Debate Now Do Racism, Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand?

Blacks are quite capable of the same filth as whites when it comes to hate. Blacks can and should grow up out of this, but instead, they embrace it and use it as a tool. Other groups like the Vietnamese, they got past all this, they don't leverage their race as an excuse not to thrive. THEY actually "overcome" and thrive none the less. Blacks? Whah whah, white racism is holding us back....or variations on that theme. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of that bullshit.
Intelligent people understand principles. They deal in concepts and wish to understand the whys of things. Unintelligent people do not. They simply conform to expectations.

As far as I'm concerned, there is little difference in intelligence between the right wing fundies and/or racists of the world and the left wing practitioners of political correctness. It is all about tribe with either group rather than any intelligent analysis of principles.
Apparently we are not going to get much intelligent analysis here.

Not if all you can do is avoid responding to questions asked you when you make a comment. If you don't believe it is from fear, than at least tell us why you think there is racism. I think it could become a very interesting debate.
I am multi-tasking.

Are we discussing where racism comes from, or, the intelligence of racists?

The title of the OP is "Do racism, conservatism and low IQ go hand in hand? I claimed that since racism is born out of fear, and fear comes from ignorance, that I believe they do. I believe there are some liberals with low IQ's that although they embrace liberal ideas are still racist, but most of the racist people I have ever met are mostly conservative in political ideology and not well educated. I believe their lack of knowledge makes them fearful that people of other races are going to take away something that belongs to them
Ignorance and low IQ do not correlate either.

Do you have anything other than your opinion and anecdotes from your life?
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.


I say no, they do not go hand in hand.

There have been far too many intelligent racists, from Hitler, to Stalin to Hugo Black and Robert Byrd.

Yes, but were they fearful? I think Hitler was extremely fearful that Jewish people were going to take over because they all seemed to thrive in business and owned most of the banks.
Blacks are quite capable of the same filth as whites when it comes to hate. Blacks can and should grow up out of this, but instead, they embrace it and use it as a tool. Other groups like the Vietnamese, they got past all this, they don't leverage their race as an excuse not to thrive. THEY actually "overcome" and thrive none the less. Blacks? Whah whah, white racism is holding us back....or variations on that theme. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of that bullshit.

So what does that have to do with racism? All you have done is point out that blacks use racism as a tool, but we know that there has been racism toward blacks because we had to implement civil rights to counter it. All you are doing is trying to demean blacks.....the thread is about racism and whether it has to do with low IQs, and you have not addressed any of those points.
Intelligent people understand principles. They deal in concepts and wish to understand the whys of things. Unintelligent people do not. They simply conform to expectations.

As far as I'm concerned, there is little difference in intelligence between the right wing fundies and/or racists of the world and the left wing practitioners of political correctness. It is all about tribe with either group rather than any intelligent analysis of principles.
Apparently we are not going to get much intelligent analysis here.

Not if all you can do is avoid responding to questions asked you when you make a comment. If you don't believe it is from fear, than at least tell us why you think there is racism. I think it could become a very interesting debate.
I am multi-tasking.

Are we discussing where racism comes from, or, the intelligence of racists?

The title of the OP is "Do racism, conservatism and low IQ go hand in hand? I claimed that since racism is born out of fear, and fear comes from ignorance, that I believe they do. I believe there are some liberals with low IQ's that although they embrace liberal ideas are still racist, but most of the racist people I have ever met are mostly conservative in political ideology and not well educated. I believe their lack of knowledge makes them fearful that people of other races are going to take away something that belongs to them
Ignorance and low IQ do not correlate either.

Do you have anything other than your opinion and anecdotes from your life?

Do you have anything other than disclaim what others claim? You don't even give a reason for your opinion, so why don't you try to do that instead of just posting your snarky contradictory remarks?
A number of studies say "yes", but of course, the "devil is in the details", so then again, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Or, maybe not? Hmmmm......

Do Racism Conservatism and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand Psychology Today

Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice Racism Bias Politics Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism Low I.Q. Americans Against the Tea Party

Those FOUR links refer to an intensive study done by Hodson, & Busseri, in 2012, called: "Bright minds and dark attitudes: Lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice through right-wing ideology and low intergroup contact." It was published in Psychological Science, 23, 187-195.

And this study:

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals -

(though that study does not run along the same lines exactly)

And this study, from 2009-2010:

Study Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives - TIME

(that link is an excellent case for finding the really necessary stuff in the details... hint, hint...)

And a completely different study from 2013, actually comparing the brain sizes of people of different political orientations:

The Surprising Brain Differences Between Democrats and Republicans Mother Jones

and the direct links:

Fear as a Disposition and an Emotional State A Genetic and Environmental Approach to Out-Group Political Preferences - Hatemi - 2013 - American Journal of Political Science - Wiley Online Library

PLOS ONE Red Brain Blue Brain Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans


Now, before anyone get's his or her dander up, go read the links. You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

PS: I live in a time zone that is 6 hours ahead of New York City, so some responses on my part will be delayed.

  1. No ad hominems. No flaming, no getting personal, no insults. Stick to the topic, not the person.
  2. Dictionary definitions will prevail.
  3. Claiming that you are speaking on behalf of others is absolutely forbidden.
  4. What you post is de facto your opinion unless substantiated with credible links.
  5. When you are asked to provide a credible link to substantiate your position you must do so or you automatically forfeit your position.
  6. Links can be contested and if they can be shown to be biased they will be discounted. For this reason I already provided neutral links directly to the core data for a number of studies under the links of websites that one side may consider partisan.
  7. If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.
  8. No one is exempt from legitimate criticism - including the OP.
  9. Serious debate also means taking time to formulate an answer - so this should be a slow, thoughtful thread. I don't expect a response in the first 60 minutes after the thread goes up. You will need at least that much time to actually absorb the material needed to successfully debate this statistical issue.
  10. Have some fun while you are at it. That's an order. Life is short, enjoy what you do.


I say no, they do not go hand in hand.

There have been far too many intelligent racists, from Hitler, to Stalin to Hugo Black and Robert Byrd.

Yes, but were they fearful? I think Hitler was extremely fearful that Jewish people were going to take over because they all seemed to thrive in business and owned most of the banks.

We are not here to discuss phobias.

We are here to discuss a link between low IQ, conservatism, and racism.

It does not matter why Hitler hated Jews in regard to his intelligence(he was NOT low IQ) or his "conservatism", since he was not conservative, he was a radical.

If you can find some studies where self-described racists and self-described non-racists were IQ tested and politically rated as to conservative or liberal, feel free to post them.
If you are going to invoke partisan terminology then be prepared to have it called out for what it is.

Then you better erase your OP and start all over again.

Maybe he is prepared to have it called out for what it is. What part of that statement did you not understand? You haven't even addressed the content of the OP which is so typical of those who don't know much about a subject but want to participate nevertheless but all they can do is go off topic with snark and insults.
Apparently we are not going to get much intelligent analysis here.

Not if all you can do is avoid responding to questions asked you when you make a comment. If you don't believe it is from fear, than at least tell us why you think there is racism. I think it could become a very interesting debate.
I am multi-tasking.

Are we discussing where racism comes from, or, the intelligence of racists?

The title of the OP is "Do racism, conservatism and low IQ go hand in hand? I claimed that since racism is born out of fear, and fear comes from ignorance, that I believe they do. I believe there are some liberals with low IQ's that although they embrace liberal ideas are still racist, but most of the racist people I have ever met are mostly conservative in political ideology and not well educated. I believe their lack of knowledge makes them fearful that people of other races are going to take away something that belongs to them
Ignorance and low IQ do not correlate either.

Do you have anything other than your opinion and anecdotes from your life?

Do you have anything other than disclaim what others claim? You don't even give a reason for your opinion, so why don't you try to do that instead of just posting your snarky contradictory remarks?
I have given reasons for my opinions.

I cited historical examples of radical racists of high intelligence.

You respond with an attack by calling my remarks snarky.

You cannot even follow the rules of the debate.
I am really interested to know if the OP or those who support his point of view think I.Q. is also related to gender or race?

Come on people....don't be shy. :)

Why let your bigotry stop at only political affiliation.
What is it about clown face that makes them think they are legitimate? Blacks can be just as racist as whites, and some ignorant posters might feign surprise at that, let's stick to blaming low IQ in conservatives for noticing that, then the issue gets shifted and the root of the problem just goes away.
I am really interested to know if the OP or those who support his point of view think I.Q. is also related to gender or race?

Come on people....don't be shy. :)

Why let your bigotry stop at only political affiliation.
There is extensive research on race and intelligence.

That a race may or may not be more or less intelligent than another is no reason to deny them basic human rights.

To do so, would be racist.

To point out there are differences is NOT racist.
Blacks are quite capable of the same filth as whites when it comes to hate. Blacks can and should grow up out of this, but instead, they embrace it and use it as a tool. Other groups like the Vietnamese, they got past all this, they don't leverage their race as an excuse not to thrive. THEY actually "overcome" and thrive none the less. Blacks? Whah whah, white racism is holding us back....or variations on that theme. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of that bullshit.

You say "Blacks are quite capable of the same filth as whites" but then say "Blacks can and should grow up out of this".

Shouldn't whites have that same responsibility?

Whites are the base cause of ALL racism and we have at least as much responsibility to fix it as do other races.

Be that as it may, the question put forth by the OP is whether racism and low IQ go hand in hand and all evidence indicates that its the least educated and most ignorant among us who feels blind hatred based on skin color.
"Whites are the base cause of ALL racism and we have at least as much responsibility to fix it as do other races."
Very inflammatory and not at all in line with the question at hand.

It is also an opinion, certainly not a fact.
NOPE. But being a liberal/democrat seems to prove that. Especially when they have to start a thread and act like they are above all those they list.
It is Black Sunday+50, a day to be sanctimonious and ignore the 50 years of progress.

they can't accept the people kicked them out of power even with their Black skinned Messiah as President. they have no one to blame but themselves. as people got sick and tired of frikken threads such a such as this and in real life

Whoa....who got kicked out of power? Seems to me that both the House and Senate folded to what the President wanted just recently, so please, do elaborate on what power you speak of.

But, Stephanie, what does that have to do with the OP? Do you think that conservatives got elected based on racism?

Notice poor little stefi honed in on the black skin of the messiah? These ignorant racists like her is the reason fox news and hate radio has so much power in this country.
Well, I had to be gone for a day, and to my not-so-much surprise, a number of people broke pretty much all of the rules of the SDZ and the rules that the OP set up.

Once again, we are dealing with individuals who appear to lack even the most basic of discernment and on top of that, all they can do is to insult, while not contributing even one iota of an idea that is actually cogent to adult debate.

First, I presented a PLETHORA of links to specific data about this topic. I know that the topic is explosive; most of the topics here in the SDZ are. Or are only Conservatives allowed to publish controversial threads? Is that the thinking that some people have in their heads?

I never once said that I agreed with the findings of those studies.

In fact, I wrote:

You will be surprised at the plethora of information out there, and a lot of it can be rebutted - you just need to know where to look. I have DELIBERATELY not quoted anything from the links yet, to allow others to first read from start to finish and digest the material at hand.

But a number of people were far too busy being angry instead of actually reading the data.

Really, that is a piss poor excuse for "debate". The rules of the SDZ are there for everyone to read and my OP-specific rules in no way inhibit anyone, but just doing fly-bys and making ad hominem comments is not going to cut it.

Just out of curiosity, did ANYONE actually read the pertinent study data?

Fer cryin' out loud, this is not rocket science.
My respect for the OP has reached a new level

It should. I published a topic that can really be debated and I even indicated that there are ways to successfully rebut the information.

Stop being emotional and learn to debate.
I tried and Mertex called me snarky.

I cried all night.

Seeing this thread on the board again is bringing it all back so painfully.

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