Do Progressives sound a lot like Fundies to you?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Do you hear how shrill and defensive and downright ugly they get when we criticize their Lord and Savior Obama?

They claim that Jihadists killed our Ambassador and 3 others because they were enraged over a video criticizing their Lord and Savior, can they relate to that emotion over criticism, even if over a video?
Yes. Many of them share a core belief that the purpose of government is to bully your neighbors.
Sadly, many obama followers in this country would sell out of Freedoms of speech to protect him..

we've reached critical and dangerous time in this country with him as President
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Progressives simply sound like a buzz in the background anymore because it's the same old bullshit over and over and over again.
To progressives nything wrong is either the fault of big business or an evil Conservative somewhere. People standing around with their dick in their hand expecting someone else to pay their freight has nothing to do with where America is.
Do 'Conservatives' sound like poor whiney little bitchs totally detached from reality to you? How was that Romney Landslide?

And how about how terrible the economy is going to react to the election?

US consumer confidence, business spending and home prices up; fiscal cliff threatens gains - The Washington Post

Of course, there is the fiscal cliff. Yessiree, let's just force that to happen and the American People will blame our President, right?

Broad Concern about ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Consequences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
do butthurt losers who drank the romney koolaid sound a lot like butthurt losers to you?

because they do to me :lmao:
Do 'Conservatives' sound like poor whiney little bitchs totally detached from reality to you? How was that Romney Landslide?

And how about how terrible the economy is going to react to the election?

US consumer confidence, business spending and home prices up; fiscal cliff threatens gains - The Washington Post

Of course, there is the fiscal cliff. Yessiree, let's just force that to happen and the American People will blame our President, right?Broad Concern about ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Consequences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

I thought you lefty Obamabots wanted to raise taxes? Now rasing taxes is a problem?

Oh, wait! I get it. You want to raise SOMEONE ELSES taxes, not yours. I see. It's that whole equality thing your ilk are always talking about.
Do 'Conservatives' sound like poor whiney little bitchs totally detached from reality to you? How was that Romney Landslide?

And how about how terrible the economy is going to react to the election?

US consumer confidence, business spending and home prices up; fiscal cliff threatens gains - The Washington Post

Of course, there is the fiscal cliff. Yessiree, let's just force that to happen and the American People will blame our President, right?

Broad Concern about ‘Fischal Cliff’ Consequences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

See what I mean?
Is it just me, or do Obamabots revert directly to talks of Romney when they are called out for being hive minded drones?
Classical Liberaism was always interested in open free debate, and the exchange of ideas. It was the child of the western consitutional monarchies/republics and the freedom of expression that resulted from the restraint of power imposed on the state, as well as the more conservative instutions of the time (the churches).

Today's progressivism is not interested in open debate of ideas. To them thier concept of the state and a person's place in it is the only "right" idea. Therefore, since thier concept is the best one, it has to be the only one, and those that disagree are either too stupid to figure out, or have to have some malevolent reason to resist the progressives world view.

Hence the resorting to ad hominem attacks, cries of "racist! sexist! classist!" and the outright rejection of even the possibility that someone that disagrees with them could be right based on fact and merit.
Do 'Conservatives' sound like poor whiney little bitchs totally detached from reality to you? How was that Romney Landslide?

And how about how terrible the economy is going to react to the election?

US consumer confidence, business spending and home prices up; fiscal cliff threatens gains - The Washington Post

Of course, there is the fiscal cliff. Yessiree, let's just force that to happen and the American People will blame our President, right?

Broad Concern about ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Consequences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

so the economy is doing well. Then why tinker with it
Classical Liberaism was always interested in open free debate, and the exchange of ideas. It was the child of the western consitutional monarchies/republics and the freedom of expression that resulted from the restraint of power imposed on the state, as well as the more conservative instutions of the time (the churches).

Today's progressivism is not interested in open debate of ideas. To them thier concept of the state and a person's place in it is the only "right" idea. Therefore, since thier concept is the best one, it has to be the only one, and those that disagree are either too stupid to figure out, or have to have some malevolent reason to resist the progressives world view.

Hence the resorting to ad hominem attacks, cries of "racist! sexist! classist!" and the outright rejection of even the possibility that someone that disagrees with them could be right based on fact and merit.

Both political ideologies have lost their way and are ruining this country and the debate and exchange of ideas. Watching the moronic volley between the two is so tedious.
Do 'Conservatives' sound like poor whiney little bitchs totally detached from reality to you? How was that Romney Landslide?

And how about how terrible the economy is going to react to the election?

US consumer confidence, business spending and home prices up; fiscal cliff threatens gains - The Washington Post

Of course, there is the fiscal cliff. Yessiree, let's just force that to happen and the American People will blame our President, right?

Broad Concern about ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Consequences | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

so the economy is doing well. Then why tinker with it

It's not but that won't stop him from trying to pull wool over your eyes.
Classical Liberaism was always interested in open free debate, and the exchange of ideas. It was the child of the western consitutional monarchies/republics and the freedom of expression that resulted from the restraint of power imposed on the state, as well as the more conservative instutions of the time (the churches).

Today's progressivism is not interested in open debate of ideas. To them thier concept of the state and a person's place in it is the only "right" idea. Therefore, since thier concept is the best one, it has to be the only one, and those that disagree are either too stupid to figure out, or have to have some malevolent reason to resist the progressives world view.

Hence the resorting to ad hominem attacks, cries of "racist! sexist! classist!" and the outright rejection of even the possibility that someone that disagrees with them could be right based on fact and merit.

Both political ideologies have lost their way and are ruining this country and the debate and exchange of ideas. Watching the moronic volley between the two is so tedious.

I disagree on that. In my experience anyone voicing a progressive viewpoint can basically get away with anything (one of my co-workers joked his 6 year old son called Romney a "evil zombie"). Conservatives however, can be and often are shunned just for having a conservative viewpoint, regardless of how mild the opinion is. I basically have to hide my political leanings in social groups because if you dont think like the group, something must be wrong with you.

I assume this happens to liberals in more rural southern areas, but I dont believe it is at the level of urban progressive groupthink.
Classical Liberaism was always interested in open free debate, and the exchange of ideas. It was the child of the western consitutional monarchies/republics and the freedom of expression that resulted from the restraint of power imposed on the state, as well as the more conservative instutions of the time (the churches).

Today's progressivism is not interested in open debate of ideas. To them thier concept of the state and a person's place in it is the only "right" idea. Therefore, since thier concept is the best one, it has to be the only one, and those that disagree are either too stupid to figure out, or have to have some malevolent reason to resist the progressives world view.

Hence the resorting to ad hominem attacks, cries of "racist! sexist! classist!" and the outright rejection of even the possibility that someone that disagrees with them could be right based on fact and merit.

Both political ideologies have lost their way and are ruining this country and the debate and exchange of ideas. Watching the moronic volley between the two is so tedious.

I disagree on that. In my experience anyone voicing a progressive viewpoint can basically get away with anything (one of my co-workers joked his 6 year old son called Romney a "evil zombie"). Conservatives however, can be and often are shunned just for having a conservative viewpoint, regardless of how mild the opinion is. I basically have to hide my political leanings in social groups because if you dont think like the group, something must be wrong with you.

I assume this happens to liberals in more rural southern areas, but I dont believe it is at the level of urban progressive groupthink.

Perhaps this is all related to perspective and personal experience as are most aspects of life but I have fairly strong political views and I will go toe to toe with anyone who wants to have an honest exchange. I love a feisty debate with those who are actually thinking through not parroting their positions. Challenge my point of view. I debate for that exact reason. Oh and name calling jerks bore me no matter which side they originate.

Keep in mind those who screech and wail the loudest on forums or in life are often try to deflect from the fact they known jack shit about the topic.
Do you hear how shrill and defensive and downright ugly they get when we criticize their Lord and Savior Obama?

They claim that Jihadists killed our Ambassador and 3 others because they were enraged over a video criticizing their Lord and Savior, can they relate to that emotion over criticism, even if over a video?

You know what sounds like Fundies? Fundies.

As far as the Obama supporters, they're no worse than the Bush supporters that supported Bush as he tried to block the Congressional investigation into 9/11. Or the Abramov scandal. Or when he stood on a flight deck and declared "Mission Accomplished."

The Extreme Right and Left aren't really that different. They're so convinced that anyone that disagrees with them is an enemy of the state that they can't jump to the offensive fast enough. IF that makes the Progressives Fundies, then I can't say the Cons are any better.
Classical Liberaism was always interested in open free debate, and the exchange of ideas. It was the child of the western consitutional monarchies/republics and the freedom of expression that resulted from the restraint of power imposed on the state, as well as the more conservative instutions of the time (the churches).

Today's progressivism is not interested in open debate of ideas. To them thier concept of the state and a person's place in it is the only "right" idea. Therefore, since thier concept is the best one, it has to be the only one, and those that disagree are either too stupid to figure out, or have to have some malevolent reason to resist the progressives world view.

Hence the resorting to ad hominem attacks, cries of "racist! sexist! classist!" and the outright rejection of even the possibility that someone that disagrees with them could be right based on fact and merit.

Both political ideologies have lost their way and are ruining this country and the debate and exchange of ideas. Watching the moronic volley between the two is so tedious.

I find it most disheartening that through all the struggles and accomplishments we could realize that we made it and are healthy, happy and alive. That we share more in common than in discourse, but even the Founding Fathers had to contend will malcontents and radicals, as did Abraham Lincoln, yet they share the history books as heros. Wiithout oppposition one's life would be boring and repetative(sp), to the point of no need to improve or innovate.
So in final, we need those of opposing viewpoints and motivations to stumble our way through existence. But just for a moment cherish your fellow human and show an act of kindness, to show that a fight to the death is uneccessary to establish your time on Earth. Have a good day and spread the wealth.
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Do you hear how shrill and defensive and downright ugly they get when we criticize their Lord and Savior Obama?

They claim that Jihadists killed our Ambassador and 3 others because they were enraged over a video criticizing their Lord and Savior, can they relate to that emotion over criticism, even if over a video?

You know what sounds like Fundies? Fundies.

As far as the Obama supporters, they're no worse than the Bush supporters that supported Bush as he tried to block the Congressional investigation into 9/11. Or the Abramov scandal. Or when he stood on a flight deck and declared "Mission Accomplished."

The Extreme Right and Left aren't really that different. They're so convinced that anyone that disagrees with them is an enemy of the state that they can't jump to the offensive fast enough. IF that makes the Progressives Fundies, then I can't say the Cons are any better.

The extremists on each side blame the extremists on the other side. Yawn.

Extremists see an offer or compromise as a sellout and morally reprehensible. They simply do not see the complexities of politics. Watch Monte Python's "The Life of Brian" to understand.

Left extremists ruined classical liberalism and moderates.

Right extremists harm reasonable conservatives and moderates.
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Classical Liberaism was always interested in open free debate, and the exchange of ideas. It was the child of the western consitutional monarchies/republics and the freedom of expression that resulted from the restraint of power imposed on the state, as well as the more conservative instutions of the time (the churches).

Today's progressivism is not interested in open debate of ideas. To them thier concept of the state and a person's place in it is the only "right" idea. Therefore, since thier concept is the best one, it has to be the only one, and those that disagree are either too stupid to figure out, or have to have some malevolent reason to resist the progressives world view.

Hence the resorting to ad hominem attacks, cries of "racist! sexist! classist!" and the outright rejection of even the possibility that someone that disagrees with them could be right based on fact and merit.

Both political ideologies have lost their way and are ruining this country and the debate and exchange of ideas. Watching the moronic volley between the two is so tedious.

I find it most disheartening that through all the struggles and accomplishments we could realize that we made it and are healthy, happy and alive. That we share more in common than in discourse, but even the Founding Fathers had to contend will malcontents and radicals, as did Abraham Lincoln, yet they share the history books as heros. Wiithout oppposition one's life would be boring and repetative(sp), to the point of no need to improve or innovate.
So in final, we need those of opposing viewpoints and motivations to stumble our way through existence. But just for a moment cherish your fellow human and show an act of kindness, to show that a fight to the death is uneccessary to establish your time on Earth. Have a good day and spread the wealth.

I see your point and I certainly do not speak against honest intelligent opposition and differing viewpoints. I simply speak against the heels dug in, my way or the highway mentality. We grow and prosper as a country when we fight hard but behave with reason.

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