Do the left actually believe the lies theyre parroting about the reason for our supply crisis?

Demand for goods has been high through the last 2 years. There have been backups at ports in 2020 and through this year and exacerbated now due to previous backups and holiday buying.
They just keep repeating over and over that there was pent up demand from the pandemic. Problem with that bold lie is that retailers saw record sales during the pandemic. Target for instance had their biggest quarter in their history during the pandemic.

It's not about "pent up" demand. It's about normal increasing demand. Those are two different things.

Increasing demand + decreased supply = Inflation. Fundamental economics. No big surprise.
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1. Nobody was buy stuff during the COVID shutdown

2. Manufacturers stopped making stuff

3. Now that people can get out and about they're buying stuff

4. Manufacturers are starting to make stuff again

5. There's a lag, it's not instant

6. Next month, it will all be back to normal and forgotten
Nobody was buying stuff? Have you forgotten the profits Amazon was making?
I don't understand it myself.

Target, Walmart, Amazon all reported record breaking sales during the pandemic. Even where I work now which is a food/snack production facility we made more of what we make than ever before during the pandemic.

And there wasn't ever a shortage the entire year it was going on. Except toilet paper, but that was from panic buying and didn't last that long really.

So we can have record sales, record lows of people working, companies shut down and so on and everything is fine. But now suddenly everything is drying up and raising in prices making them less affordable we have a shortage due to covid? That's pure bullshit.
They just keep repeating over and over that there was pent up demand from the pandemic. Problem with that bold lie is that retailers saw record sales during the pandemic. Target for instance had their biggest quarter in their history during the pandemic.

Don't you know, haven't you heard? Our new totalitarian masters in Washington DC expect us to "lower our expectations." So get to it fellow peasant. Expect less.
I don't understand it myself.

Target, Walmart, Amazon all reported record breaking sales during the pandemic. Even where I work now which is a food/snack production facility we made more of what we make than ever before during the pandemic.

And there wasn't ever a shortage the entire year it was going on. Except toilet paper, but that was from panic buying and didn't last that long really.

So we can have record sales, record lows of people working, companies shut down and so on and everything is fine. But now suddenly everything is drying up and raising in prices making them less affordable we have a shortage due to covid? That's pure bullshit.

THEY are intentionally sabotaging the supply chain at its every link and weld. By the way, did 4.3 million American workers suddenly vanish into thin air? To supplement our small business income I took a job in a modest sized factory that manufactures specialty saw blades, some of them over fifty feet in length. I ran up to five CNC grinding and sharpening machines at once. That company had a backlog of countless orders to fill and then, as if out of the blue, ran into a steel shortage unlike anything they had experienced in fifty years of operation. They bought all of their steel from Switzerland. So they tried to source new US domestic suppliers but found none. Lay-offs ensued. Go figure. They were then hit with rising lumber prices which made building their custom shipping pallets nearly impossible.
I don't understand it myself.

Target, Walmart, Amazon all reported record breaking sales during the pandemic. Even where I work now which is a food/snack production facility we made more of what we make than ever before during the pandemic.

And there wasn't ever a shortage the entire year it was going on. Except toilet paper, but that was from panic buying and didn't last that long really.

So we can have record sales, record lows of people working, companies shut down and so on and everything is fine. But now suddenly everything is drying up and raising in prices making them less affordable we have a shortage due to covid? That's pure bullshit.
Meat was in short supply along with cleaning products for disinfecting sprays and PPP equipment.
It's not about "pent up" demand. It's about normal increasing demand. Those are two different things.

Increasing demand + decreased supply = Inflation. Fundamental economics. No big surprise.
Why is there a decrease in supply? Why all the ships are sitting off the coast of California loaded with supplies.

You still haven't figured it out yet have you? Don't worry, even your experts will figure it out soon enough and let you in on the secret.

Why is there a decrease in supply? Why all the ships are sitting off the coast of California loaded with supplies.

You still haven't figured it out yet have you? Don't worry, even your experts will figure it out soon enough and let you in on the secret.
Dunno about decreased supply. When I read articles, seems the port in LA is offloading more cargo than ever before, they just can’t keep up with the demand.

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