Do You Guys Remember The Color Codes Of Gloom & Doom Of The Bush Administration?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?
My word for it, laughable.

Every time the news went into a tizzy over the threat-con color going up, i just sat back and laughed my ass off.
Just another way for the Right to keep people in a heightened sense of fear. They're easier to manipulate that way. It's been used throughout history.
If I recall I think Bush had more minorities working in his administration than even this one

but believe what you will
Meh....wasnt that fond of it. But it's better than the current admins Sgt.Schultz method of dealing with the public.
Well I sure feel more safe under this idiot in chief.

one day he says Iraq is SECURE the next day he is fighting a terrorist group in there.

but you can wail over a color scheme
Meh....wasnt that fond of it. But it's better than the current admins Sgt.Schultz method of dealing with the public.
So you're honestly telling me that that utter PRETENSE and fear-mongering was actually better that reasoned and responsible response?

Are you out of your cotton pickin' mind!?!?

What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

I find it amusing that Bush created one disaster after another, and Republicans have tried so hard to ignore all those terrible disasters, they didn't even welcome him to their last GOP convention. Worse, people will be talking about Bush for decades. Because of all his debacles and fiascoes, his gift of disaster will be affecting this country for decades. Two or three presidents into the future at least will still be cleaning up his many messes.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.
Or the Right's obsession with Reagan, who's been out of office more than 25 years.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

I find it amusing that Bush created one disaster after another, and Republicans have tried so hard to ignore all those terrible disasters, they didn't even welcome him to their last GOP convention. Worse, people will be talking about Bush for decades. Because of all his debacles and fiascoes, his gift of disaster will be affecting this country for decades. Two or three presidents into the future at least will still be cleaning up his many messes.
Yep, one big A$$ disaster.

That was the Bush Regime.
Meh....wasnt that fond of it. But it's better than the current admins Sgt.Schultz method of dealing with the public.
So you're honestly telling me that that utter PRETENSE and fear-mongering was actually better that reasoned and responsible response?

Are you out of your cotton pickin' mind!?!?

So just wondering what kind of fear mongering was going with the people as the two tower fell around them?

Small little person

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