Do Parents Have the Right to Not Buckle Up Their Kids in Florida?

That might work on millennials but only because they haven't known anything different.
If, as the governor says, parents should choose what is best for their kid's safety.... can the State of Florida ticket a parent for not having their kid in a car seat?

They are, after all, deciding what is best for their kids....right?
Of course they can. Parents also can refuse to take their kids for treatment of such things as diabetes, after all, God will cure the kids, and if the kids die of it, it's God's will. If a kid is LGBTQ, it's the parents' right to torture them with conversion therapy, since it will help God take the gay away and cure them. All parents have the right to neglect their kids, or even sell them for the sexual pleasure of other adults and groom them for this in "purity culture." /sarc, as you can guess/
has the state legislature passed a law requiring mask like they have with car seats?

The question is why has it not? The state legislature is obviously negligent. Why have people been elected to the legislature who do not rank care for their constituents as their first priority?
has the state legislature passed a law requiring mask like they have with car seats?
Sure they have...

Won't those laws have to be overturned in the face of "let the parents decide" governing?
If its "no big deal" , where were the masks when Obama had his big super spreader event at his Martha's Vineyard estate? As long as I'm seeing liberal faces on TV, I recognize the whole mask-mania is a pile of horse manure.
The party was scaled down to include just family and close friends. It`s unlikely that Obama has friends that are too stupid to not be vaccinated.
Note that all the commies and deviants here think parents have the right to sexually mutilate their kids, and they have Democrat lesbian Federal and state judges who will back them up, so yes something practical like seat belts should be okay, except for lunatic 'libertarians' who will find some weird accident they pretend will invalidate the laws.

Oh yes, forgot to add that they also love murdering babies by the millions too, so it's not like they actually care about safety and children anyway. What matters is if the law is proposed by a Republican or a Democrat; if the former then they're against it, if the latter they will riot over it until it passes.
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Sure they have...

Won't those laws have to be overturned in the face of "let the parents decide" governing?
so then you recognize the difference in your OP?

if the general assembly wants to they can over turn those laws.

i know you dembots wants to live in a dictatorship, but the executive branch doesn’t dictate law or say what the law is.

why don’t the dems in Congress pass a law mandating mask?
The question is why has it not? The state legislature is obviously negligent. Why have people been elected to the legislature who do not rank care for their constituents as their first priority?
why hasn’t Congress or any other state legislature passed such a law? that’s a good question.

i suspect they aren’t because they don’t want push back from their constituents
Many stores here have chosen themselves, that means the private business owner, has made masks mandatory for all patrons. No mask no entry. The signs are popping up in increasing numbers. And there is no state mandate whatsoever.
so then you recognize the difference in your OP?
if the general assembly wants to they can over turn those laws.
i know you dembots wants to live in a dictatorship, but the executive branch doesn’t dictate law or say what the law is.
So the Executive order from the governor is not enforceable?

Many stores here have chosen themselves, that means the private business owner, has made masks mandatory for all patrons. No mask no entry. The signs are popping up in increasing numbers. And there is no state mandate whatsoever.

If a store wants to do that, that's their own affair. But no whining from them if some customers would rather shop elsewhere.
If, as the governor says, parents should choose what is best for their kid's safety.... can the State of Florida ticket a parent for not having their kid in a car seat?

They are, after all, deciding what is best for their kids....right?

They have long term studies on the safety of buckling and using car seats for!!!

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