Do you anticipate a RED wave in November thanks to the gestapo tactics of the left?

From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

We are not hearing horror stories. Voters in these states support what their Governors are doing. If there is a wave then the wave will be blue. Voters oppose Republican governors' attempts to put their lives in jeopardy.

trump is behind in swing states - theres the horror

That's about right in line with squeaking by in 3 swing states by a total of 70,000 votes.

& some of them thar votes aren't happening for donny this time in wisCONsin.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
What happens if we have a BLUE wave? Will you cry?
Buy more ammo.
And why have you not started your Weak Spewing MAGA American cleanup?
Aways collecting useless shit, never any balls to back up MAGA BS spews.
So fine, buy ammo. When it comes, you won't get a shot off. Nite Drones are awesome.
AR Crap can't save your ass.
Double shill fail.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
Nope because Americans are retarded, at least 75 percent of them anyway
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

I would normally predict a Red Wave under circumstances such as we've experienced these past few months. However, considering the lengths the radical leftist democrats have gone to in their crusade to dethrone our President (to the tune of murdering tens of thousands of Americans with this COVID bio-weapon attack), I am fairly certain they will cheat, steal, deceive, sleight of hand their way to victory in many of the coming elections. In truth the only way to liberate our nation from radical leftist democrat ideologues is to excise them, all of them, from all American halls of power. By the points of our bayonets and all that . . .

^ 'dethrone'

ummmm... dethrone? donny - no matter how much he thinks he is & you want him to be.....

is not a fucking king.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

I would normally predict a Red Wave under circumstances such as we've experienced these past few months. However, considering the lengths the radical leftist democrats have gone to in their crusade to dethrone our President (to the tune of murdering tens of thousands of Americans with this COVID bio-weapon attack), I am fairly certain they will cheat, steal, deceive, sleight of hand their way to victory in many of the coming elections. In truth the only way to liberate our nation from radical leftist democrat ideologues is to excise them, all of them, from all American halls of power. By the points of our bayonets and all that . . .

^ 'dethrone'

ummmm... dethrone? donny - no matter how much he thinks he is & you want him to be.....

is not a fucking king.
cry baby 3.jpg
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
Chinese money is pouring into the DNC like a monsoon. The Republicans are being badly outraised because of it.

Trump will be re-elected but I have some real fears about the Senate and the house. If we don't keep the Senate Trump is in pretty deep shit.

From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

No, like every other intelligent person, I'm expecting a blue wave in the 2020 election.

Trump was a one election trick.

BTW - I know that you Trumpbots are given to believe whatever you imagine, but the vast majority of people in blue states are thankful that their state governments are acting appropriately in this crisis.

We feel sorry for all the red staters that are going to get sick and die in the next few weeks.

i live in CT & the tri states are the last to open up & no one here is complaining.

no one. there were about 50 yahoos that tried to make some noise a couple weeks back & they got zero traction.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

I would normally predict a Red Wave under circumstances such as we've experienced these past few months. However, considering the lengths the radical leftist democrats have gone to in their crusade to dethrone our President (to the tune of murdering tens of thousands of Americans with this COVID bio-weapon attack), I am fairly certain they will cheat, steal, deceive, sleight of hand their way to victory in many of the coming elections. In truth the only way to liberate our nation from radical leftist democrat ideologues is to excise them, all of them, from all American halls of power. By the points of our bayonets and all that . . .

^ 'dethrone'

ummmm... dethrone? donny - no matter how much he thinks he is & you want him to be.....

is not a fucking king.
View attachment 334843

From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
No one can be sure of how this next presidential election will play out. That said, one thing you can be sure of, is that if the left gains control of the house, senate and presidency, you can kiss the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights goodbye. This nation will then become a true authoritarian government and anyone who disagrees vehemently with it, will....well, see how China handles dissidents.
Just talking with folks I know living in a Blue state like MN, I hear more people who have never voted, being more disgusted with the shutdowns and harm done to small businesses. We are reaching the peak of people's patience with the shutdown mentality. Even my own mother a lifelong liberal is voting Trump next election.
JMHO that dems might be in for a big surprise here at least. Hillary barely won state by 70K votes and we are one of only two states with a divided legislature.

I can't believe a majority of voters would be stupid enough to put in an alzheimer's patient in the strongest position of the country and world, especially during a time like this.
Just talking with folks I know living in a Blue state like MN, I hear more people who have never voted, being more disgusted with the shutdowns and harm done to small businesses. We are reaching the peak of people's patience with the shutdown mentality. Even my own mother a lifelong liberal is voting Trump next election.
JMHO that dems might be in for a big surprise here at least. Hillary barely won state by 70K votes and we are one of only two states with a divided legislature.

I can't believe a majority of voters would be stupid enough to put in an alzheimer's patient in the strongest position of the country and world, especially during a time like this.
You don't? With the leftist media, celebrities, leftist educators and leftist politicians all screaming..."Orange Man Bad, Republicans evil Nazi's" and that their only hope is to jump blindly into their anti-US Constitution bandwagon, they are indeed gullible enough to go along with it. But, once the far-left has all three houses of government, and they realize that freedom is gone, they can only go along....or suffer the consequences.
Chinese money is pouring into the DNC like a monsoon. The Republicans are being badly outraised because of it.
You just made that up.

But google "Cindy Yang", if you can handle having to turn your madeup fantasy upside down.

It's been going on for 50 years dude...
Don't need to make anything up.
It started to come undone with the Advent of the information age and is now going stronget than ever. This particular cycle is seeing Chinese support for Trump's opponent's but it's not always the Democrats to be sure.
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It's been going on for 50 years dude...
Don't need to make anything up.
Yes you do, bevcause the big controversy on the last election was Chinese giving money to the GOP. So yes, you are making shit up. Not that you care. You would rather be stupid and wrong and think you are right than have to let go of your fantasy.

Btw, you clearly did not read a single word of that article. Once again, i catch you not even reading your own links.
Just talking with folks I know living in a Blue state like MN, I hear more people who have never voted, being more disgusted with the shutdowns and harm done to small businesses. We are reaching the peak of people's patience with the shutdown mentality. Even my own mother a lifelong liberal is voting Trump next election.
JMHO that dems might be in for a big surprise here at least. Hillary barely won state by 70K votes and we are one of only two states with a divided legislature.

I can't believe a majority of voters would be stupid enough to put in an alzheimer's patient in the strongest position of the country and world, especially during a time like this.
You don't? With the leftist media, celebrities, leftist educators and leftist politicians all screaming..."Orange Man Bad, Republicans evil Nazi's" and that their only hope is to jump blindly into their anti-US Constitution bandwagon, they are indeed gullible enough to go along with it. But, once the far-left has all three houses of government, and they realize that freedom is gone, they can only go along....or suffer the consequences.

The brainwashers have always been out there: the media, Hollywood, education, social media........ The real decider is how well things are by November which is less than six months away, and anything can happen between now and then. That's why I don't pay attention to polls or predictions.

I think things will get better because we are hitting this thing from the north, south, east and west. Everybody involved is working 24/7 be they the PPE providers, the scientists, the pharmaceutical companies, the test manufacturers. In Europe, they are even trying to train dogs to sniff out the virus, and believe that can be done where they can detect it even in asymptomatic people. Great for places like airports to keep that industry going.
Just talking with folks I know living in a Blue state like MN, I hear more people who have never voted, being more disgusted with the shutdowns and harm done to small businesses. We are reaching the peak of people's patience with the shutdown mentality. Even my own mother a lifelong liberal is voting Trump next election.
JMHO that dems might be in for a big surprise here at least. Hillary barely won state by 70K votes and we are one of only two states with a divided legislature.

I can't believe a majority of voters would be stupid enough to put in an alzheimer's patient in the strongest position of the country and world, especially during a time like this.
You don't? With the leftist media, celebrities, leftist educators and leftist politicians all screaming..."Orange Man Bad, Republicans evil Nazi's" and that their only hope is to jump blindly into their anti-US Constitution bandwagon, they are indeed gullible enough to go along with it. But, once the far-left has all three houses of government, and they realize that freedom is gone, they can only go along....or suffer the consequences.

The brainwashers have always been out there: the media, Hollywood, education, social media........ The real decider is how well things are by November which is less than six months away, and anything can happen between now and then. That's why I don't pay attention to polls or predictions.

I think things will get better because we are hitting this thing from the north, south, east and west. Everybody involved is working 24/7 be they the PPE providers, the scientists, the pharmaceutical companies, the test manufacturers. In Europe, they are even trying to train dogs to sniff out the virus, and believe that can be done where they can detect it even in asymptomatic people. Great for places like airports to keep that industry going.
Neato! But the experts have clearly shown us that testing and contact tracing are the path back to normalcy. 3 months in, and the mentally ill president still says it will go away without testing. His personal lawyer is going on television to mock contact tracing. Do your part as an american and vote his ass out.
Do your part as an american and vote his ass out.
With Biden?
Absolutely NOT.
The hate Trump campaign for over three years, and the Democrats pick another damn political career elitist senile hack who has sold out a lot d contradicted every position he held in the past. You folks should have concentrated on your own glass house and actual messaging.
LMBAO @ "red wave." What a stupid thing to say.

I guess the OP ostensibly doesn’t know that a “red wave” means a Republican victory.

There will be blue tsunami that will sweep out to sea the corrupt Trump Administration along with it’s goons and sycophants.
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