Do regulations curtail job growth?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
No, says a conservative economist:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration.

This source also says no:

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Here is what the Bureau of Labor Statistics says:

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011

I also read a few articles that claimed gov regulations do in inhibit job growth, but what was interesting about all of the ones i read was that they were opinionated. None of them had any statisitics to go along with their claims. :eusa_whistle:

Hey, I'm open though. If someone can show me some concrete evidence that regulations SIGNIFICANTLY do inhibit job growth. then we can have a balanced discussion on it. It very well may be true that it is harder to start a business these days because of gov regulations, but the data above speaks for itself.
The lack of regulations allowed Wall Street to run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

It is the lack of regulations that curtails growth.

Unregulated capitalism is the Mafia.
BAD regulations have a bad effect on the economy. Who can doubt that?

A LACK OF APPROPRIATE REGULATIONS has a bad effect on the economy, too.

One would think that after the most recent meltdown, after three BANKING bailouts stemming from a lack of sensible banking regulations, this would be obvious.

THINK, people, think.
If something is more difficult to do, is it more or less likely to be done?
By passing more regulations, 120,000+ pages of regs and counting, just this year alone, big biz must hire lawyers, and pay bucket loads to them to ensure the Fed can't drop the hammer on them for stepping over any line.

In the mean time; Joe Newbie can't afford lawyers, so he tries to figure it out himself, since that isn't possible to do AND run a small biz, he goes under or is shoved under b/c he missed a big one and got fined.

kinda common sense
The lack of regulations allowed Wall Street to run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

It is the lack of regulations that curtails growth.

Unregulated capitalism is the Mafia.

No, sweetie. The major cause of the world economic collapse was rampant overspending by some countries (such as the US, UK, Spain, etc) and a massive underspending by others, such as China, Germany etc. The result of that massive global imbalance meant that any local clusterfuck tsunamied out around the world. But please don't let reality get in the way of your bullshit. You never have before.
There Is No ‘Regulation Day’ to Remind Us How Much They Cost - By Iain Murray - The Corner - National Review Online
the federal government’s share of the economy to over 35 percent.
Regulations cost $1.75 trillion in compliance costs, according to the Small Business Administration.

How Much Will Proposed EPA Regulations Cost Us? - AskHeritage
Under a new 893-page proposal unveiled last week, automakers must hit a fleet-wide fuel economy average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025–double today’s 27.3 standard. The government says it would cost automakers $8.5 billion per year to comply, which means a spike in sticker prices of at least $2,000 to $2,800, according to official projections. Other estimates peg the added costs at $3,100, and that could go even higher. As The Wall Street Journal writes, “Vehicles that currently cost $15,000 or less will effectively be regulated out of existence.”

Need more?
Well, more regulation means more government agencies are needed to enforce the regulations.
There Is No ‘Regulation Day’ to Remind Us How Much They Cost - By Iain Murray - The Corner - National Review Online
the federal government’s share of the economy to over 35 percent.
Regulations cost $1.75 trillion in compliance costs, according to the Small Business Administration.

How Much Will Proposed EPA Regulations Cost Us? - AskHeritage
Under a new 893-page proposal unveiled last week, automakers must hit a fleet-wide fuel economy average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025–double today’s 27.3 standard. The government says it would cost automakers $8.5 billion per year to comply, which means a spike in sticker prices of at least $2,000 to $2,800, according to official projections. Other estimates peg the added costs at $3,100, and that could go even higher. As The Wall Street Journal writes, “Vehicles that currently cost $15,000 or less will effectively be regulated out of existence.”

Need more?

Okay, that's a start. But how do you explain the Bureau of Labor's statistics? The biggest problem with your first source is that it is biased. Therefore, it likely isn't giving all of the facts.

I think what this issue needs is a meta-analysis. Only then can we get to the bottom of it.
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Billy, don't be a zero.

So basically you don't have any sources to dispute?

You dont need a source for the obvious.
Regulations kill jobs by making work more expensive. They are a stealth tax with no one benefitting except politiicans.

Some regulation is NEEDED. And in the past some very strict regulation was needed to force certain businesses into the modern era.

Notice how when Bush and McCain tried 3 times to regulate the Housing Industry and Fanny and Freddy, the left and the Democrats all claimed no such regulation was needed. Lead by Barney Frank in the House and Chris Dodd in the Senate they defeated all 3 bills. Hell Frank was on National TV just before the collapse INSISTING that not only was the Housing market sound , the only danger to it was from more regulations.

So it is a balancing act between regulations that are needed and not over regulating. And in my opinion Obama and the Democrats are over regulating at a bad time.
No, says a conservative economist:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration.

This source also says no:

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Here is what the Bureau of Labor Statistics says:

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011

I also read a few articles that claimed gov regulations do in inhibit job growth, but what was interesting about all of the ones i read was that they were opinionated. None of them had any statisitics to go along with their claims. :eusa_whistle:

Hey, I'm open though. If someone can show me some concrete evidence that regulations SIGNIFICANTLY do inhibit job growth. then we can have a balanced discussion on it. It very well may be true that it is harder to start a business these days because of gov regulations, but the data above speaks for itself.
the vast majority of business experts owners say that they do !!! if i have a bad tooth i go to the dentist not a dermatologist !!:doubt: libbs are dumb asses !!
There Is No ‘Regulation Day’ to Remind Us How Much They Cost - By Iain Murray - The Corner - National Review Online
the federal government’s share of the economy to over 35 percent.
Regulations cost $1.75 trillion in compliance costs, according to the Small Business Administration.

How Much Will Proposed EPA Regulations Cost Us? - AskHeritage
Under a new 893-page proposal unveiled last week, automakers must hit a fleet-wide fuel economy average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025–double today’s 27.3 standard. The government says it would cost automakers $8.5 billion per year to comply, which means a spike in sticker prices of at least $2,000 to $2,800, according to official projections. Other estimates peg the added costs at $3,100, and that could go even higher. As The Wall Street Journal writes, “Vehicles that currently cost $15,000 or less will effectively be regulated out of existence.”

Need more?

Okay, that's a start. But how do you explain the Bureau of Labor's statistics? The biggest problem with your first source is that it is biased. Therefore, it likely isn't giving all of the facts.

I think what this issue needs is a meta-analysis. Only then can we get to the bottom of it.

The proper way is to estimate the effects of policy in the absence of policy. IOW, what would have happened without regulation. Simply because you line up two time periods side by side and find there was little difference in job performance does not mean regulation had no effect. You have to disentangle the data for the variables which effect job growth.
No, says a conservative economist:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration.

This source also says no:

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Here is what the Bureau of Labor Statistics says:

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011

I also read a few articles that claimed gov regulations do in inhibit job growth, but what was interesting about all of the ones i read was that they were opinionated. None of them had any statisitics to go along with their claims. :eusa_whistle:

YOU have NEVER hired anyone have you much less as a BUSINESS owner had to pay out of pocket costs BEFORE employee is hired!
Employer has to PAY THESE TAXES..
* Social Security/FICA Taxes- 6.2% of the employee’s gross pay.
* Medicare Taxes- 1.45% of gross pay
* Federal Unemployment Taxes (FUTA)- 6.2% on the first
$7,000 earned per employee
* State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)- varies by state
* Workman’s Compensation- required in every state except Texas,
obligation ranges between 0.3% to 7.5% of gross pay depending
on the job description and industry.

BUT you didn't KNOW an employer has to pay:
1) Medicare/Social security.. 2) unemployment taxes.. 3) Workman's comp!
Adding a $30,000 employee: annual additional costs:$4,229!

Hey, I'm open though. If someone can show me some concrete evidence that regulations SIGNIFICANTLY do inhibit job growth. then we can have a balanced discussion on it. It very well may be true that it is harder to start a business these days because of gov regulations, but the data above speaks for itself.

Direct costs to hiring more people due to "rules and regulations"!
PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers
and decide to hire 1 more person...
per OSHA law provide must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141

Direct costs just to comply with OSHA to add another water closet for ONE more new employee..Adding a bathroom by converting existing floor space starts around $3,000 -$6,000 ..

THEN if the NEW worker qualifies under ADA..
The total loss of business income and extra expenses came to $550000 - of which $175000 was the result of the extended time needed to comply with ADA

And those are just two "rules and regulations"!

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