No one deserves to be demonized for being a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a tree hugger. Sure you can completely disagree with them and refuse to invite them to your barbecues, but no one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not anyone. That goes for BOTH sides, though, I agree 100% with that.
Me too. Well said. It was practically perfect in every way:)
What I said just before that still stands, though. Two thoughts, same brain. And they're both true.
why can't they just accept that Trump is President and grow up?
Dunno. I am beginning to dread the next election. Will they all be like this from now on, regardless of who wins?
For the love of our country can the left just accept Trump as POTUS? Out of touch left, and out of touch liberal media, overlooked the faceless,nameless ,people of "flyover country." They shouted their names to you so you would pay attention to their plight. Accept it.
Palin was not responsible for Giffords' shooting just as Democrats are not responsible for what happened today. There are too many sick people in this country and you cannot hold others for the actions of these sick people.
The Democrats need to take some responsibility for this. I've never seen anything like it. Ever. I'm a lib, but the "Resist" marches and related foolishness, the continual needling and petty criticism of the President in the MSM is definitely part of the societal phenom that bred "Terminate the Republican Party." I guess some people might read that as "vote them out" but this guy obviously took it literally.
No one, not one single politician out there, deserves death threats for their views. No one deserves to be demonized for being a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian or a tree hugger. Sure you can completely disagree with them and refuse to invite them to your barbecues, but no one deserves to be demonized. Not Trump, not anyone. That goes for BOTH sides, though, I agree 100% with that.
Me too. Well said. It was practically perfect in every way:)
What I said just before that still stands, though. Two thoughts, same brain. And they're both true.
why can't they just accept that Trump is President and grow up?
Dunno. I am beginning to dread the next election. Will they all be like this from now on, regardless of who wins?
OMG...don't want to think about it.
Back in my Democrat daysI took a couple of years away from my career to work in a presidential campaign. My guy did not win. But I accepted the results.
I'm sure you continued to object to the winner's policy decisions at times, though, right? I have no objection to people voicing their disagreements with policy issues. I'm just not big on the continual "Trump is an infant" type shit, and "Trump is illiterate" etc. etc.
And I can't help laughing at some of the Trump jokes. Damn they're funny sometimes.
Back in my Democrat daysI took a couple of years away from my career to work in a presidential campaign. My guy did not win. But I accepted the results.
I'm sure you continued to object to the winner's policy decisions at times, though, right? I have no objection to people voicing their disagreements with policy issues. I'm just not big on the continual "Trump is an infant" type shit, and "Trump is illiterate" etc. etc.
And I can't help laughing at some of the Trump jokes. Damn they're funny sometimes.
Yes...but I never denied that he was "my President." I never marched. It would have been pointless and divisive.
I worked for John Edwards in 2004. Felt he could stop the loss of jobs to China and change direction of policy in Iraq. In that order. Iraq was secondary to me. We were already involved. Too late. 2004 was a highly charged campaign. But when it was was over. I felt Kerry was a poor candidate at top of ticket...but establishment wanted when the anti Bush crowd kept on going stupid...I ignored them. The Dean-Kucinich bunch elected Obama...and now I would not see myself voting for any Democrat. Never voted for Obama...but he was "my" President. I am a citizen of the United States of America.
I find orange Trump funny. Before Trump was orange, Mitt Romney was Mr. Spray tan orange man. The words never even changed! It's like democrats have a serious problem getting an original thought.
The governor of Virginia is already trying to deflect it to a gun issue. People see through the Democratic Party's constant polical posturing. It's why they can't win dog catcher in most parts of the United States. Trump talked about the "forgotten people" The people in fly over country that liberals view asa bunch of rubes. That's how Trump won. Liberals need to get over it.

/----- Libs say the shooter should have used a suicide vest like normal people do.

Sent from my iPhone using
After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!

What's wrong with 2nd Amendment solutions suddenly?


And yet, you cannot answer what is wrong with 2nd Amendment solutions.....suddenly.

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