Do we have it in us to rally around a tragedy as Americans?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
I have to admit, I want Loretta Lynch prosecuted. I want Hillary Clinton prosecuted, and James Comey....

Democrats and their pawns in the media want Trump impeached and charged.

I'd like to see a compromise and have Democrats and Republicans work together to make all of our communications more secure from attacks by Russians and other adversaries

Back off the collusion / obstruction with Trump & Hillary Clinton continues to not be investigated

Loretta gets immunity, but has to testify, Comey falls on the sword and gets prison time.

Prayers to Steve Scalise
i agree with what you say, dcbl. but after all of the congressional hearings, would there be time for bills to be passed?
I have to admit, I want Loretta Lynch prosecuted. I want Hillary Clinton prosecuted, and James Comey....

Democrats and their pawns in the media want Trump impeached and charged.

I'd like to see a compromise and have Democrats and Republicans work together to make all of our communications more secure from attacks by Russians and other adversaries

Back off the collusion / obstruction with Trump & Hillary Clinton continues to not be investigated

Loretta gets immunity, but has to testify, Comey falls on the sword and gets prison time.

Prayers to Steve Scalise

Man. You are special.
I have to admit, I want Loretta Lynch prosecuted. I want Hillary Clinton prosecuted, and James Comey....

Democrats and their pawns in the media want Trump impeached and charged.

I'd like to see a compromise and have Democrats and Republicans work together to make all of our communications more secure from attacks by Russians and other adversaries

Back off the collusion / obstruction with Trump & Hillary Clinton continues to not be investigated

Loretta gets immunity, but has to testify, Comey falls on the sword and gets prison time.

Prayers to Steve Scalise
Never let a crisis go to waste, eh?

I'd like to see a compromise and have Democrats and Republicans work together to make all of our communications more secure from attacks by Russians and other adversaries

Democrats tried that. Republicans refused. Democrats don't have to compromise there, because it's been their position all along.

Back off the collusion / obstruction with Trump & Hillary Clinton continues to not be investigated

"If you stop our independent intelligence agencies from doing their sworn duty, we won't have Congress launch yet another partisan investigation of innocent people" is not a compromise. It's more like blackmail. No thanks. Go ahead, investigate away on Clinton, again. What are you going to make up this time?

Loretta gets immunity, but has to testify,

What do you expect her to say? That, like an ethical person, she failed to fake charges against Clinton? Go ahead, make her testify.

Comey falls on the sword and gets prison time.

Throwing in an innocent man in prison because your party didn't like his actions is more like fascism, not compromise.

So, where are those charges against Comey that were promised days ago?

Prayers to Steve Scalise

I'll agree there, but that was also a default Democratic position, so no compromise needed.

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