Debate Now Honest Debate About Abortion: Rules Posted

Are you a life begins at conception sort?

Life does, because at that point it's a separate organism, a unique human life.

My issue is balancing my moral quandary with that against my lack of desire for government to force things.

Which is why for birth control abortions I'm somewhere between 10-15 weeks enforcing a ban.
Life at 5 weeks. That's an interesting concept. At 4 weeks it's dead but at 5 weeks it's alive.

It's a lifeform, therefore it's a life. You want to get into the metaphysics of souls, individualism and existence, that's probably for another thread.
The thing is that support ends at the 2nd trimester for birth control abortions, sometimes it ends at the 1st.

I support a ban on birth control abortions from 10-15 weeks. What does that make me?
Pro Live/Pro Choice.

91% of abortions are performed by end first 12 weeks. 98.7% are performed within first 20 weeks. Late term abortions after the first 20 weeks are almost always due to medical complications. Rather than deal with abortions laws, most OB-GYNs in pro-life states will not perform abortions even if it is medical necessary because it puts doctors in a situation where they will have justify their decision or face lost of their license or even prison. Abortion should between doctor and patient not the goverment. This is why I believe abortion should be a medical not legal decision.
Life does, because at that point it's a separate organism, a unique human life.

My issue is balancing my moral quandary with that against my lack of desire for government to force things.

Which is why for birth control abortions I'm somewhere between 10-15 weeks enforcing a ban.
That position seems completely contradictory to me. I see why actual images upset you.

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