Do you anticipate a RED wave in November thanks to the gestapo tactics of the left?

From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
So the Great Douche got in with 77,000 more votes in 3 states. Do you think the MAGA Trumpeter are going to find more votes?
They got the normal 62M votes. I think not, Sadly many Dems in them states did not vote, as they were fooled thinking the Orange Ordure can't win.
They failed thinking, how can people vote for this Orange Douche Ordure of a thang. Thinking it was over long ago, they did not vote. These Votes will come out 2020.
As did in 2018. Good Luck Trumpsters.

Btw: I am for payback for these 3 states. Their states had lower turnouts in 2016 vs 2018. They still need to pay for the Douche getting in.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

We are not hearing horror stories. Voters in these states support what their Governors are doing. If there is a wave then the wave will be blue. Voters oppose Republican governors' attempts to put their lives in jeopardy.

trump is behind in swing states - theres the horror
That's just more Fake left spews. Gotta love living the MAGA Made COVID-19 Lifestyle. Right?
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
The premise of the thread is a crock of horseshit.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf.

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him.

We have put together this post in an effort to cut through a lot of the disinformation floating around about the Flynn case. We proceed in several distinct steps. First, we offer a procedural history of the case’s recent machinations—how we got to where we are, what the parties are fighting about and how these documents came to be public. Next, we examine the applicable law that governs the matters at issue. We then turn to what’s in the documents and how they interact with the legal standards. Finally, we offer some thoughts and analysis of where things are likely to go from here."
Nope, I'm not expecting a red wave.
I think it will be extremely difficult to hold the Senate and the White House.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

No, like every other intelligent person, I'm expecting a blue wave in the 2020 election.

Trump was a one election trick.

BTW - I know that you Trumpbots are given to believe whatever you imagine, but the vast majority of people in blue states are thankful that their state governments are acting appropriately in this crisis.

We feel sorry for all the red staters that are going to get sick and die in the next few weeks.
BTW - I know that you Trumpbots are given to believe whatever you imagine, but the vast majority of people in blue states are thankful that their state governments are acting appropriately in this crisis.

Yes, I'm sure people in NYC are so thankful, especially those in nursing homes.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
What happens if we have a BLUE wave? Will you cry?
Buy more ammo.
Don't count on it. The upcoming election will have more vote fraud than ever before.
Post links to all the "voter fraud" we've had thus far.
Under say 36-38 nationwide.
How many millions are we looking for again? So we can find them before Nov. 2020.
Biden is the best candidate they could have run. He is seen as a moderate unlike Trump.
If you classify Biden as a moderate, what do you classify Trump as?
Shill fail.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
What happens if we have a BLUE wave? Will you cry?
What color waves are there if not blue? Joke

I dont see Biden getting a “blue wave” going. Cuomo maybe.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
The premise of the thread is a crock of horseshit.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf.

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him.

We have put together this post in an effort to cut through a lot of the disinformation floating around about the Flynn case. We proceed in several distinct steps. First, we offer a procedural history of the case’s recent machinations—how we got to where we are, what the parties are fighting about and how these documents came to be public. Next, we examine the applicable law that governs the matters at issue. We then turn to what’s in the documents and how they interact with the legal standards. Finally, we offer some thoughts and analysis of where things are likely to go from here."
You are BWK.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
What happens if we have a BLUE wave? Will you cry?
Buy more ammo.
And why have you not started your Weak Spewing MAGA American cleanup?
Aways collecting useless shit, never any balls to back up MAGA BS spews.
So fine, buy ammo. When it comes, you won't get a shot off. Nite Drones are awesome.
AR Crap can't save your ass.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

We are not hearing horror stories. Voters in these states support what their Governors are doing. If there is a wave then the wave will be blue. Voters oppose Republican governors' attempts to put their lives in jeopardy.

trump is behind in swing states - theres the horror

wisCONsin came out to vote despite having to face covid just to vote the incumbant (R) judge that trump endorsed.

people are pissed & it's time to boot donny's ample orange ass out the door & into the arms of the NYAG.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
So the Great Douche got in with 77,000 more votes in 3 states. Do you think the MAGA Trumpeter are going to find more votes?
They got the normal 62M votes. I think not, Sadly many Dems in them states did not vote, as they were fooled thinking the Orange Ordure can't win.
They failed thinking, how can people vote for this Orange Douche Ordure of a thang. Thinking it was over long ago, they did not vote. These Votes will come out 2020.
As did in 2018. Good Luck Trumpsters.

Btw: I am for payback for these 3 states. Their states had lower turnouts in 2016 vs 2018. They still need to pay for the Douche getting in.

Also consider that when Trump ran, he lost a lot of Republican voters too. There were a lot of people, especially conservatives, that didn't like the guy and just stayed home.

Now that Trump has proven himself tenfold, those voters will be out this next election. Nobody can imagine the disaster we would be in today if open borders Hillary was in charge, and open borders Creepy Joe won't be any better.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

Possibly. It's hard to say. Remember, it matters as much how energized the right-wing is, as how energized the left-wing is.

Remember, the left-wing has lost its mind. They are just as bonkers crazy, and energized against Trump.

So how the two waves will crash together, is hard to say.

the blue tsunami is gonna wash the red tide away.

the house in 2018 was just the start. the (D)s will keep the majority in the house & the senate has way more seats up for grabs this time around - some 20 of them & the (D)s only need 4. :popcorn:
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