Do NOT Let Liberals Off the Hook for Their Foul Mendacity

After the Alexandria, Va. shooting today, liberals, both in politics and in the media will now try to run for cover say that "it's a time for healing" and "there is shared blame." No! The blame rest with them. This mentality that the nation in under siege by an illegitimate President has got to stop. Just yesterday on the floor of the House a sitting Congressman called all Trump voters "racist."Kathy Griffith holding up a what is supposed to be the severed head of Donald Trump...and the man's son see's it on TV. Call's for a "summer of resistance." The constant drone in the media to delegitimize President Trump. This nonsense that something sinister took place and our election was usurped by the Russians has to stop. Nobody changed their vote because of Vladimir Putin. LA gay pride parade was recently turned into a "resistance march." March after the inauguration liberals wanted to "blow up the White House." No. No sir. Liberals should let off the hook for this. This video was made the week after Trump's election and this rhetoric has never stopped. Sickening!


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