Do Parents Have the Right to Not Buckle Up Their Kids in Florida?

Inside, closed in, with others unvaccinated, the vaccinated has to wear a mask...

Outside, under a tent larger than Barnum and Bailey's, with all guests and serving staff vaccinated, it's not required to wear masks from my understanding of the CDC guidelines....

Any get together of all vaccinated people, indoor or outdoor, masks are not required, from my understanding? Though it's been updated a thousand times so...I dunno?
They can't quit Former President Obama, can they?
Do you have any photos of Obama`s maskless party? I certainly won`t take your word for it. Obama`s been gone for a long time but you`re still searching for an Obama scandal. Pathetic.
It was an outdoor tent event, every guest and worker, had to be vaccinated to attend or work it.... And I saw a picture where Obama was in it in the background, and saw no masks being worn....

But CDC guidelines are all vaccinated people gathered together, do not need masks....
Nice try at deflection. Why aren't the Florida legislators protecting their constituents? Why does Florida have a governor who is openly homicidal?
i am not deflecting. why are you singling them out and the other 50 legislatures that haven’t passed mask mandates? i suppose it’s for the same reason

homicidial? what in the world? Cali and NY have had larger numbers of deaths and much quicker. He’s right not to follow their policies

did you call them homicidial?

what about the President that continues to allow the virus and its variants to flow into our country? is he homicidial for doing a 180 on policies that at least mitigated the inflow?

why are you all ignoring reality and playing politics with this!?
Of course they can. Parents also can refuse to take their kids for treatment of such things as diabetes, after all, God will cure the kids, and if the kids die of it, it's God's will. If a kid is LGBTQ, it's the parents' right to torture them with conversion therapy, since it will help God take the gay away and cure them. All parents have the right to neglect their kids, or even sell them for the sexual pleasure of other adults and groom them for this in "purity culture." /sarc, as you can guess/
When a child dies of some preventable disease, simply for the reason that the parents believed that only prayer could cure the child, parents have been arrested, tried and convicted of child neglect and endangerment. Religious freedom isn't absolute.
As to seat belts, well.....I was a driver before seatbelts were installed in cars, but do wear the things. The insurance companies said that if customers used seatbelts, they would reduce rates.....they never did. Their lies aside, they do make us safer for the most part. On occasion, deaths do occur because of seatbelts being worn, but they are extremely rare.
If someone believes that they and their kids should not be mandated to wear seatbelts, then in my opinion, they should go ahead and not use them in their cars. The result will be a fine and if an accident occurs, it could mean more serious physical damage or death. Those people, adults and kids alike mean nothing to me, so if they were to die in an accident, I'd just shrug and move on.
If, as the governor says, parents should choose what is best for their kid's safety.... can the State of Florida ticket a parent for not having their kid in a car seat?

They are, after all, deciding what is best for their kids....right?
You and I are both pro-choice. Why do you suddenly give a shit about other people's worthless shit children?
They were either tested for Covid or vaccinated. Does it look like 700 people at the party?
I never said there were, suppose to 600 but they said they were going to scale it down. But the cdc states you should wear a mask even if you've been vaccinated. Obviously the Obama's are above that, and you're making excuses for them. Don't ever say anything about people not wearing a mask.
I was against seat belt laws to begin with. The government has no right or power to tell you how to live your life. The way the founding fathers meant it to be. Now we have Hitler Biden wanting to make it illegal to cross state lines without your papers.
You shouldn't be allowed to decide if a child lives or dies in your vehicle. Seat belts save lives.
If, as the governor says, parents should choose what is best for their kid's safety.... can the State of Florida ticket a parent for not having their kid in a car seat?

They are, after all, deciding what is best for their kids....right?

Horrible analogy. Not to many people would argue wearing a seatbelt is hazardess to you health. However, making a child wear a mask for 6-7 hours is very questionable.

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