Do the left actually believe the lies theyre parroting about the reason for our supply crisis?

It is just the flu, right. The unvaxxed are getting it worse.
My wife was in the hospital for a couple days and I have been in bed for a week. I had Covid last November and this round is worse. Why fax if I’m going to still get sick?
They just keep repeating over and over that there was pent up demand from the pandemic. Problem with that bold lie is that retailers saw record sales during the pandemic. Target for instance had their biggest quarter in their history during the pandemic.

It's an agreement Dems have with the MSM. Dems LIE and the MSM ignores it or actively parrots the lies.
I love the right wing idiocy. The idea that Biden is creating the shortages...nuts.

Imposing tariffs on trading partners did two major things that are affecting the nation today.

First importers did not import as much because they were paying more per unit. Example. If you buy 10 marbles for a dollar from China; you have 10 marbles in stock for customers. When the marbles become more buy fewer. Idiots are the ones who believe that you continue to import 10 marbles. Budgets and profit margins are pretty important to CEOs, and corporations. Earnings, profit/loss are tied to bonuses, stock prices etc...

And, hopefully, you guys have given up on the whole "exporters pay tariffs" nonsense. And the companies that make the marbles did one or two things (or both). Started selling to nations that didn't penalize them and/or scaled back poduction.

So XYZ corporation is sitting there with 8 marbles in the warehouse instead of 10. Then stimulus kicks in and later on the pandemic restrictions decrease due to the vaccine and military conflict level deaths. The consumers that XYZ who have survived now have monies they didn't have before so they go looking for marbles. There used to be plenty on hand in warehouses across the nation. Now there isn't.

The reason we have more freighters on the west coast than the east coast is because....wait for it....we buy more from Asia than we buy from Europe. It has precious little to do with regulations or some nebulous shadowy agenda. Although there are likely some delays due to California's tough enforcement of covid 19 protocols

Its people with money wanting to buy more than there is available.
It takes a little time to get a full picture of the supply problems, Its not simple or one minded. lots of factors play into it.
Because it would be worse if you are unvaxxed; all studies show that.
Maybe, maybe not. I’m not buying much of the BS anymore, there is supposedly a new variant the is worse than the delta and again the vaccine won‘t prevent it.

im beginning to doubt the vaccine makes anyone better, the death rate remains the same.
I love the right wing idiocy. The idea that Biden is creating the shortages...nuts.

Imposing tariffs on trading partners did two major things that are affecting the nation today.

First importers did not import as much because they were paying more per unit. Example. If you buy 10 marbles for a dollar from China; you have 10 marbles in stock for customers. When the marbles become more buy fewer. Idiots are the ones who believe that you continue to import 10 marbles. Budgets and profit margins are pretty important to CEOs, and corporations. Earnings, profit/loss are tied to bonuses, stock prices etc...

And, hopefully, you guys have given up on the whole "exporters pay tariffs" nonsense. And the companies that make the marbles did one or two things (or both). Started selling to nations that didn't penalize them and/or scaled back poduction.

So XYZ corporation is sitting there with 8 marbles in the warehouse instead of 10. Then stimulus kicks in and later on the pandemic restrictions decrease due to the vaccine and military conflict level deaths. The consumers that XYZ who have survived now have monies they didn't have before so they go looking for marbles. There used to be plenty on hand in warehouses across the nation. Now there isn't.

The reason we have more freighters on the west coast than the east coast is because....wait for it....we buy more from Asia than we buy from Europe. It has precious little to do with regulations or some nebulous shadowy agenda. Although there are likely some delays due to California's tough enforcement of covid 19 protocols

Its people with money wanting to buy more than there is available.
Biden is getting in the way. That is what government can do best. Politics from day one of his installation has caused things to be much worse then they should be. Grease the wheels for equity and we know who is favored. Grease the wheels for energy, Russia and Saudi Arabia become favored. We were self sufficient and now are shot oil every day and the costs have risen in a huge way. Biden has given Putin the natural gas pipeline into Western Europe and a daily export to the United States of 800 thousand gallons of gas at high prices. And the media spewed Trump was compromised. It is Biden that is compromised and it is evident.
1. Nobody was buy stuff during the COVID shutdown

2. Manufacturers stopped making stuff

3. Now that people can get out and about they're buying stuff

4. Manufacturers are starting to make stuff again

5. There's a lag, it's not instant

6. Next month, it will all be back to normal and forgotten
Yeah, that lag is sitting off the coast of California.

If all those ships put up a really big sign saying FUCK JOE BIDEN you can bet California ports would be open real quick by Joe Bitme's executive order...
Maybe, maybe not. I’m not buying much of the BS anymore, there is supposedly a new variant the is worse than the delta and again the vaccine won‘t prevent it.

im beginning to doubt the vaccine makes anyone better, the death rate remains the same.
Most everyone having a serious, adverse reaction to the pathogen is unvaxxed. If you doubt CDC, the DOD cannot gainsay it with their own people.
The reason we have more freighters on the west coast than the east coast is because....wait for it....we buy more from Asia than we buy from Europe. It has precious little to do with regulations or some nebulous shadowy agenda. Although there are likely some delays due to California's tough enforcement of covid 19 protocols

Its people with money wanting to buy more than there is available.

The commies created a policy that no independent truckers are allowed to haul containers out of the ports. No trucks with engines manufactured before 2010 are allowed to operate in the state because of their idiotic environmental reasons. Do you have any idea how many trucks and truckers that effects?

Governor DeSantis extended an invitation to all ship companies to bring the freight to Florida. In California they don't work nights or weekends. In Florida they operate 24/7. Much longer to get there but they'll be unloaded the minute they dock.

So funny. In a Republican state, no problems. In a commie state, nothing but problems, however it's never the commie leadership at fault.
Well, yeah. Lots can be written about the labor shortage because it’s a really complex topic.

One thing is for certain, demand is very high, higher than normal.

And supply is very short which creates higher prices and inflation. It may take a while, but I think you're starting to get it.
And supply is very short which creates higher prices and inflation. It may take a while, but I think you're starting to get it.
Well yeah, supply isn’t meeting the very high demand. Consumer spending on goods is through the roof. Supply has not kept up with the massive increase.

But it’s primarily a demand issue.

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