Procrustes Stretched
"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Not to nitpick but your premise here is incorrect (U.S.) Government has no RIGHTS, government only has the limited AUTHORITY that is explicitly granted to it by the consent of the governed (in this case that which is explicitly defined by the U.S. Constitution), people have RIGHTS which are derived from their humanity (or from their creator, however you choose to see it) not from the Constitution or any laws of man.
correct about government.
except, you state as fact the opinion that RIGHTS are derived from simply being a part of humanity. that is a philosophical view, not a fact.
Whether you progressives choose to accept it or not as far as the form of government and founding principles of the United States are concerned, it's a fact pal.
If you had a half a brian and paid any attention to what others actually say, and not what you imagine them saying...'d know that I have more posts slamming progressives than most here.
I have always been a loud, proud liberal. Progressivism and populism are mass hysterical reactions to things. I do not do that very well, if at all.
now STFU before you speak.