Do you anticipate a RED wave in November thanks to the gestapo tactics of the left?

From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

We are not hearing horror stories. Voters in these states support what their Governors are doing. If there is a wave then the wave will be blue. Voters oppose Republican governors' attempts to put their lives in jeopardy.

trump is behind in swing states - theres the horror
Do you anticipate a RED wave in November thanks to the gestapo tactics of the left?

No, I think the election will be close again as before.

Tomorrow's special election in CA-25 could be an indicator of what to expect. It's Katie Hill's open seat in upper LA County. It was in Republican hands for a long time until Hill defeated Steve Knight in the 2018 blue wave. Whether they can hold it in tomorrow's election or whether it swings back to the Republicans could be a predictor of the mood of the nation right now given this is a pretty even swing district. Special elections have tended to foreshadow the general.

I disagree. The coronavirus sets up a whole set of uncertainties into the equation. The trend has been pretty clear as evidenced in Wisconsin. Also the fact that the Montana Senate seat is in play is not good news for Republicans.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

One can only hope........the Chinese Virus pulled the mask off the democrats a little more now that they are letting their fascist flag fly with their Trump derangement syndrome.....
I disagree. The coronavirus sets up a whole set of uncertainties into the equation. The trend has been pretty clear as evidenced in Wisconsin. Also the fact that the Montana Senate seat is in play is not good news for Republicans.

Montana is in play because of a popular governor running against the incumbent.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

Possibly. It's hard to say. Remember, it matters as much how energized the right-wing is, as how energized the left-wing is.

Remember, the left-wing has lost its mind. They are just as bonkers crazy, and energized against Trump.

So how the two waves will crash together, is hard to say.
I'll give credit to voters and guess they'll not be overly influenced by the national media.
Please... if that was even possible, that people were not mind-washed by the media, then Bernie Sanders would never have gotten close to getting the nomination.

If they even attempted to think for themselves, no one would think stopping illegal immigration is racists, when nearly every legal immigrant is against illegal immigration.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

We are not hearing horror stories. Voters in these states support what their Governors are doing. If there is a wave then the wave will be blue. Voters oppose Republican governors' attempts to put their lives in jeopardy.

trump is behind in swing states - theres the horror

From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

I would normally predict a Red Wave under circumstances such as we've experienced these past few months. However, considering the lengths the radical leftist democrats have gone to in their crusade to dethrone our President (to the tune of murdering tens of thousands of Americans with this COVID bio-weapon attack), I am fairly certain they will cheat, steal, deceive, sleight of hand their way to victory in many of the coming elections. In truth the only way to liberate our nation from radical leftist democrat ideologues is to excise them, all of them, from all American halls of power. By the points of our bayonets and all that . . .
Just talking with folks I know living in a Blue state like MN, I hear more people who have never voted, being more disgusted with the shutdowns and harm done to small businesses. We are reaching the peak of people's patience with the shutdown mentality. Even my own mother a lifelong liberal is voting Trump next election.
JMHO that dems might be in for a big surprise here at least. Hillary barely won state by 70K votes and we are one of only two states with a divided legislature.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
Tidal wave if not a tsunami.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
No. The magnitude of this mess is due to not having proper testing and tracing in place. After over 3 months. Americans will come to understand this failure. The trump cultists wont care, but everyone else will.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

We are not hearing horror stories. Voters in these states support what their Governors are doing. If there is a wave then the wave will be blue. Voters oppose Republican governors' attempts to put their lives in jeopardy.

trump is behind in swing states - theres the horror

That's about right in line with squeaking by in 3 swing states by a total of 70,000 votes.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

Don't count on it. The upcoming election will have more vote fraud than ever before.

What a whole 2 or 3 cases....

Can you please give example of mass voter fraud that could influence an election?
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?


I expect a Tsunami.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?
What happens if we have a BLUE wave? Will you cry?

If Hell freezes over and dems actually make inroads?
No we wont cry,thats your M.O.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

Possibly. It's hard to say. Remember, it matters as much how energized the right-wing is, as how energized the left-wing is.

Remember, the left-wing has lost its mind. They are just as bonkers crazy, and energized against Trump.

So how the two waves will crash together, is hard to say.

I dont think dems have the numbers no matter how energized they become.

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