Do you ever need a moment in a conversation?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
While out for dinner recently, I was having a friendly conversation with my dining companion. I informed this individual that my brother and I may take a trip to do some Alligator Gar fishing this summer. The following exchange took place in the matter of about maybe five seconds.

Companion: What do you do with the ones you catch?

Me: Well, my brother and his family throw them back.

Companion: What? You don't keep them? Why?

Me: We...

Companion: Does anybody keep them? Why, do they taste bad?

Me: I don't...

Companion: Is it illegal?

Me: I...

Companion: Why? Are they endangered?

Me: ??? I have to go the bathroom. I will be right back.

I went to the bathroom, came back and then calmly explained that:

1. I have no idea why my brother and his family do not keep the Alligator Gar.
2. I have no idea if anyone else keeps them or eats them or how they taste.
3. I don't think it is illegal to keep them, except I am not certain of that.
4. I don't think they are endangered, except I am not certain of that either.
I need particulars on alcohol consumed prior to the exchange and what they ordered for dinner. Guessing not alligator gar.
I need particulars on alcohol consumed prior to the exchange and what they ordered for dinner. Guessing not alligator gar.

Neither of us had consumed any alcohol, although I drank afterwards. No, she did not order Alligator Gar nor was it on the menu. I believe she ordered a salad.
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I think the more important question is why do you want to go to south Florida in the middle of the summer to go fishing? It is brutal and the bugs are too.

1. I never said anything about Florida, let alone any particular region of the state. The trip is actually scheduled for Mississippi.
2. I never specified the middle of the summer. I don't know if it is early, middle, or late summer.
3. I'm not the one scheduling the trip. They are going on the trip whether I go or not.
While out for dinner recently, I was having a friendly conversation with my dining companion. I informed this individual that my brother and I may take a trip to do some Alligator Gar fishing this summer. The following exchange took place in the matter of about maybe five seconds.

Companion: What do you do with the ones you catch?

Me: Well, my brother and his family throw them back.

Companion: What? You don't keep them? Why?

Me: We...

Companion: Does anybody keep them? Why, do they taste bad?

Me: I don't...

Companion: Is it illegal?

Me: I...

Companion: Why? Are they endangered?

Me: ??? I have to go the bathroom. I will be right back.

I went to the bathroom, came back and then calmly explained that:

1. I have no idea why my brother and his family do not keep the Alligator Gar.
2. I have no idea if anyone else keeps them or eats them or how they taste.
3. I don't think it is illegal to keep them, except I am not certain of that.
4. I don't think they are endangered, except I am not certain of that either.


To give another side though--she might have really come on way too strong---or--she might be just a naturally curious person. I am a curious person too, and had to learn that sometimes lots of questions can seem prying to people (big oops). I know I am probably guilty of coming across this way if I don't carefully feel out my friend/companion. Sometimes I try to phrase it like, "I wonder if they're endangered?" or "I've never tasted alligator but I know some people who eat it!" etc, etc, etc.

Anyway I would have been very intrigued by your story and would have probably had all these questions too. (sorry)

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