Do Verizon Strikers Really Think Harrassing Me Is Helping Them?

Yep Pilgrim the strike was a ballsy move and possibly suicidal for the strikers.
It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

the strikers do not realize that we all (except for the upper crust) have to learn to be satisfied with less.
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A freind of mine works for V and is on strike.

@ 17 years in he makes just under $40/hr

the reason for the strike is the owners want the workers to pay something for thier insurance. currently they pay $15 co-pay to the doctor when they go and nothing else.

I don't feel sorry for him or any other asshole that strikes now with UE where it's at.

I sincerely hope life starts to suck for him and the rest of these assholes.

You hope life sucks for your friend?:confused:

Yes I do. He's proven he's an asshole, and needs to learn what a great job he has with excelent pay and benefits. I'd give my eye teeth for his job and benies, but he's walking off over the demand they cough up ~5% of the cost of the premiums for HC.

I don't know your friend or what he thinks, but I doubt he has all that much of a choice. He is a Verizon employee and most likely forced to be a member of the union. The union says strike those people strike. If they don't they are basically dead meat when the strike is over.

Yep Pilgrim the strike was a ballsy move and possibly suicidal for the strikers.
It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

It pissed me off (obviously since i made this thread) when they harassed me yesterday.

I may be against public sector unions but I do support, 100%, any private sector unions as long as their company isn't subsidized by the federal government.

When they gave me a hard time I started thinking and it made me more upset when I realized what it was specifically they were on strike over (having to pay for a portion of their health insurance plan instead of verizon paying 100%) combined with my personal knowledge from family of the pay rates of these same workers.

Yeah I know it sounds a bit commie and all that but they make darn good money, way more than your average american worker, so it just really rubbed me wrong that they would grief me for window shopping as part of their strike in light of these facts.
You hope life sucks for your friend?:confused:

Yes I do. He's proven he's an asshole, and needs to learn what a great job he has with excelent pay and benefits. I'd give my eye teeth for his job and benies, but he's walking off over the demand they cough up ~5% of the cost of the premiums for HC.

I don't know your friend or what he thinks, but I doubt he has all that much of a choice. He is a Verizon employee and most likely forced to be a member of the union. The union says strike those people strike. If they don't they are basically dead meat when the strike is over.


The workers have no choice. If the union goes on strike then they can not work or they violate their union policies.

My uncle actually wants to go back to work and as an individual verizon worker thinks that what the strike is over is stupid and he is actually willing to pay up to 50% of his premiums like most workers in the USA do.

However the union says he has to strike so, as part of the duties of being in the union, he has to strike regardless of what he personally feels.
You hope life sucks for your friend?:confused:

Yes I do. He's proven he's an asshole, and needs to learn what a great job he has with excelent pay and benefits. I'd give my eye teeth for his job and benies, but he's walking off over the demand they cough up ~5% of the cost of the premiums for HC.

I don't know your friend or what he thinks, but I doubt he has all that much of a choice. He is a Verizon employee and most likely forced to be a member of the union. The union says strike those people strike. If they don't they are basically dead meat when the strike is over.


Umm it is a demoncratic process, they vote to strike or not.
Yes I do. He's proven he's an asshole, and needs to learn what a great job he has with excelent pay and benefits. I'd give my eye teeth for his job and benies, but he's walking off over the demand they cough up ~5% of the cost of the premiums for HC.

I don't know your friend or what he thinks, but I doubt he has all that much of a choice. He is a Verizon employee and most likely forced to be a member of the union. The union says strike those people strike. If they don't they are basically dead meat when the strike is over.


The workers have no choice. If the union goes on strike then they can not work or they violate their union policies.

My uncle actually wants to go back to work and as an individual verizon worker thinks that what the strike is over is stupid and he is actually willing to pay up to 50% of his premiums like most workers in the USA do.

However the union says he has to strike so, as part of the duties of being in the union, he has to strike regardless of what he personally feels.

Yes one of the downsides to the democratic process the majority rules.

Ahh in the past I was non union in a telco strike situation (open shop) and worked during a strike. I got along with most fo the strikers well and actually got dates off of the picket line.
I made it clear to all that I was only going to do my job during the strike and no one elses.
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FYI - Our Verizon landline hasn't been working for two days. My husband suspects sabotage.
Yes I do. He's proven he's an asshole, and needs to learn what a great job he has with excelent pay and benefits. I'd give my eye teeth for his job and benies, but he's walking off over the demand they cough up ~5% of the cost of the premiums for HC.

I don't know your friend or what he thinks, but I doubt he has all that much of a choice. He is a Verizon employee and most likely forced to be a member of the union. The union says strike those people strike. If they don't they are basically dead meat when the strike is over.


The workers have no choice. If the union goes on strike then they can not work or they violate their union policies.

My uncle actually wants to go back to work and as an individual verizon worker thinks that what the strike is over is stupid and he is actually willing to pay up to 50% of his premiums like most workers in the USA do.

However the union says he has to strike so, as part of the duties of being in the union, he has to strike regardless of what he personally feels.

Basically that is what I said.

However, that does not excuse the rudeness you received from the Verizon workers at the store you shopped at. By they way, are you sure they were Verizon employees and not paid picketers?

Seriously, I just wanted to look at some cell phones in the verizon store. I dont even plan on buying a phone I just wanted to go look and guys outside decide to heckle me as I try to go in.

"Scumbag" "What do you hate working families" "Only scum crosses a picket line"

I have refrained from saying anything about the strikes one way or the other but if the people striking have this attitude then they can kiss my butt.

They make well over $25/hour plus benefits, stop crying and be thankful you have jobs that make you more wealthy than over 50% of america.....verizon workers, greedy scum.

Really simple soloution, shop online avoid the picketers.
FYI - Our Verizon landline hasn't been working for two days. My husband suspects sabotage.

Yep the CWA is hiring Squirrels as sabatouers now.

Squirrels? We've lived here for almost 15 years without an issue. What a coinkydink! Sept. 19th first available appt. This is why people hate unions. If they find the saboteurs, I hope they go to jail.
Seriously, I just wanted to look at some cell phones in the verizon store. I dont even plan on buying a phone I just wanted to go look and guys outside decide to heckle me as I try to go in.

"Scumbag" "What do you hate working families" "Only scum crosses a picket line"

I have refrained from saying anything about the strikes one way or the other but if the people striking have this attitude then they can kiss my butt.

They make well over $25/hour plus benefits, stop crying and be thankful you have jobs that make you more wealthy than over 50% of america.....verizon workers, greedy scum.

Hell, you lucky they didn't shoot you.Lambertville vandalism, John King interviewed on FOX
Scary coolbreeze. But they haven't figured out yet who did it.

Well looks like hubby's suspicions may be correct.

Spokesman Rich Young said the company, based in New York City, has discovered more than 90 acts of sabotage since the strike began last weekend. Young said wires had been cut in some places, causing the loss of phones and Internet service for residences and businesses.

Among the non-residential customers affected were a police department and a hospital, according to Michael Mason, Verizon's chief security officer.

An FBI spokesman confirmed Thursday that the bureau is looking into the allegation.

"Because critical infrastructure has been affected, namely the telecommunications of both a hospital and a police department, the FBI is looking into this matter from a security standpoint as part of our security efforts leading up to the 9-11 anniversary," Special Agent Bryan Travers said in an email.

FBI looking into allegation by Verizon of sabotage |
Where i work, there's a union in the factory. I work in the office, no union. Last contract about 4 yrs ago the union workers were offered a $1100.00 bonus to sign early, the only thing they were going to change was that they would have to pay a small amount of their insurance premiums, like we do in the office. First off, the union we have here sucks....everyone knows it too. Anyway, the workers didn't take the offer, so alot of us in the office had to make contingency plans in case they did strike. Some of us that had once worked in the factory would probably be working out there again! But at the last minutes they didn't strike, they took what was offered...except because they didn't take the 1st offer with the bonus, all of us in the office each got the $1100.00 for all the extra work we had to do!!! :) Their contract is coming up again this fall....we're hoping they're just as stupid as they were during the last one! Lol!
Either way if they're offered a bonus, i'll still see it because my husband works in the factory :) The way things are right now, i don't understand why someone would strike unless they are really getting screwed. Just about everyone has to pay something on their health insurance now, to me that's not a reason at all to strike.
I don't know your friend or what he thinks, but I doubt he has all that much of a choice. He is a Verizon employee and most likely forced to be a member of the union. The union says strike those people strike. If they don't they are basically dead meat when the strike is over.


The workers have no choice. If the union goes on strike then they can not work or they violate their union policies.

My uncle actually wants to go back to work and as an individual verizon worker thinks that what the strike is over is stupid and he is actually willing to pay up to 50% of his premiums like most workers in the USA do.

However the union says he has to strike so, as part of the duties of being in the union, he has to strike regardless of what he personally feels.

Yes one of the downsides to the democratic process the majority rules.

Ahh in the past I was non union in a telco strike situation (open shop) and worked during a strike. I got along with most fo the strikers well and actually got dates off of the picket line.
I made it clear to all that I was only going to do my job during the strike and no one elses.

Which is why we need to preserve our constitutional republic at all costs, this form of government protect minorities while pure democracy does not at all.


Like how i twisted it into some other point I am fond of making ;) :D
Strike over! Yay! Maybe we'll get our phone service back.

Ten of thousands of Verizon workers will return to work Tuesday after a strike that lasted about two weeks.

The Communication Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers issued a statement saying they have agreed to come back to work while they continue to negotiate with Verizon Communications Inc.

Verizon workers to return to work without deal |
Seriously, I just wanted to look at some cell phones in the verizon store. I dont even plan on buying a phone I just wanted to go look and guys outside decide to heckle me as I try to go in.

"Scumbag" "What do you hate working families" "Only scum crosses a picket line"

I have refrained from saying anything about the strikes one way or the other but if the people striking have this attitude then they can kiss my butt.

They make well over $25/hour plus benefits, stop crying and be thankful you have jobs that make you more wealthy than over 50% of america.....verizon workers, greedy scum.

Hell, you lucky they didn't shoot you.Lambertville vandalism, John King interviewed on FOX

Good thing they didn't or i might have got off the first shot and been in court over it right now ;)

Well they went back to work without a deal.

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