Do We Need New Labels For Politically Right and Left?


Feb 18, 2013
Somewhere in a land-bound state
Do We Need New Labels For Politically Left and Right?
If one looks at the political spectrum, the extreme left and the extreme right have many things in common:
1. Both, believe that the government regulates too many activities.
2. Both, believe that people should have more individual freedom.
3. Unlike the center left, the extreme left does not have a problem with the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
4. Both, extreme right and left do not want homeland security representatives interfering in one’s life.
5. Both, believe that using tracking devices, such as RFID in guns, clothing and other articles is intrusive.
6. The extreme left believes as the libertarians do that war is a waste of tax dollars.
7. Both, the extreme right and left believe that people should be free to make a living without unnecessary regulation in licensing and without interference in agriculture and farming and other property rights.
8. Both, believe that the manner in which a family chooses to educate its children is not the business of the government.
9. Both, believe that our freedoms have been diminished and are eroding, daily.
10. Both, believe that the answer is a grassroots movement to create change.
11. Both, believe that laws, such as the US Patriot Act infringe upon freedom and threaten democracy.
Please give this some serious thought and do not troll the post with name-calling.
Thank you.
Honestly no but it will never happen because no one wants to actually run on the merits or positions on actual issues. Instead, they run on 5 second clips, talking points and the letter next to their name.
Obviously some parts of the definitions change, while others do not.

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)
Do We Need New Labels For Politically Left and Right?
If one looks at the political spectrum, the extreme left and the extreme right have many things in common:
1. Both, believe that the government regulates too many activities.
2. Both, believe that people should have more individual freedom.
3. Unlike the center left, the extreme left does not have a problem with the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
4. Both, extreme right and left do not want homeland security representatives interfering in one’s life.
5. Both, believe that using tracking devices, such as RFID in guns, clothing and other articles is intrusive.
6. The extreme left believes as the libertarians do that war is a waste of tax dollars.
7. Both, the extreme right and left believe that people should be free to make a living without unnecessary regulation in licensing and without interference in agriculture and farming and other property rights.
8. Both, believe that the manner in which a family chooses to educate its children is not the business of the government.
9. Both, believe that our freedoms have been diminished and are eroding, daily.
10. Both, believe that the answer is a grassroots movement to create change.
11. Both, believe that laws, such as the US Patriot Act infringe upon freedom and threaten democracy.
Please give this some serious thought and do not troll the post with name-calling.
Thank you.
I don't think there is any truth in your entire list. Don't bother to ask Me to detail a response. You won't believe it anyway.

Suffice it to say that you really need to study and understand what constitutes the extreme left and right, because I don't think you understand either.
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Well...tell me what I am missing...Don't just troll the post...give some data.. It is easy to criticize the knowledge of another without providing any input. Anyone can do that...I asked for serious thought..
I am making my assumptions about people I know in both groups who have similar ideas...I would state that the majority of the town in which I live is extreme right-wing and since I came here from California..I know many people from the extreme left-wing.
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Do We Need New Labels For Politically Left and Right?
If one looks at the political spectrum, the extreme left and the extreme right have many things in common:
1. Both, believe that the government regulates too many activities.
2. Both, believe that people should have more individual freedom.
3. Unlike the center left, the extreme left does not have a problem with the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
4. Both, extreme right and left do not want homeland security representatives interfering in one’s life.
5. Both, believe that using tracking devices, such as RFID in guns, clothing and other articles is intrusive.
6. The extreme left believes as the libertarians do that war is a waste of tax dollars.
7. Both, the extreme right and left believe that people should be free to make a living without unnecessary regulation in licensing and without interference in agriculture and farming and other property rights.
8. Both, believe that the manner in which a family chooses to educate its children is not the business of the government.
9. Both, believe that our freedoms have been diminished and are eroding, daily.
10. Both, believe that the answer is a grassroots movement to create change.
11. Both, believe that laws, such as the US Patriot Act infringe upon freedom and threaten democracy.
Please give this some serious thought and do not troll the post with name-calling.
Thank you.


But that would go to getting rid of labels altogether, not creating new ones.
Well...tell me what I am missing...Don't just troll the post...give some data..
Number 1.

Do not EQUATE left and right with Democrat or GOP.

Both do not believe that government regulates to many activities. Only ONE does. Care to guess which it is?

Neither believe in individual freedom because both want to legislate morality.

The left doesn't care about individual freedom, the GOP cares only to control what you do in your own home.

There is no center left, but there are a few who do believe in the Second Amendment, even if they don't agree with the Bill of Rights.

Number 7 and 8 is just a joke, right?

the left does not believe 9 or 10.

The left hates 11 because of Bush, but make no noise when one of their own is in power, so to say that they believe that is laughable.

Go learn what the left and right do stand for, and stop equating them to political parties.
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o We Need New Labels For Politically Left and Right?
If one looks at the political spectrum, the extreme left and the extreme right have many things in common:
1. Both, believe that the government regulates too many activities.
2. Both, believe that people should have more individual freedom.
3. Unlike the center left, the extreme left does not have a problem with the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
4. Both, extreme right and left do not want homeland security representatives interfering in one’s life.
5. Both, believe that using tracking devices, such as RFID in guns, clothing and other articles is intrusive.
6. The extreme left believes as the libertarians do that war is a waste of tax dollars.
7. Both, the extreme right and left believe that people should be free to make a living without unnecessary regulation in licensing and without interference in agriculture and farming and other property rights.
8. Both, believe that the manner in which a family chooses to educate its children is not the business of the government.
9. Both, believe that our freedoms have been diminished and are eroding, daily.
10. Both, believe that the answer is a grassroots movement to create change.
11. Both, believe that laws, such as the US Patriot Act infringe upon freedom and threaten democracy.
Please give this some serious thought and do not troll the post with name-calling.
Thank you.

You are the one equating these to political parties (ie) "The Left hates 11 unless one of their own is in power." Not in power unless part of a political party...You ask if 7 and 8 are a joke? Study the home-school movement..both right and left..."The Left does not believe in individual freedom, you state..THAT IS THE HIGHEST GOAL OF THE EXTREME LEFT....There is no center-Left, you say. What do you call congressional representatives, such as Diane Feinstein (a hawk, and the most conservative of the Left) v. a moderate Democrat? (you have already discussed "being in power" as a trait of the Left) You state that the Left does not believe in 9 or 10...that our freedoms are diminishing daily (ask the ACLU) or that the answer is a grassroots movement...Unless you are a part of the movement, you may not know about it...but it is in all of the books I read...and finally, my knowledge of the subject comes from listening to both Fox Radio and Democracy Now!...the extremes in the political spectrum...I am NOT talking about the Militia Movement. I hate to pull the degree card, but I have a degree in political science and I had to study movements of the Left and Right...Not to mention that I had instructors from the extreme Right and the extreme can be part of either group and still belong to a political party...No rules against it...
What is your definition of Right and Left because it certainly does not match my own...
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I am not speaking about the Militia Movement or groups like the SDS when I mention extreme polarization..I am talking about people who uphold the law and are still active in politics. Maybe that is the difference between your definition and mine?
The far left (also known as the extreme left) refers to the highest degree of leftism in left-wing politics. The far left seeks the creation of strong or complete equality through of outcome and the dismantlement of all forms of social stratification.[1] Far leftists seek to abolish all forms of hierarchy, particularly to end inequitable distribution of wealth and power.[1] The far left seeks a society in which everyone is provided equal economic and social opportunities, and no one has excessive wealth or power over others.[1]
The far-left usually believes that revolutionary overthrow of deliberately inegalitarian systems is typically needed in order to establish egalitarian society.[1] In societies that tolerate dissent, far-left groups usually participate in the democratic process to advance their goals.[2] It demands radical changes to dismantle unequal societies, including through direct and complete confiscation of wealth from being concentrated in a small elite, to being fully redistributed in an egalitarian manner to people in society.[1] Proponents of horseshoe theory interpretation of the left-right spectrum argue that the far left and far right have more in common with each other as mutual extremists on the spectrum than they have with moderate centrists
Horseshoe theory

Horseshoe theorists argue that the extreme left and the extreme right are a lot more similar than members of either group would admit.
The horseshoe theory in political science asserts that rather than the far left and the far right being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, they in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe. The theory is attributed to French writer Jean-Pierre Faye.[1]

In politics, left-wing describes an outlook or specific position that accepts or supports social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality.[1][2][3][4] It usually involves a concern for those in society who are disadvantaged relative to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities (which right-wing politics views as natural or traditional) that need to be reduced or abolished.[3]
The political terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution (1789–1799), referring to the seating arrangement in the Estates General: those who sat on the left generally opposed the monarchy and supported the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization,[5] while those on the right were supportive of the traditional institutions of the Old Regime. Use of the term "Left" became more prominent after the restoration of the French monarchy in 1815 when it was applied to the "Independents".[6]
The term was later applied to a number of movements, especially republicanism during the French Revolution, socialism,[7] communism, and anarchism.[8] Beginning in the last half of the Twentieth Century, the phrase left-wing has been used to describe an ever widening family of movements,[9] including the civil rights movement, anti-war movements, and environmental movements,[10][11][dubious – discuss], and finally being extended to entire parties, including the Democratic Party in the United States and the Labour Party in the United Kingdom.[12][13][14] In two party systems, the terms "left" and "right" are now sometimes used as labels for the two parties, with one party designated as the "left" and the other "right", even when neither party is "left-wing" in the original sense of being opposed to the ruling class. Wikipedia
Darkwind...I think that you may be discussing the international Right and Left...I am pointing to:

The people who still believe in the ideas of the New Left of the 1960s and 1970s, the Anti-War Movement, the Anti-Globalization Movement, the ideas of Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio, Rolling Stone Magazine, Mother Jones, the ACLU....and writers, such as, Naomi Klein and Matt Taibbi...and those of the younger generation that follow in their the extreme Left that operates within the law..
I can add The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York.
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