Do OWSers understand what they are calling for is tyranny?

There is no "official list" In Philly, they have protested against student debt, fracking, cable TV rates, teen curfew laws, etc. It's a joke. But they are discussing hosting a "Constitutional Convention" in Phila.this summer. That's where the die hard radicals will assume their power. The 1 percent of the 99 percent who will lead their sheep to slaughter- if it happens.

The main and original thrust of the OWS movement is similar to what its name implies and a very valid argument. The banks reduced the value of American homes by engaging in wreckless lending practices and should have to pay for their misdeeds rather than be rewarded.
And if I'm not mistaken Mr. OohPoo, President Obama has tightened those banking regs.

The "thrust of the movement" is now "economic justice". Socialism.
The In Depth Truth is out there to be found, for those interested, both Right and Left. Now more so than ever before. You are painting False images.

I am painting false images? Ok... So my grandmother, mother and father were lying to me then? Perhaps it's you that doesn't know the In Depth Truth.

Two important points.
1) You are projecting. What, I don't know. There was nothing Personal reflected towards you in my comment. What I was referring to very directly, is the vast amount of Documented information found on line on virtually any topic.

2) It is generally a very bad idea to bring up Family Members in a Thread unless you have a really strong motive to do so. The general Rules that normally protect you from Family attack are pretty much void, when you do that. People can be very creative here in meanness and insult, when you open the door, which you just did. I'm just telling you out of concern, it is best to not bring them up.

Perhaps it's you that doesn't know the In Depth Truth.

You are really on a roll here, do you need me to point out that this is rooted in misconception?

Even though your generalization is false, I did not confront it.

That's the problem with the right wing. They are offered a PG rated history, but reality was definitely

Blind Man shooting at the World?

I wonder how many Government Employees, Representatives, even Judges, are going to be sharing Thanksgiving Tables with leaders of Industry, Bankers, Lobbyists, and Lawyers?

While I appreciate your concern, other than my brother and sister... my family is dead... there's nothing anyone can say that will hurt them.

As far as items you can find on the internet... I am finding it's incredibly easy to dispute it by attacking the source. Like say... a Democrat posts a link to Huffpo, or Media Matters... Righties scoff at it. Likewise, Lefties do it to righties when posting links from Freedomworks, Foxnews, or

You are correct about one thing...We are all offered the PG rated version of history... I shouldn't have said "righties". My mistake.
OWS protesters get pepper sprayed for breaking the law and are hailed as heroes. In syria, protesters call for revolution to overthrow a government that is the kind OWS is calling for, many get shot and killed by the government, and die anonymously. You people have no idea the type of horrific tyrannical government that your "revolution" will bring us. What gives YOU the right to choose how others live? Please disband and consider legal means of change, and while you are at it educate yourselves on what liberty really is a government that secures liberty not a government that provides everything to a society of lazy degenerates. These OWSers, like the successful statist uprisings across the world have managed to do nothing to secure liberty, yet have secured tyranny in every country where the people demand free stuff.

A Global Revolution to Overthrow Statism - YouTube

You so sincerely don't know what you're talking about, kid.

It's probably not your fault.

I don't doubt you're sincerely convinced that you are a patriot.

I remember when I thought pretty much like you think now. I really did, you know. Ayn Rand knocked me out back when I was still a snotnosed kid and read Atlas Shurgged,

Then I started reading real history and real sociaology and then when I left home I started seeing the world as it was, rather than I'd been told it was.

My hitch in the NAV woke me up to the difference between the fairy tale that I believed America was and the de facto America that really exists, lad.

And that made me think I was an anarchist for a while, too.

Oh yeah, kid, it's easy for me to be sympathetic to the TEA PARTY mindset. EVen though I think those folks are being duped, I know they're dupes for all the right reasons.

My neighbors are not the enemy.

One of these days, with luck, you'll finally realize that, too.

And man? When that revelation finally happens, are you going to be pissed at the people who lied to you.

It'll happen.
There is no "official list" In Philly, they have protested against student debt, fracking, cable TV rates, teen curfew laws, etc. It's a joke. But they are discussing hosting a "Constitutional Convention" in Phila.this summer. That's where the die hard radicals will assume their power. The 1 percent of the 99 percent who will lead their sheep to slaughter- if it happens.

The main and original thrust of the OWS movement is similar to what its name implies and a very valid argument. The banks reduced the value of American homes by engaging in wreckless lending practices and should have to pay for their misdeeds rather than be rewarded.

The practices were reckless, and the result damaged us all.

And if I'm not mistaken Mr. OohPoo, President Obama has tightened those banking regs.

The "thrust of the movement" is now "economic justice". Socialism.


Seriously, in the eyes of the right, we have socialism galore in America, and Americans generally like socialism very much. Social security, Medicare, public education, free roads, a safety net for those facing bad times. People like that. They like being a part of a society.

What seems to work well in the modern world is a mixture of free enterprise, and protections for society. Unfettered free markets pulverize those at the bottom. Rising up is rare, difficult, and often involves sacrifice well beyond hard work and study.
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its only bannable if the intent was to deceive. Bolding, making bigger, and posting that you changed it is not being deceitful. :) but thanks for attempting the derail. How very liberal of you.

I'm telling you as a Friend. It was an Offense, a Violation of the Rules. You can legitimately shorten a quote to address a part of it. You can't substitute words, change meanings or context in doing that. Your Post was a clear violation. Infractions and Banning are up to the discretion of the Mod.

lol im saying whatever because it was a claer and obvious joke.
OWS protesters get pepper sprayed for breaking the law and are hailed as heroes. In syria, protesters call for revolution to overthrow a government that is the kind OWS is calling for, many get shot and killed by the government, and die anonymously.

The OWS isn't calling for the kind of government Syria has. You're either a total liar or a serious moron. I'm betting you really believe what you say and you are just very, very stupid.

Yes they are. They just don't know it.
OWS protesters get pepper sprayed for breaking the law and are hailed as heroes. In syria, protesters call for revolution to overthrow a government that is the kind OWS is calling for, many get shot and killed by the government, and die anonymously.

The OWS isn't calling for the kind of government Syria has. You're either a total liar or a serious moron. I'm betting you really believe what you say and you are just very, very stupid.

Yes they are. They just don't know it.

No, they aren't. Not knowingly, not unknowingly. You have no case.
The OWS isn't calling for the kind of government Syria has. You're either a total liar or a serious moron. I'm betting you really believe what you say and you are just very, very stupid.

Yes they are. They just don't know it.

No, they aren't. Not knowingly, not unknowingly. You have no case.

Yeah? Did the nationalist movement in Germany expect what they got before Hitler seized power? No. No sir, they did not. Just because you say I have no case does not make it so.
There is no "official list" In Philly, they have protested against student debt, fracking, cable TV rates, teen curfew laws, etc. It's a joke. But they are discussing hosting a "Constitutional Convention" in Phila.this summer. That's where the die hard radicals will assume their power. The 1 percent of the 99 percent who will lead their sheep to slaughter- if it happens.

The main and original thrust of the OWS movement is similar to what its name implies and a very valid argument. The banks reduced the value of American homes by engaging in wreckless lending practices and should have to pay for their misdeeds rather than be rewarded.

The Banks and Government conspired to Over Inflate the Value of Homes in the First Place, got caught in a snare, and caused the house of cards to tumble. Isn't that what you meant to say? The Bubble burst and self corrected, or would have, if not for the bail outs on our dime.
Yeah? Did the nationalist movement in Germany expect what they got before Hitler seized power? No. No sir, they did not. Just because you say I have no case does not make it so.

In effect, you are arguing here that democracy leads to dictatorship. Democracy being, after all, what Occupy is all about.

The difference is that Germany had no democratic tradition. The United States does. Germany fell back into autocracy because that's what the Germans were used to and comfortable with. Americans are decidedly uncomfortable with autocracy and will not tolerate it -- which is pretty much why Occupy exists in the first place.

Once a people has had a democratic government long enough for a generation to be born and grow to maturity under it, it will never again support tyranny. France's first attempt at a republic ended in Napoleon's dictatorship, but the French Third Republic endured, and France is in no danger of slipping back into monarchy or quasi-monarchy now. Even Germany, having had the Federal Republic now since 1945, will never again support either Kaiser or Fuhrer.

And of course, the idea of any such system gaining popular support in the U.S. is laughable.
Too bad democracy is a tyrannical form of government as well, Dragon. Mob rule is just as bad.
Yes they are. They just don't know it.

No, they aren't. Not knowingly, not unknowingly. You have no case.

Yeah? Did the nationalist movement in Germany expect what they got before Hitler seized power? No. No sir, they did not. Just because you say I have no case does not make it so.

What is it that you think surprised the nationalist movement?

There is no "official list" In Philly, they have protested against student debt, fracking, cable TV rates, teen curfew laws, etc. It's a joke. But they are discussing hosting a "Constitutional Convention" in Phila.this summer. That's where the die hard radicals will assume their power. The 1 percent of the 99 percent who will lead their sheep to slaughter- if it happens.

The main and original thrust of the OWS movement is similar to what its name implies and a very valid argument. The banks reduced the value of American homes by engaging in wreckless lending practices and should have to pay for their misdeeds rather than be rewarded.

The Banks and Government conspired to Over Inflate the Value of Homes in the First Place, got caught in a snare, and caused the house of cards to tumble. Isn't that what you meant to say? The Bubble burst and self corrected, or would have, if not for the bail outs on our dime.

And without the bailouts, world wide depression! Hooray!

Too bad democracy is a tyrannical form of government as well, Dragon. Mob rule is just as bad.

Democracy is not mob rule. Voting is not mob behavior.
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Too bad democracy is a tyrannical form of government as well, Dragon. Mob rule is just as bad.

Democracy is the antithesis of tyranny, and in theory, we have one. If democracy equals "mob rule," then mob rule governs America today, and has at least since passage of the 17th Amendment -- and in part from ratification of the Constitution itself.
There is no "official list" In Philly, they have protested against student debt, fracking, cable TV rates, teen curfew laws, etc. It's a joke. But they are discussing hosting a "Constitutional Convention" in Phila.this summer. That's where the die hard radicals will assume their power. The 1 percent of the 99 percent who will lead their sheep to slaughter- if it happens.

The main and original thrust of the OWS movement is similar to what its name implies and a very valid argument. The banks reduced the value of American homes by engaging in wreckless lending practices and should have to pay for their misdeeds rather than be rewarded.

The practices were reckless, and the result damaged us all.

And if I'm not mistaken Mr. OohPoo, President Obama has tightened those banking regs.

The "thrust of the movement" is now "economic justice". Socialism.


Seriously, in the eyes of the right, we have socialism galore in America, and Americans generally like socialism very much. Social security, Medicare, public education, free roads, a safety net for those facing bad times. People like that. They like being a part of a society.

What seems to work well in the modern world is a mixture of free enterprise, and protections for society. Unfettered free markets pulverize those at the bottom. Rising up is rare, difficult, and often involves sacrifice well beyond hard work and study.

Traffic lights, government funded water and sewerage. Heck, Lafayette, Louisiana, a bastion of Republican voters, has government owned electrical generation and fiber optic internet on top of water and sewer. Of course - government owned utilities isn't socialism in the sense that people get the utility free of charge - but it is socialism in the sense that the taxpayers, disproportionately the more wealthy ones, have to share the burden if the utility goes into the red (or gets whacked by a hurricane).
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OWS protesters get pepper sprayed for breaking the law and are hailed as heroes. In syria, protesters call for revolution to overthrow a government that is the kind OWS is calling for, many get shot and killed by the government, and die anonymously.

The OWS isn't calling for the kind of government Syria has. You're either a total liar or a serious moron. I'm betting you really believe what you say and you are just very, very stupid.

Yes they are. They just don't know it.

Really? So the OWS is calling for a government where the President, by law, must be a Muslim? Is there evidence of that?
There is no "official list" In Philly, they have protested against student debt, fracking, cable TV rates, teen curfew laws, etc. It's a joke. But they are discussing hosting a "Constitutional Convention" in Phila.this summer. That's where the die hard radicals will assume their power. The 1 percent of the 99 percent who will lead their sheep to slaughter- if it happens.

The main and original thrust of the OWS movement is similar to what its name implies and a very valid argument. The banks reduced the value of American homes by engaging in wreckless lending practices and should have to pay for their misdeeds rather than be rewarded.

The Banks and Government conspired to Over Inflate the Value of Homes in the First Place, got caught in a snare, and caused the house of cards to tumble. Isn't that what you meant to say? The Bubble burst and self corrected, or would have, if not for the bail outs on our dime.

Its not what I meant to say because it isn't true.

"self corrected" implies that economic destruction is correct. Homes were obviously overvalued or there would have been no bust, but to assume the price they fall to after the bust is the same price they'd be at if there hadn't been a boom is absurd. Dropping house prices cause more house prices to drop. If my home is underwater and I can't sell it - that means I can't move, which means other folks trying to sell their homes will get a lower price. Its a system of positive feedback resulting in every lower prices - a CRASH. Similar to 1929 when margin calls forced sales - which lowered prices - causing more margin calls and more sales, etc.
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Ame®icano;4440548 said:

[ame=]Injured Vet Spent Days at Work, Nights at Protest - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Occupy Austin Marine Veteran Speaks Outs - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Marine's to join Wall Street protests! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]War veterans marching in support of OWS - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Iraq War Veteran supports Occupy Wall Street - YouTube[/ame]​

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