Do we really need a Federal Police Force aka the FBI


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
It is now blatantly obvious and has been for a long while actually that the FBI falls into the same category as that of the KBG in Russia....aka....a politicized police force that goes on witch hunts to get evidence to indict political opponents or those it deems politically incorrect or those who dare stand up against a dictatorial central government who abuses our freedoms constantly?

We need congressional hearings on the FBI....time to reform it or get rid of it.
What we need is a police force tasked solely with investigating, prosecuting, and imprisoning politicians and government employees.
What we need is a police force tasked solely with investigating, prosecuting, and imprisoning politicians and government employees.

But would head it? How would they be chosen? Too many ways for it to be manipulated and controlled as history has shown and as is being demonstrated as we speak by their refusal to go after crooked hillary.

I think the FBI should be restricted to investigating organized crime, drug cartels, foreign agents aka spies, and that is about it. The states can handle other criminal activities.

Politicians and government employees guilty of crimes could be prosecuted by the states where the crimes occur.

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