Do you feel the love?

Does Obama care about "the other" 47%?

  • I'm an Obama supporter, and no, he doesn't care about you, not at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not an Obama supporter, but you're wrong kaz, he cares about me. I will explain in a post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yes of course they vote differently on some issues. Unlike Dems who are lockstep on all of them, lest they get the "Joe Lieberman" treatment.

Name them. Name the issues they vote differently on.

And when I do you'll 1) claim somehow it doesnt matter, 2)claim they all do it 3) clam up and go on spreading lies on some other thread.
No thanks.

LOL...right...good way to back out of providing any...because you can't. ha ha ha ha
The only thing Barack cares about is Barack!
He could give a shit about anyone else or this country.

The only thing Barry cares about is his lefty agenda.

As for the people in America? They are there to provide the money for his lefty agenda.

Of course those living on Welfare really don't care who the POTUS is as long as they get that EBT card filled every month.

Nope. Barry could care less about the American people. All he cares about is his lefty agenda. The one he's been learning about his whole life. Yep. He's a fucking winner allright.
The left got all jacked out of shape over Romney's comment 47% of the people would never vote for him. However, I have to say as one of the 47% that would never vote for Obama, I'm not feeling the love from Obama. He doesn't seem to give jack shit about me. So, am I just not seeing it? Or if I see it right, then why the double standard?

What about you, are you feeling the love?

What is it you want Obama to do for you?
The left got all jacked out of shape over Romney's comment 47% of the people would never vote for him. However, I have to say as one of the 47% that would never vote for Obama, I'm not feeling the love from Obama. He doesn't seem to give jack shit about me. So, am I just not seeing it? Or if I see it right, then why the double standard?

What about you, are you feeling the love?

What is it you want Obama to do for you?

I was offered a handjob and a new car way back on page one of this thread. I'd like someone to follow through.
The left got all jacked out of shape over Romney's comment 47% of the people would never vote for him. However, I have to say as one of the 47% that would never vote for Obama, I'm not feeling the love from Obama. He doesn't seem to give jack shit about me. So, am I just not seeing it? Or if I see it right, then why the double standard?

What about you, are you feeling the love?

What is it you want Obama to do for you?

Admit his mistakes and listen to the peoples represenatives.

Big order I know
The left got all jacked out of shape over Romney's comment 47% of the people would never vote for him. However, I have to say as one of the 47% that would never vote for Obama, I'm not feeling the love from Obama. He doesn't seem to give jack shit about me. So, am I just not seeing it? Or if I see it right, then why the double standard?

What about you, are you feeling the love?

What is it you want Obama to do for you?

No point is simple or obvious enough for a liberal to grasp it. You got all jacked out of shape about a statement that you practice. This point is about your hypocrisy. Think about it, but don't hurt yourself.

You're thin skinned liars. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves. That people don't see the obviousness of it and keep electing you people is pathetic.
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The tally so far.

13 out of 13 non-liberals say our President doesn't care at all about us. The party who went ape shit because Romney at least admitted it, once again demonstrates their hypocrisy.

2 out of 2 liberals said he does care about us. Neither explained, we just got insults. Insults, to the question of how the head of their party actually does care about us. Kool-aid drinkers you are.
What do you want? A personal handjob and a new car? Obama has been fixing the GOP nightmare for years. If you got your dream by supporting the right wingers, you would be lucky to even have a job making 3$ an hour.

I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around your logic that blaming me is caring about me...

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