Do you beieve in every conspiracy theory or just one or two ?

A more important question is why did you believe all these that you called conspiracy theories?

:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::yes_text12:

Best damn post on this thread,tommy proves as always how selective and biased he is,he dismisses these facts as conspiracy theories.tommy doesn’t want to Ask anybody if they believe the two biggest conspiracy theories of human record,the conspiracy theory of no election fraud in 2020 or the Russia trump collusion hoax conspiracy theory,somehow thst incredibly gets left off his selective list.:cuckoo:

Oh ans as someone else mentioned the conspiracy theory that the vaccine saved lives.
still going with the conspiracy theory that the vaccine thats not a vaccine saved any lives,,

theres zero evidence it saved a single life,,
:thankusmile: Indeed,I guarantee you can find dozens and dozens of people you know personally if you ask around if they regret taking the vaccine and many will say yes,on the other hand,you can never find anybody out there if you ask around who has not taken it that will say yes to the question if you ask them if they regret not taking the vaccine right now.

Tommy and the others thst have come on here and tooted his horn clearly dont understand the differerene in conspiracy theories and conspiracy FACT.
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Your "opinions" are not backed up by facts.
How is that mirror there you are looking at? You have opionins there was trump Russian collusion and no election interference in 2020, talk about conspiracy theories and having opinions with no facts? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: Again how is that mirror you are looking into right now?
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How is that mirror there you are looking at? You have opionins there was trump Russian collusion and no election interference in 2020, talk about conspiracy theories and having opinions with no facts? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: Again how is that mirror you are looking into right now?
A lot of people went to jail for "nothing".
One for the conspiracy theory community really.
The main ones i have listed are as follows.

Michelle is a man
Obama is not an American
Anti vax
stolen election
jews control evrything
deep state
You can catch gay
Dems kill kids
Chem trails
Climate science
Tranny groomers
Libraraians are paedo enablers
Bamboo paper
Veneauelan voting machines
Crisis actors

Its not a subject I am expert in so I likely missed a few hundred. But it seems to me that if a person beieves in one of these they will probably be "all in" and believe in all of them.

Is that the case? It seems remarkable that a group of independent thinkers should all arrive at the very same conclusions.

Do all election deniers believe that climate science is junk ? I think that they do.
Do people who protest outside drag shows think that you can be persuaded to be gav ? I would think so too..

What I am driving at is where you personally draw the line.Is there any theory that you draw the line a? Did you land on the moon ?

They tend to come as package deals. Once you've abdicated reason to a steaming pile of baseless conspiracy batshit......there's nothing to compel you to stop rolling around in the batshit.

If you believe in a vast, international conspiracy involving North Korea, the CIA, and the ghost of Hugo Chavez to steal the 2020 election......then why not Ray Epps starting the J6 riots. Or a firefight between the US Army and the CIA for 'servers' that proved the election was stolen. Or that Obama was born in a villiage in Kenya. Or a flat earth.
A lot of people went to jail for "nothing".
thats because trump is not part of the corrupt two party system fagboy. He is not one of these fag heros of yours in this pic below. ahh what a cute couple, :auiqs.jpg: they are both your heros because they are fagboys same as you who also same as you also hate America.

fags like you try and tell us that Trump telling Americans to go home is somehow inciting an about a conspiracy theory.:auiqs.jpg:you kill me.

the deep state took out kennedy because he served the people instead of the elite,they cant kill trump because he is always one step ahead of them because of state of the art technology so they come up with one PHONY trump charge after another which each has all failed which makes you cry.:itsok:

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After all the lies and misinformation governments, media, academia, and science have told us these last 25 years, one would be wise to question everything they say.

But too bad for you that doesn't make your own dumbass rantings legit.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::yes_text12:

Best damn post on this thread,tommy proves as always how selective and biased he is,he dismisses these facts as conspiracy theories.tommy doesn’t want to Ask anybody if they believe the two biggest conspiracy theories of human record,the conspiracy theory of no election fraud in 2020 or the Russia trump collusion hoax conspiracy theory,somehow thst incredibly gets left off his selective list.:cuckoo:

Oh ans as someone else mentioned the conspiracy theory that the vaccine saved lives.
These are the conspiracy theory’s you believe in paid trollboy. :auiqs.jpg:

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