Do you anticipate a RED wave in November thanks to the gestapo tactics of the left?

As long as democrats can keep up the pressure their creepy candidate can keep a low profile.
With Biden?
Absolutely NOT.
Absolutely yes. Again, and pay attention this time:

The data shows, and the experts agree, that testing and contact tracing are the path back to normalcy.

The mentally ill president says it will go away without testing. His personal lawyer is going on tv to mock contact tracing.

Either you care, or you don't. I don't want to hear your pathetic whataboutism. If your cultism runs so deep that you don't care, at least grow a pair and admit it on an anonymous message board.
With Biden?
Absolutely NOT.
Absolutely yes. Again, and pay attention this time:

The data shows, and the experts agree, that testing and contact tracing are the path back to normalcy.

The mentally ill president says it will go away without testing. His personal lawyer is going on tv to mock contact tracing.

Either you care, or you don't. I don't want to hear your pathetic whataboutism. If your cultism runs so deep that you don't care, at least grow a pair and admit it on an anonymous message board.
You have an idiot for a candidate.
Grow a pair and realize your hatred of Trump and demonization of his supporters doesn't win elections. Lesson of 2016 obviously not learned.
So, fuck no to Biden. Learn to deal with the fact you can't control others with lame insults and a false misplaced sense of superiority.
There will be a red wave because Fingers Joe is the worst candidate the leftists could pick.
That's OK...

At least the Democrats CAN still "pick".

You're stuck with your existing baggage... and he's gonna drag the rest of the GOP down with him on November 3rd... Bigly ! :D
You have an idiot for a candidate
More pathetic whataboutism.

Still cant grow a pair and just admit you don't care. You're such a brainwashed sissy you cant even respond directly to the actions i presented. It takes a special kind of sissy to be a sissy on an anonymous message board. That is how deep your cultism runs. How embarrassing for you.
You have an idiot for a candidate
More pathetic whataboutism.

Still cant grow a pair and just admit you don't care. It takes a special kind of sissy to be a sissy on an anonymous message board. That is how deep your cultism runs.
More insults, showing you have no capacity to make an actual point.
Sad, childish and pathetic.

Sucks for you that the technique only cements my support of liberals losing.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?


I believe what will happen is Biden will win in November not because I believe he is the better choice but many in purple States will just be tired of Trump mouth.

Look, Trump is his worst own enemy and we both know you will disagree with me and you and others will lecture me how Trump is just honest but again he is his own worst enemy.

I do not believe Democrats will win Texas but I do believe Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are in play along with Ohio and you will lecture me how Michigan will turn red because of that Governor without understanding that Detroit could swing the State to Biden if the Blacks come out to vote.

The key here is the Black vote in those three key States Clinton lost in 2016 and if the Black vote turn out then Trump will lose...
More insults, showing you have no capacity to make an actual point.
Except i did, and you retreated from it all a full sprint, tossing whataboutisms over your sissy little shoulders. It's all there in black and white for everyone to see.
There will be a red wave because Fingers Joe is the worst candidate the leftists could pick.
That's OK...

At least the Democrats CAN still "pick".

You're stuck with your existing baggage... and he's gonna drag the rest of the GOP down with him on November 3rd... Bigly ! :D

Good luck with dementia riddled Fingers Joe.
Even California has a rising fury against democrats. The last time Californians were this grim Gray Davis got thrown out on his ass and Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor.
I see President Pussyboi stormed out of another press conference today, after getting a question he couldn't answer by bragging about himself.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?


I believe what will happen is Biden will win in November not because I believe he is the better choice but many in purple States will just be tired of Trump mouth.

Look, Trump is his worst own enemy and we both know you will disagree with me and you and others will lecture me how Trump is just honest but again he is his own worst enemy.

I do not believe Democrats will win Texas but I do believe Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are in play along with Ohio and you will lecture me how Michigan will turn red because of that Governor without understanding that Detroit could swing the State to Biden if the Blacks come out to vote.

The key here is the Black vote in those three key States Clinton lost in 2016 and if the Black vote turn out then Trump will lose...
I think it's funny you make an entire post putting words in my mouth and telling me what I'm going to say.

Irony much???
You keep thinking that pal.
No subjective opinion required. You ran from my point like a scared little cultist. You couldn't even work up the atones to address it, much less admit the truth that you don't give a shit.
I put my opinion in, and addressed the lame comment about how I should vote as an American.
The response was an obvious Fuck Biden and like a little crybaby Karen you can't accept that people don't agree with you and resort to the usual media driven soundbites.
I could care less about the rest of the shit you spouted. Heard it all on the 3500 other Covid threads. So there you go. Deal with it, Karen.
You have won nothing but your own approval.

BTW, my liberal governor is deciding my states policy. NOT TRUMP.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?

Red as in Chinese?

Yupp!, fer sure.
I put my opinion in, and addressed the lame comment about how I should vote as an American.
You addressed not a single word of my comments. And you know it. You still won't. This is what cultism has done to your brain.
Whatever. You have drank far too much of the liberal Koolaid.
I am not required to address posts exactly as you wish. Another thing you can't deal with.
From blue state to blue state we are hearing horror stories about how the democrats are treating their citizens & small business owners.
Based on these DAILY stories of abuse of the citizenry do you expect to see a shift in the powers that be in those states? Or will orange man bad be enough of a narrative to override freedom?


I believe what will happen is Biden will win in November not because I believe he is the better choice but many in purple States will just be tired of Trump mouth.

Look, Trump is his worst own enemy and we both know you will disagree with me and you and others will lecture me how Trump is just honest but again he is his own worst enemy.

I do not believe Democrats will win Texas but I do believe Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are in play along with Ohio and you will lecture me how Michigan will turn red because of that Governor without understanding that Detroit could swing the State to Biden if the Blacks come out to vote.

The key here is the Black vote in those three key States Clinton lost in 2016 and if the Black vote turn out then Trump will lose...
I think it's funny you make an entire post putting words in my mouth and telling me what I'm going to say.

Irony much???

Well tell me I am wrong Gramps!

Fact is you enjoy Trump and have no qualm telling everyone how wrong they are about their opinion of Trump.

Still Biden just need to win those three States that Clinton lost because of Jill Stein, so what he need to do is not focus on voters like you or I but the Black vote in those key States along with College voters which if he can get them is a miracle and what I mean by that is I will wake with Ana de Armas before College kids vote in today time...
I am not required to address posts exactly as you wish.
That's right, you aren't. Is that supposed to stop me from pointing out what a complete sissy you are?

You can;'t even grow a pair and admit you don't care. On an anonymous message board. Sad! Pussy Petro, that's one sick puppy!

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