Do you believe a Jury would convict someone for failing to adhere to the 2014 mandate


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Thomas Jefferson:
"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution."

In 1794 First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court John Jay said, "The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy."

The law is what the Jury says it is. Would any Jury unanimously convict someone of this offense?

Most people must have health coverage in 2014 or pay a fee. If you don’t have coverage in 2014, you’ll have to pay a penalty of $95 per adult, $47.50 per child, or 1% of your income (whichever is higher). The fee increases every year. Some people may qualify for an exemption to this fee.
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It's not a matter of a criminal offense, so a "jury" will have nothing to do with it. A criminal conviction will not be required for such a fee.
Yes, a jury composed of a majority Obamabots would. They'd intimidate anyone NOT immediately on board with unleashing The IRS (Hello Nixon enemies list!!!) on them.
It's not a matter of a criminal offense, so a "jury" will have nothing to do with it. A criminal conviction will not be required for such a fee.

Just because it's no "required" doesn't mean you cannot request a trial by jury. I would DEMAND a Jury for this.

So what was your point?
It's not a matter of a criminal offense, so a "jury" will have nothing to do with it. A criminal conviction will not be required for such a fee.

Just because it's no "required" doesn't mean you cannot request a trial by jury. I would DEMAND a Jury for this.

So what was your point?

You won't get one, because it's not a legal issue, it's a tax issue.

It's not like a parking ticket.
The only way they will get that tax (the pc dem un-aca term is shared responsibility payment :rolleyes:) is if you haven't purchased insurance and get a tax refund they will keep whatever you owe out of your return. So? Adjust your withholdings so you don't get a refund. As of now, they will not come knocking on your door to haul you off, they will not dippy dip into your bank account, they will not take your first born. Down the road? Who knows.

So they come up with a law that says you have to purchase h/i or pay a fine but they aren't really enforcing the fine so . . . yeah, you can just not pay anything and if you get sick/hurt, go to the ER, get treated, they won't come after you for that bill, if you're really sick you can sign up for h/i when the open enrollment comes around. Yup, this is going to work out just dandy.
It's not a matter of a criminal offense, so a "jury" will have nothing to do with it. A criminal conviction will not be required for such a fee.

Just because it's no "required" doesn't mean you cannot request a trial by jury. I would DEMAND a Jury for this.

So what was your point?

A bit of a hoop to jump through for a lousy 95 bucks don't you think
It's not a matter of a criminal offense, so a "jury" will have nothing to do with it. A criminal conviction will not be required for such a fee.

Just because it's no "required" doesn't mean you cannot request a trial by jury. I would DEMAND a Jury for this.

So what was your point?

You won't get one, because it's not a legal issue, it's a tax issue.

It's not like a parking ticket.

The Seventh Amendment guarantees your right to trial by Jury.

The Washington Times even has an article on using Jury Nullification to overturn Obamacare:
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The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to a Jury Trial for civil and criminal suits, based on common law.

It does not guarantee a "trial by jury" for taxes and fees.
Given your other posts, you must truly be this stupid.


Are you saying Thomas Jefferson is stupid?

Um... I think it's pretty clear that he was calling you stupid, not Thomas Jefferson.


"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." - Thomas Jefferson

In 1794 First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court John Jay said, "The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy."
The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to a Jury Trial for civil and criminal suits, based on common law.

It does not guarantee a "trial by jury" for taxes and fees.

Sorry, but I'll take the word of lawyers and journalists over yours when it comes to Obamacare.
Are you saying Thomas Jefferson is stupid?

Um... I think it's pretty clear that he was calling you stupid, not Thomas Jefferson.


"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." - Thomas Jefferson

In 1794 First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court John Jay said, "The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy."

The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to a Jury Trial for civil and criminal suits, based on common law.

It does not guarantee a "trial by jury" for taxes and fees.

Sorry, but I'll take the word of lawyers and journalists over yours when it comes to Obamacare.

You're welcome to take whoever's word you want.

Just don't be surprised when people look at you funny when you walk into an IRS office and demand a "Jury trial".
would someone get convicted of tax evasion for trying to artificially deflate their income in order to make up the ObamaCare tax/penalty?

that would be a very interesting case of Jury Nullification.
The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to a Jury Trial for civil and criminal suits, based on common law.

It does not guarantee a "trial by jury" for taxes and fees.

Sorry, but I'll take the word of lawyers and journalists over yours when it comes to Obamacare.

What "lawyers and journalists" are you talking about?

Are you referring to the man who wrote the Washington Times Op-Ed you posted?

He's not a lawyer or a "journalist", he's a blogger.

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