Do women want marriage and managomy more than men?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I was wondering about this, most guys I know who did get married were either very young or felt they had to do it because the female was pregnant. I never met any guys who felt like they had to chase down a marriage with a wife and kids, it just kind of happened. However, I know several females whose goal is to the Kim Kardashian style dream wedding and marry a man and have kids, to me it seems like this is more of a goal for women than men in this country at least, alot of my guy friends are fine being bachelors or having a girlfriend but not marrying her. Thoughts?
IMHO, when women are young they have a whole lot more sexual opportunities than young men do. Yes, a small percentage of men (~15%) have great sex lives when they're young, but the vast majority do not.

The result is that most young women have very active sex lives and live out their wildest fantasies by the time they're in their early 20s. By that time they're bored with sex and decide that getting married and having babies is the only thing to do.

Meanwhile, the vast majority of men, by their mid to late 20s, look to marraige as the only way to get it on a regualr basis. However, that's largely countered by the fact that most men become EXTREMELY cynical towards women. Men aren't idiots...but, as one comedian put it..."Men marry the first woman they can find who is NOT A TOTAL ASSHOLE".

The ~15% of the men who do have good sex lives when they're young are usually the MOST cynical towards women...if they marry, they marry for money...and these guys usually become "less than devoted" husbands and fathers.

As for the women, just when they reach the age when they REALLY want a baby and therefore NEED a husband, is also the age when men are totally cynical towards women. Thus, women who could have had any husband she wanted when she was 20, suddenly can't get a man into a steady relationship. The women become desparate, and usually have to severely change their attitude towards men if they hope to ever get a husband.

Fortunately for the women, most men have strong paternal instincts, and decide that if the women can manage to not be a total asshole, they'll marry them. These men usually become devoted husbands and fathers. Unfortuately for them, after marrying, they find out that they were wrong...their wives are TOTAL ASSHOLES!

Lucky for the women that men do have strong paternal instincts. If we had brains, we'd never marry.

The world is full of Al Bundys.
Women are the first to push for marriage and the first to destroy marriage.
Women are the first to push for marriage and the first to destroy marriage.

...after a man have worked overtime cultivating his "bachelor habits", mistreating her and neglecting his family duties to make her take that step?!
Do women want marriage and managomy more than men?

Yes, probably, most of them do.

Such things are basically programed right into our DNA.

Your theory that woman get all the sex they want by the time they're 20 (and therefore are more ready for a monogmous relationship) is NOT supported by history.

Women certainly were not more sexually liberated before the 70's but that basic desire of most women for a significant other was as strong them (or stonger) than it is today.
IYes, a small percentage of men (~15%) have great sex lives when they're young, but the vast majority do not.
Easily fixable.:tongue:


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There are exceptions, of course, but generally women are hardwired to nest and nurture offspring; men, by contrast, are hardwired to have sex with as many women as possible (the better to carry on their genes. Women thus have a built-in tendency to look for a monogamous relationship with a steady provider; while men instinctively want as many sexual relationships as possible. Both instincts are at odds with current social tendencies, which, along with reproductive freedom (birth control) place an increasing value on women as workers, and demand monogamy from men, leading both sexes to increasingly distrust each other.
"Marriage used to mean, until death do us part. Now it means, `till something goes wrong."

Marriage is no longer desirous for me. Living without marital constraints, is. I don't need or want another to lean on, or to feel complete. I AM glad I experienced marriage more than once, to good men, to have this frame of reference.

Is Marriage Going Out of Style? - CBN TV - Video
Do women want marriage and managomy more than men?

Yes, probably, most of them do.

Such things are basically programed right into our DNA.

Your theory that woman get all the sex they want by the time they're 20 (and therefore are more ready for a monogmous relationship) is NOT supported by history.

Women certainly were not more sexually liberated before the 70's but that basic desire of most women for a significant other was as strong them (or stonger) than it is today.

Nonsense. Young woman are as sexually polygamistic as they can get away with. There was a reason why they used chastity belts in the middle ages.

Before the 1970s, there was a huge underground sex industry (and there has been since the dawn of time). Having an underground sex industry provides a means by which women could secretly have very active sex lives while protecting their reputations - so their future husbands would never know.

The primary change that happened in the 1970s is that we as a society began open discussion of sexuality and a greater acceptance of the realities of human sexuality.

If women had it their way, each would have multiple husbands. Unfortunately for them, polyandrous (sp?) societies prove to be weak economically, socially and militarily. They have all but ceased to exist.

Male dominated, monogamous societies have proven to be the strongest societies economically, socially and militarily - therefore almost all existing societies are male dominated and monogamous.

The female desire for a monogamous marraige usually comes when they decide that they want babies and know that, in terms of survival for themselves and their children, is the best and only real option.
Chastity belts weren't to keep women from straying but to keep them from being raped.
Let me clarify my statements above:

Discussing human sexuality is always weird, becuase there are sexually two different type of people, dominant and submissive. Roughly half of all men and women are dominant types and the other, submissive. So dominant men and submissive women have one point of view of human sexuality, while submissive men and dominant women have a very different point of view. The latter often thinking that the former are incredibly naive in regards to female sexuality.

Dominant people, both male and female, are polygamists by nature. Submissive people are monogamists - they fall deeply in love with a single person.

Most spousal relationship consist of one dominant type and one submissive type. Submissive types almost never have sexual relationship wth each other - submissive women loathe submissive men. Dominant men and women often have sex, but rarely form spousal relationship. They are both way too in love with themselves.

Dominant type men resent dominant type women and are quick to declare them to be 'whores and sluts'. They believe that women should not inately enjoy sex and that women who do are basically sick and disgusting (though dominant men are certainly willing to have sex with them). Submissive men see female sexual desire as healthy and natural.

Dominant men see sex as a nasty, abusive and disgusting thing to do to a woman. Woman have to be in love, drunk, worked into an emotional frenzy, paid or raped in order to have sex with them. Submissive woman expect the same and see sex as an act of sacrifice, done for love. Dominant men are often physically abusive to women.

Submissive men are romantic men. They would never rape a woman or do physical harm to woman. They love women and can be brought to suicide over a woman. They see female sexually desire as healthy and expect women to be somewhat polygamistic. Dominant women can be abusive emotionally and psychologically to submissive men, but are never physically abusive.

So whenever people discuss human sexuality, they often might as well be from different planets.

All I can say is that if I had a daughter, without a doubt, I would prefer that she be a dominant type than a submissive type.
Economic freedom liberates women to live as they wish without constraints of a partner.

They can have a good job if they work up professionally, then have a baby or three, and live as they please without a mate interfering with their desires.

Is this good? I have no idea. But it is what it is.
Economic freedom liberates women to live as they wish without constraints of a partner.

They can have a good job if they work up professionally, then have a baby or three, and live as they please without a mate interfering with their desires.

Is this good? .

It's bollox.

There is no "freedom" in HAVING to work. Before the era of "victorious feminism" men were paid enough to fully support their families; now women HAVE to work -- no choice!

One can't be successful in everything, and liberastic-feministic notions (see post above) led to women suffering from depression and anxieties as they try in vain to conform to the "ideal" only to see themselves failing on all fronts.

Women who are after "no strings attached" sex are either psychologically disturbed, or are doing it out of weakness of character and a desire to emulate an image of a "modern woman" hoisted on the society by liberal media.
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Threatened by independent, economically liberated women a little?

Economic freedom liberates women to live as they wish without constraints of a partner.

They can have a good job if they work up professionally, then have a baby or three, and live as they please without a mate interfering with their desires.

Is this good? .

It's bollox.

There is no "freedom" in HAVING to work. Before the era of "victorious feminism" men were paid enough to fully support their families; now women HAVE to work -- no choice!

One can't be successful in everything, and liberastic-feministic notions (see post above) led to women suffering from depression and anxieties as they try in vain to conform to the "ideal" only to see themselves failing on all fronts.

Women who are after "no strings attached" sex are either psychologically disturbed, or are doing it out of weakness of character and a desire to emulate an image of a "modern woman" hoisted on the society by liberal media.
Threatened by independent, economically liberated women a little?

Economic freedom liberates women to live as they wish without constraints of a partner.

They can have a good job if they work up professionally, then have a baby or three, and live as they please without a mate interfering with their desires.

Is this good? .

It's bollox.

There is no "freedom" in HAVING to work. Before the era of "victorious feminism" men were paid enough to fully support their families; now women HAVE to work -- no choice!

One can't be successful in everything, and liberastic-feministic notions (see post above) led to women suffering from depression and anxieties as they try in vain to conform to the "ideal" only to see themselves failing on all fronts.

Women who are after "no strings attached" sex are either psychologically disturbed, or are doing it out of weakness of character and a desire to emulate an image of a "modern woman" hoisted on the society by liberal media.

I am a woman! And if not for "liberation" and "economic independence" would've worked a few hours here and there for some pet cause just to break up a routine. But thanks to my "liberation", I have to work full time, then come home and still be and mother for my kids, and wife for my husband, and a cook, etc.! While my husband also has to work full time, but unlike the times PRIOR to "emancipation", he can't fully support his family and has to put up with me working, thus has to shoulder some of MY, WOMANLY, responsibilities around the house!
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Thank the joy of modern capitalism and consumerism, which requires two incomes.

For the woman who plans, she does not need a husband but may desire one. I personally think children are based raised in a committed two-parent household.

But that is just me, and some disagree.

Economic liberation (a woman able to care for herself without another wage earner) has created this situation.

Threatened by independent, economically liberated women a little?

It's bollox.

There is no "freedom" in HAVING to work. Before the era of "victorious feminism" men were paid enough to fully support their families; now women HAVE to work -- no choice!

One can't be successful in everything, and liberastic-feministic notions (see post above) led to women suffering from depression and anxieties as they try in vain to conform to the "ideal" only to see themselves failing on all fronts.

Women who are after "no strings attached" sex are either psychologically disturbed, or are doing it out of weakness of character and a desire to emulate an image of a "modern woman" hoisted on the society by liberal media.

I am a woman! And if not for "liberation" and "economic independence" would've worked a few hours here and there for some pet cause just to break up a routine. But thanks to my "liberation", I have to work full time, then come home and still be and mother for my kids, and wife for my husband, and a cook, etc.! While my husband also has to work full time, but unlike the times PRIOR to "emancipation", he can't fully support his family and has to put up with me working, thus has to shoulder some of MY, WOMANLY, responsibilities around the house!
I don't have to be mugged verbally by an Ariux to know that Aruixes have a relatively strong disposition to be being online thugs.

Women are the first to push for marriage and the first to destroy marriage.

Left a bitter taste eh?

Not personally. Just an observation. I don't have be mugged by an Afro to know that Afros have a relatively strong predisposition to being criminals.

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