Do you frequently judge people that you do not know?

I try to live by Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that you be not judged. "

I take people as they are. How they live their life is their buisness and as long as they do not interfere with other peoples "pursuit of happiness" I have no objections. So I do not judge people, they judge themselves.

By judge I was thinking he meant 'to form an opinion of'.

If a woman is a blonde then I judge her to be an idiot? I do have opinions about issues and things but I usually do not form opinions about people. They are who they are and that is how I view them. When I see a black man I do not see him as a man of color but as a a man. I do not see a handicapped person as handicapped but as a human being and treat them with the same respect and dignity as everone else. I used to judge people but over time you see the error in it and start to realize that everone is different and they live in their own little worlds.

So you never form an opinion of someone you don't know? Say in line at the store, and they were being an idiot or rude. :doubt:

The thought of judging someone based on their hair or skin color or whether they were in a wheel chair or had three legs never crossed my mind.

If you judged a blond woman as an idiot based on her hair color, you'd be stereotyping. If you judged a blond woman as an idiot based on her idiotic actions, you'd be right.

Non-smilers are in a category all their own.
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what that kid didnt smile and you smack him or her?

gum chewers...i judge them harshly....most of the time i try not to be judge fucking mental ...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesnt...

i can roll with most anyone and have a good time...
what that kid didnt smile and you smack him or her?

gum chewers...i judge them harshly....most of the time i try not to be judge fucking mental ...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesnt...

i can roll with most anyone and have a good time...

Nah, her brother taught her how to hold onto a table, pull her legs up and swing. The table fell on top of her; she nearly lost the eye yi yi. The knife -- oh, saveliberty thinks I should be specific and say the fake knife :rolleyes: -- was for parental amusement. :lol:
o hell i didnt even see the always amazes me what happens to wee ones in the blink of an eye...stoners are funny around wee ones....too paranoid to take their eyes off the wee ones...cause they are stoned and dont wanna be blamed for letting a wee one get hurt...

my sons worst injuries have always been with other my care he has never had to go to the er etc..blah blah blah....but let him out of my sight....we got skull x rays....shoe full of blood....a fish hook in his thumb and no we cant push it thur....yea when you did that much jack did you have in you? well hes 8 yr to the er...did you know the finger tips are hard to numb?
By judge I was thinking he meant 'to form an opinion of'.

If a woman is a blonde then I judge her to be an idiot? I do have opinions about issues and things but I usually do not form opinions about people. They are who they are and that is how I view them. When I see a black man I do not see him as a man of color but as a a man. I do not see a handicapped person as handicapped but as a human being and treat them with the same respect and dignity as everone else. I used to judge people but over time you see the error in it and start to realize that everone is different and they live in their own little worlds.

So you never form an opinion of someone you don't know? Say in line at the store, and they were being an idiot or rude. :doubt:

The thought of judging someone based on their hair or skin color or whether they were in a wheel chair or had three legs never crossed my mind.

If you judged a blond woman as an idiot based on her hair color, you'd be stereotyping. If you judged a blond woman as an idiot based on her idiotic actions, you'd be right.

Non-smilers are in a category all their own.

I never said never. I said usually, I am a human being after all. None of us are perfect and I do have my faults. I try not to form opinions about people and the person in line you used as example, I would just ignore them. As long as they did not invade my space that is.
All the time.

I grade everyone and everything by letter. For example, xotoxi, you are an A- whereas gaytrauma is an F. This thread is a B, but I might give it a higher grade if it gets better.
Is that one of those fancy dingleberry harvesting sticks?

Nope. It's one of those fancy ass cheek cookers...

Please stop posting pictures of spread bungholes.

As someone who has a moderate automatic preference for straight people, I find those pictures moderately troubling.

K... how's this one?

I form opinions of people based on their own words and/or actions. If that's judging, so be it.. But my instincts are usually correct.
doesn't one need to be able to "judge" a situation or a person in order to make a decision?
doesn't one need to be able to "judge" a situation or a person in order to make a decision?

You make a judgment anytime you go to the mall. Will the driver of that car hit me if I keep walking? Are those kids up to no good? Is that lady over there yelling because she needs help or just because she's a loud mouthed bitch?

If all of us did not have extraordinary abilities to predict the behavior of strangers based on "appearance cues" etc., we would none of us have survived to first grade.
As you judge, so shall you be judged. Therefore, judge fairly.

Good judgment is good.

Poor judgment, not so much.

Pre-judgment is often very bad.

Did you realize that the root of ''prejudice" is pre-judgment?

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