Do OWSers understand what they are calling for is tyranny?

Triggered by Gas prices stating too high for too long. Government Policy caused the problem, you drained out pockets, caused us to use up our mad money, drained our reserves. That was about greed and control. It was about not paying attention, and not knowing when to fish or cut bait.

The key is in getting government spending under control, not devising more excuses to justify taking more out of the Economy. You create undue burden and then say there is not enough burden. It's really starting to smell.

Can you explain in economic terms how reduced spending helps a down economy? That would seem to fly in the face of basic economics.

Yes. Reduced Government spending allows the Tax Revenue to target existing debt, lowering interest and principle, bringing down costs to get goods and services to market, stimulating commerce. Do you wait for the big sales to shop, when you can afford to, or do you wait for the sales to end before you purchase, and seek to pay List?

When you lower the burden you stimulate commerce, you may receive less per transaction, yet you make up for it in volume, but you know that. Which brings us more to the Truth, .... It is a matter of control, not economics. You risk the Economic factor, to gain control over resource you have neither worked for nor earned. Got it... Chrystal Clear. :D
(underlining and bolding added by me for emphasis)

Seriously? I don't know if you noticed - but interest rates are just about the lowest they've ever been. Is it too much to ask you base your argument in reality?

Commerce is frozen because consumer demand is low. People aren't going to start new business if they don't think they will have customers, no matter how much money they have and/or can borrow.
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no I am asking to decrease my taxes and cut government spending

And you're asking for a depression.

Can you explain in economic terms how reduced spending helps a down economy? That would seem to fly in the face of basic economics.

Yes. Reduced Government spending allows the Tax Revenue to target existing debt, lowering interest and principle, bringing down costs to get goods and services to market, stimulating commerce. Do you wait for the big sales to shop, when you can afford to, or do you wait for the sales to end before you purchase, and seek to pay List?

When you lower the burden you stimulate commerce, you may receive less per transaction, yet you make up for it in volume, but you know that. Which brings us more to the Truth, .... It is a matter of control, not economics. You risk the Economic factor, to gain control over resource you have neither worked for nor earned. Got it... Chrystal Clear. :D
(underlining and bolding added by me for emphasis)

Seriously? I don't know if you noticed - but interest rates are just about the lowest they've ever been. Is it too much to ask you base your argument in reality?

Maybe Ayn Rand says that there are numbers lower than one.
They have the right to speak just as everyone else has the right not to listen.

Exactly......Free Speech does not translate to A Mandate to Be Heard. People have the freedom to listen to expression or ignore it. In the case of OWS, Free Speech is alive and well. Interestingly, incidents of murder, rape, and preventing people from going to work is pure violation of basic rights.
Can you explain in economic terms how reduced spending helps a down economy? That would seem to fly in the face of basic economics.

Yes. Reduced Government spending allows the Tax Revenue to target existing debt, lowering interest and principle, bringing down costs to get goods and services to market, stimulating commerce. Do you wait for the big sales to shop, when you can afford to, or do you wait for the sales to end before you purchase, and seek to pay List?

When you lower the burden you stimulate commerce, you may receive less per transaction, yet you make up for it in volume, but you know that. Which brings us more to the Truth, .... It is a matter of control, not economics. You risk the Economic factor, to gain control over resource you have neither worked for nor earned. Got it... Chrystal Clear. :D
(underlining and bolding added by me for emphasis)

Seriously? I don't know if you noticed - but interest rates are just about the lowest they've ever been. Is it too much to ask you base your argument in reality?

Commerce is frozen because consumer demand is low. People aren't going to start new business if they don't think they will have customers, no matter how much money they have and/or can borrow.

I think you are both right. Obviously, in a town where the economy has tanked, no one wants to invest. But I liveat the Jersey shore, where the recession has had only a minor impact, commercial construction is booming. My husband just hired six guys and has work lined up for the next 18 months. He has turned down three big jobs because he doesn't have the manpower. He attrbutes this to low interest rates. Banks are desperate to make GOOD loans right now, and right now small businesses are taking advantage of it. So while people can cry that the "rich are getting richer" the truth is that the whole community can benefit from this boon, even if it's short lived (which I hope it is not).
Yes. Down here at the southern shore. Residential building - not so much, but many of the hotels and restaurants are expanding and renovating.
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It's sure not booming here. It's one of the hardest hit industries.
This is the most recent article I could find, but let's just say I know a lot of people in the tourism biz. This past summer was pretty good.

After surviving the worst of the recession in 2009 and seeing an uptick last year, hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts in the Wildwoods and Cape May are preparing for the upcoming tourist season and hoping they can ride a slow and steady recovery to return to pre-downturn levels of business. Cape May County is receiving positive feedback from its businesses, the accommodations industry especially, said Diane Wieland, the county’s tourism director.

The county is hearing about increases of between 10 percent to 20 percent in reservations over the same time last year. Cape May County last year was one of the few counties in the state that increased tourism over 2009, Wieland said.

Cape May County businesses see signs of tourism rebounding to pre-recession level - Casinos & Tourism

It could be temporary, but I hope not.
Yes. Reduced Government spending allows the Tax Revenue to target existing debt, lowering interest and principle, bringing down costs to get goods and services to market, stimulating commerce. Do you wait for the big sales to shop, when you can afford to, or do you wait for the sales to end before you purchase, and seek to pay List?

When you lower the burden you stimulate commerce, you may receive less per transaction, yet you make up for it in volume, but you know that. Which brings us more to the Truth, .... It is a matter of control, not economics. You risk the Economic factor, to gain control over resource you have neither worked for nor earned. Got it... Chrystal Clear. :D

You use too many pronouns in these accusations. I can never tell who you are accusing of what.

You have to know that an economy is more complex than just "lower taxes, lower taxes".

High taxes are not our problem right now. Taxes are low. We're still in a mess.

Yep. We are still under the Regulative thumb too. We don't trust the Controlling Authorities to act prudently or fairly. Visible taxes are low, yet, hidden taxes in energy, and R&D are obstructed. We need Infrastructure, not grab bags and free handouts for the unwilling, especially on borrowed funds. You are planting your seeds on the way side, not fertile ground. When you invest in achievement, you get a return. When you invest in dependency, you get more dependency.
Yes. Reduced Government spending allows the Tax Revenue to target existing debt, lowering interest and principle, bringing down costs to get goods and services to market, stimulating commerce. Do you wait for the big sales to shop, when you can afford to, or do you wait for the sales to end before you purchase, and seek to pay List?

When you lower the burden you stimulate commerce, you may receive less per transaction, yet you make up for it in volume, but you know that. Which brings us more to the Truth, .... It is a matter of control, not economics. You risk the Economic factor, to gain control over resource you have neither worked for nor earned. Got it... Chrystal Clear. :D

You use too many pronouns in these accusations. I can never tell who you are accusing of what.

You have to know that an economy is more complex than just "lower taxes, lower taxes".

High taxes are not our problem right now. Taxes are low. We're still in a mess.

Yep. We are still under the Regulative thumb too. We don't trust the Controlling Authorities t act prudently or fairly. Visible taxes are low, yet, hidden taxes in energy, and R&D are obstructed. We need Infrastructure, not grab bags and free handouts for the unwilling, especially on borrowed funds. You are planting your seeds on the way side, not fertile ground. When you invest in achievement, you get a return. When you invest in dependency, you get more dependency.

Study proves regulations killed practically no jobs | The Raw Story
Kangaroo Court, Kangaroo Court Data. Who are you trying to kid, other than yourself. We need Oil Exploration and Drilling. We need Refineries. We need Natural Gas and Coal. We need the Canadian Pipeline. I don't like Nuclear, but I concede We need some Nuclear. The cost of Fuel alone is a job killer. Obama Destroys Confidence and that is a Job Killer too.
Kangaroo Court, Kangaroo Court Data. Who are you trying to kid, other than yourself. We need Oil Exploration and Drilling. We need Refineries. We need Natural Gas and Coal. We need the Canadian Pipeline. I don't like Nuclear, but I concede We need some Nuclear. The cost of Fuel alone is a job killer. Obama Destroys Confidence and that is a Job Killer too.

Who are you trying to kid? I offer evidence, you offer rhetoric to back up your rhetoric.

We need an environment that sustains human life. That is what the regulations are about.
Kangaroo Court, Kangaroo Court Data. Who are you trying to kid, other than yourself. We need Oil Exploration and Drilling. We need Refineries. We need Natural Gas and Coal. We need the Canadian Pipeline. I don't like Nuclear, but I concede We need some Nuclear. The cost of Fuel alone is a job killer. Obama Destroys Confidence and that is a Job Killer too.

Who are you trying to kid? I offer evidence, you offer rhetoric to back up your rhetoric.

We need an environment that sustains human life. That is what the regulations are about.

By who's definition? By who's standard? By what Science? By what checks and balances? By what rule of law, due process?

You crash the economy with bullshit arguments, impositions are passed on us without us having any say. What Data is not corrupted or tilted, that will withstand scrutiny and investigation? You spend Billions on Theory, which is not always seen from the right perspective, is it, only to find the money pissed away. Measure twice, cut once.

As for The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! the Environmental Socialist Utopia, You are putting too muck peanut butter on your celery stick, bullshit Rhetoric; I counter with a Rib Eye, medium rare, with a baked potato on the side, hold the broccoli. ;) Let me get a refill on that Guinness Draft. :D

Try not to choke on those Sunflower seeds. ;)

Be Fruitful,
Replenish the Earth.
Yes, the Earth is our Temple,
Yes, we have an obligation to treat it with respect.

Totalitarian Dictate is not the solution.
And more rhetoric is your response.

In the real world, we don't have a fallback planet. We have to live on this one. You present nothing to show that data is flawed, nothing to show that what the oil companies want to do is safe, and nothing to show that an agency established in a democracy is somehow totalitarian.
And if I'm not mistaken Mr. OohPoo, President Obama has tightened those banking regs.

The "thrust of the movement" is now "economic justice". Socialism.

The thrust of the movement now is ending the Corporatacracy that America has become. Guess what?
OWS? We WANT American companies to succeed. We just don't Multi-National Companies (and now, even forgeign ones) to buy and then control our government.
We don't want companies to succeed by taking our taxpayer money in the form of specialized breaks, subsidies and loophole that take over $100,000,000,000 out of our economy every year.
We don't want companies to succeed by being rewarded for being Job Stealers, while actual American companies get no help at all.

Anyone who doesn't think that money buys our elections is blind to the obvious.

I think you have it backwards. Other than on FOX, it's become apparent that the our movement has begun a transition from economic to political.
And if I'm not mistaken Mr. OohPoo, President Obama has tightened those banking regs.

The "thrust of the movement" is now "economic justice". Socialism.

The thrust of the movement now is ending the Corporatacracy that America has become. Guess what?
OWS? We WANT American companies to succeed. We just don't Multi-National Companies (and now, even forgeign ones) to buy and then control our government.
We don't want companies to succeed by taking our taxpayer money in the form of specialized breaks, subsidies and loophole that take over $100,000,000,000 out of our economy every year.
We don't want companies to succeed by being rewarded for being Job Stealers, while actual American companies get no help at all.

Anyone who doesn't think that money buys our elections is blind to the obvious.

I think you have it backwards. Other than on FOX, it's become apparent that the our movement has begun a transition from economic to political.

Let's talk about what I highlighted. You say corporations "buy" our government. That implies our government was willing to "sell." Therefore...shouldn't the brunt of the blame be put on the seller? Like drug dealing...the drug dealer gets a larger punishment than the drug buyer no?
And if I'm not mistaken Mr. OohPoo, President Obama has tightened those banking regs.

The "thrust of the movement" is now "economic justice". Socialism.

The thrust of the movement now is ending the Corporatacracy that America has become. Guess what?
OWS? We WANT American companies to succeed. We just don't Multi-National Companies (and now, even forgeign ones) to buy and then control our government.
We don't want companies to succeed by taking our taxpayer money in the form of specialized breaks, subsidies and loophole that take over $100,000,000,000 out of our economy every year.
We don't want companies to succeed by being rewarded for being Job Stealers, while actual American companies get no help at all.

Anyone who doesn't think that money buys our elections is blind to the obvious.

I think you have it backwards. Other than on FOX, it's become apparent that the our movement has begun a transition from economic to political.

Let's talk about what I highlighted. You say corporations "buy" our government. That implies our government was willing to "sell." Therefore...shouldn't the brunt of the blame be put on the seller? Like drug dealing...the drug dealer gets a larger punishment than the drug buyer no?

Sure. I agree. No doubt. See, that's what someone who is not avoiding the issue does. I just answer your comment directly and then expound.

So that being said, what is the cure? Hoping that sellers (politicians) won't sell anymore? Good luck with that. That buyers (Corps, PAC & Unions) won't buy? Yeah same thing, good luck with that.
It's a system that's been in place so long, that it's become a chicken & egg question. If the buyers don't or the sellers won't buy...
So we want to eliminate the dynamic altogether and take our country from the Corporatacracy it has become, back to a Democratic Republic.
Eliminate the influence of Unions, SIGs & Corps. Flush Obama's nearly Billion dollar war-chest down the tubes.

Does that really sound so bad to you?

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