Do you anticipate a RED wave in November thanks to the gestapo tactics of the left?

I am not required to address posts exactly as you wish.
That's right, you aren't. Is that supposed to stop me from pointing out what a complete sissy you are?

You can;'t even grow a pair and admit you don't care. On an anonymous message board. Sad! Pussy Petro, that's one sick puppy!
You really believe this tact is effective.
You are losing your shit on an anonymous message board for all to see.
As the blue state dictators continue to inflict agonizing poverty on their subjects, there will be some pushback... to put it mildly.

Couple that with a drooling fucktard that continues to shit the bed from his basement while Jill tries to keep him awake and lucid, yes it does look good for the Donald this year.

You really believe this tact is effective.
Huh? I have absolutely no delusion that your sissy ass will ever respond directly. That's what being a brainwashed cultist is. It's on display. Embarrassing.
I responded to a single point that I quoted from you, dimwit. If that doesn't meet your requirements. Too fucking bad. Now get a life loser.
I responded to a single point that I quoted from you, dimwit.
Negative. You did not respond to the fact that the mentally ill president is saying that it will go away without testing, or that his personal lawyer is going on TV to mock contact tracing.

Just admit you don't care. What are you embarrassed of?
I responded to a single point that I quoted from you, dimwit.
Negative. You did not respond to the fact that the mentally ill president is saying that it will go away without testing, or that his personal lawyer is going on TV to mock contact tracing.

Just admit you don't care. What are you embarrassed of?
I wasn't addressing that point as Trump is not deciding my states policy. What he says is only relevant in the space he occupies in your head, 24/7 for over 3 years now.
What Trump says doesn't affect me, but obviously affects you greatly.
Shame a single man consumes you so.
That is called an obsession. Not healthy.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?


I believe what will happen is Biden will win in November not because I believe he is the better choice but many in purple States will just be tired of Trump mouth.

Look, Trump is his worst own enemy and we both know you will disagree with me and you and others will lecture me how Trump is just honest but again he is his own worst enemy.

I do not believe Democrats will win Texas but I do believe Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are in play along with Ohio and you will lecture me how Michigan will turn red because of that Governor without understanding that Detroit could swing the State to Biden if the Blacks come out to vote.

The key here is the Black vote in those three key States Clinton lost in 2016 and if the Black vote turn out then Trump will lose...

I don't know about the others, but I'm confident Trump will easily win my state of Ohio. There are very few people I have spoken with that are against him, and the last election we even voted in a Republican Governor........again.

What they say is if you don't win Ohio, you won't win the election.
I wasn't addressing that point as Trump is not deciding my states policy.
Right, he is abdicating his duty and he is setting failed federal policy. You didn't address it because you cant even imply any degree of failure by your cult leader, even when alone on the basement on an anonymous message board. That is how deep your cultism runs.
I wasn't addressing that point as Trump is not deciding my states policy.
Right, he is abdicating his duty and he is setting failed federal policy. You didn't address it because you cant even imply any degree of failure by your cult leader, even when alone on the basement on an anonymous message board. That is how deep your cultism runs.
Nice picture you paint with that broadbrush.
Quit sniffing the fumes.
Really are pissing Blue Koolaid.

Like Pavlov's dog, lame reply from fortfuck in 5,4,3,2...
I wasn't addressing that point as Trump is not deciding my states policy.
Right, he is abdicating his duty and he is setting failed federal policy. You didn't address it because you cant even imply any degree of failure by your cult leader, even when alone on the basement on an anonymous message board. That is how deep your cultism runs.
Nice picture you paint with that broadbrush.
Quit sniffing the fumes.
Really are pissing Blue Koolaid.

Like Pavlov's dog, lame reply from fortfuck in 5,4,3,2...
Oh look, more vapid whining. You dummies will pretty much embarrass yourselves and act like 4 year olds, before you violate the cult membership rules, wont you?

Our mentally ill president says it will go away without vaccines or testing. His personal lawyer is going on TV to mock contact tracing.

And you are a ok with that, because you freaks checked your brains, class, and morals at the door the day trump was inaugurated.
I wasn't addressing that point as Trump is not deciding my states policy.
Right, he is abdicating his duty and he is setting failed federal policy. You didn't address it because you cant even imply any degree of failure by your cult leader, even when alone on the basement on an anonymous message board. That is how deep your cultism runs.
Nice picture you paint with that broadbrush.
Quit sniffing the fumes.
Really are pissing Blue Koolaid.

Like Pavlov's dog, lame reply from fortfuck in 5,4,3,2...
Oh look, more vapid whining. You dummies will pretty much embarrass yourselves and act like 4 year olds, before you violate the cult membership rules, wont you?

Our mentally ill president says it will go away without vaccines or testing. His personal lawyer is going on TV to mock contact tracing.

And you are a ok with that, because you freaks checked your brains, class, and morals at the door the day trump was inaugurated.
Let the nurse give you your meds and take a nap already.
Nothing you say changes anything.
2 things

what the op hears is made up rw bullshit

the red wave will be blood pouring out of trumps campaign
I bet you half of Americans forgot who Biden was running..

How can you campaign on a podcast?
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
My prediction is that nothing changes as far as what party controls what house of Congress and the Oval Office.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
I do, just not in the blue states. Definitely in the purple states. I work with a few big trump haters who are really disgusted with some of the things happening. Especially the whole snitch on your neighbors deal in LA and NYC. I work in hospital, and a lot of my trump hating co-workers are waking up to how fear mongering the media is in all this situation. That doesn’t mean they like trump, but they’re definitely loosing trust in the media

In the past couple of years I’ve also noticed black people wanting to talk about trump and ask my opinion on things. And there’s a common thing they seem to say is “you know he does have a point”. It feels like they secretly agree but want to at least appear like they don’t. I’m not saying there’s a mass blexit that’s going to happen, but the tide is slowly starting to shift.

That’s all anecdotal of course. But in a former pretty solidly blue state that turned red for 2016, there’s a definite sense in the air that perceptions are shifting from what I can gather
I sure hope so and I hope this gets exposed, from an fbi agents transcript re Steele having mother jones release the false dossier-
says, !'m very disappointed with the actions of your agency,
particularly -- something to the effect, particularly with the actions of your agency on Friday.
O What had happened on Friday?
A Director Comey announced that he was reopening the investigation into the email servers.
O Of Hillary Clinton.
A Yes.
O And so, after Christopher Steele informs you that he's upset with the
FBI and Director Comey's reopening of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, Christopher Steele relayed to you that that's the reason he was upset.
A Yes. Right. And I asked him, again, I said, is it because of the money? He said, no, the money is secondary.
page 74
That tells you how involved Steele was with Clinton
Democrats are certainly going into this election cycle on the downside. It isn't just that the shut down that chafes the public it's that the foolish blue wants to keep it going.

Engaging in wishful thinking. Voters agree with Democrats on this issue. They value safety over commerce.
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