Do You Guys Remember The Color Codes Of Gloom & Doom Of The Bush Administration?

What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

If you cant discuss the topic then why are you here?

Answer: Deflection
When the subject is relevant I will discuss it when it is to use your word a deflection I will treat for what it is..

A thread on a topic cannot be a deflection. Its the topic. You on the other hand have nothing to add so you deflect from it and pretend to be outraged
Where did I claim to be outraged? The goal of this topic was to try and make some comparison between the Bush and Obama administrations in the fight against radical Islam and how they saw possible threats since Bush is not interjecting himself in today's politics that makes the thread a deflection from Obama. Disagree if you must I will live.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

If you cant discuss the topic then why are you here?

Answer: Deflection
When the subject is relevant I will discuss it when it is to use your word a deflection I will treat for what it is..

A thread on a topic cannot be a deflection. Its the topic. You on the other hand have nothing to add so you deflect from it and pretend to be outraged
Where did I claim to be outraged? The goal of this topic was to try and make some comparison between the Bush and Obama administrations in the fight against radical Islam and how they saw possible threats since Bush is not interjecting himself in today's politics that makes the thread a deflection from Obama. Disagree if you must I will live.

No you whiny victim the OP says "do you remember them?"

Of course in your victimized mind simply bringing up Bush at all is an attack on something you're whining about
Time to recycle this old joke.

American threat level codes:

British threat level codes:
Jolly Good
Carry On
Stiff Upper Lip
Bloody Nuisance

French threat level codes:
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.

Democrats wrote the book on Fear. See debt ceiling debates and budget debates. Democrats always put fear that children will go hungry and elderly will not get Social Security. Who can also forget the fear Democrats put into WWII Veterans if they had set foot on the Memorial during the Government Shutdown. (The same fear enforcers turned a blind eye at the rally for open borders at the Mall during the shutdown.)
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?
Everything is brown now...OBABBLE has covered us in a thick layer of shit....getting deeper everyday.

I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

I find it amusing that Bush created one disaster after another, and Republicans have tried so hard to ignore all those terrible disasters, they didn't even welcome him to their last GOP convention. Worse, people will be talking about Bush for decades. Because of all his debacles and fiascoes, his gift of disaster will be affecting this country for decades. Two or three presidents into the future at least will still be cleaning up his many messes.
you talking about the ones the Dems voted for?

I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.
"If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him."
-- Cardinal Richelieu
Heavy stuff! Note that one of the Nazi minions wrote in the 1930's That the way to control the population is to keep the masses in fear of some threat.
Check out what the media is spewing out these days.... Ebola, ISL, or(?) whatever....
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.

Bush lowered taxes for every single taxpayer and Obama has raised them for every single taxpayer and you want to hide your wallet from Republicans.

Then came the recession. By Jove good job

Lowering tax rates had absolutely nothing to do with the recession. The housing bubble was bust was the cause of the recession. Most informed people know that.
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.
Post of the thread.


I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.
Yeah, that was some world class, name brand Turd, Grade-A B.S.

Who held Office at the time?
Muslim terrorists decapitating heads in Middletown, USA.

10's of thousands of illegals pouring across the border at the invite of the President.

Looks pretty RED
Bush had nothing to do with the colors. It was a tactic established by the gigantic bureaucracy of Homeland Security that Bush created and congress (including democrats) approved.

GAAAWWWDDD You people will lie about EVERYTHING !!!!!

You must think the American people are as stupid as those that vote against their own best interests just to make the negroid look bad.

This my friends is why I have no more use for the GOP.

I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.

Actually it would have helped many from being torn to shreds from flying glass from the shock wave. Then there was the reality that there were times when we actually did come close to a war with the Ruskies. Unlike the made up threats used to cover up Bush/Cheney mischief and KEEP the fear ratched up while they constructed Homeland Security and the Patriot Act. This was as close as Cheney could come to his failed Project for the New American Century.

The biggest presidential power grab in our history would not have been possible if the events of 9/11 had been handled like the felony it was. Spectacular but just breaking laws that were already in existance non the less. 9/11 was totally preventable if Bush and his little troup of willfully ignorant Christofascists had done their jobs along with the FBI and CIA whom already had info to stop it in it's tracks. They HAD to make it something bigger than they could have dealt with. Otherwise we would have had to focus on why they dropped the ball. So instead of pouring resources into investigating the ACTUAL events they set up the bogus 9/11 commision and lashed out with clear intent to just make money off of 9/11. Nothing is a lucrative as chaos, fear and war when you own Haliburton and Blackwater.

This is why most if not all republicans are scum and traitors.
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I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.
Yeah, that was some world class, name brand Turd, Grade-A B.S.

Who held Office at the time?

I copied this from Wiki.

COME ON! You are an adult now. Think about it for just a second from an adult perspective.

You are in charge of a school or a classroom, and there has just been an announcement that the United States is under nuclear attack. You don’t know how far away the nearest bomb will hit, you don’t know whether parents have been notified, you don’t really know anything yet, except that in all likelihood people are going tocompletely freak out.

What does it accomplish if each child hiding under his or her desk?
It means:
1) You don’t have children running down the halls screaming
2) You don’t have children hiding in unknown places where you can’t find them
3) You can easily see who might be missing by looking to see which desks don’t have a child under them
It’s a way of keeping order and calm. It’s a way of making sure children don’t go missing in a panic before their parents show up. It’s the single most obvious and sensible thing to do, from an adult administrative perspective.

Of course it wasn’t explained this way to you when you were a kid, because you were a kid.

Now that you are an adult perhaps you should be able to understand the reasoning behind the 'duck and cover' routine in schools during the cold war. Then again..................perhaps not.
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I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.

Actually it would have helped many from being torn to shreds from flying glass from the shock wave. The there was the reality that there were times when we actually did come close to a war with the Ruskies. Unlike the made up threats used to cover up Bush/Cheney mischief and Keep the fear ratched up while they constructed Homeland Security and the Patriot Act.

The biggest presidential power grab in our history would not have been possible if the events of 9/11 had been handled like the felony it was. Spectacular but just breaking laws that were already in existance non the less. 9/11 was totally preventable if Bush and his little troup of fascists had done their jobs along with the FBI and CIA whom already had info to stop it in it's tracks. They HAD to make it something bigger than they could have dealt with. Otherwise we would have had to focus on why they dropped the ball. So instead of pouring resources into investigating the ACTUAL events they set up the bogus 9/11 commision and lashed out with clear intent to just make money off of 9/11. Nothing is a lucrative as chaos, fear and war when you own Haliburton and Blackwater.

This is why most if not all republicans are scum and traitors.

IMHO, 9-11 was not prevented because of the policies of political correctness that were still in effect after Clinton left office. Can you imagine the indignation and outrage of liberal weenies if all of the people who appeared to be middle eastern or arabic had been subjected to special search and seizure at airports? Not to mention the thousands of law suits that would have been brought by sleazy lawyers.
There is still outrage expressed to this day if someone is singled out on suspicion.

I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.

Actually it would have helped many from being torn to shreds from flying glass from the shock wave. The there was the reality that there were times when we actually did come close to a war with the Ruskies. Unlike the made up threats used to cover up Bush/Cheney mischief and Keep the fear ratched up while they constructed Homeland Security and the Patriot Act.

The biggest presidential power grab in our history would not have been possible if the events of 9/11 had been handled like the felony it was. Spectacular but just breaking laws that were already in existance non the less. 9/11 was totally preventable if Bush and his little troup of fascists had done their jobs along with the FBI and CIA whom already had info to stop it in it's tracks. They HAD to make it something bigger than they could have dealt with. Otherwise we would have had to focus on why they dropped the ball. So instead of pouring resources into investigating the ACTUAL events they set up the bogus 9/11 commision and lashed out with clear intent to just make money off of 9/11. Nothing is a lucrative as chaos, fear and war when you own Haliburton and Blackwater.

This is why most if not all republicans are scum and traitors.

IMHO, 9-11 was not prevented because of the policies of political correctness that were still in effect after Clinton left office. Can you imagine the indignation and outrage of liberal weenies if all of the people who appeared to be middle eastern or arabic had been subjected to special search and seizure at airports? Not to mention the thousands of law suits that would have been brought by sleazy lawyers.
There is still outrage expressed to this day if someone is singled out on suspicion.

Thank you for your incredibly weak response to my post. Go google the origin of "their hair was on fire". Your deflection has NOTHING to do with preventing the events of 9/11.

Thanks for playing.

I can remember drills at school when we used to hide under our desks pretending the Ruskies were about to drop the big one.

Like THAT would help.

Actually it would have helped many from being torn to shreds from flying glass from the shock wave. The there was the reality that there were times when we actually did come close to a war with the Ruskies. Unlike the made up threats used to cover up Bush/Cheney mischief and Keep the fear ratched up while they constructed Homeland Security and the Patriot Act.

The biggest presidential power grab in our history would not have been possible if the events of 9/11 had been handled like the felony it was. Spectacular but just breaking laws that were already in existance non the less. 9/11 was totally preventable if Bush and his little troup of fascists had done their jobs along with the FBI and CIA whom already had info to stop it in it's tracks. They HAD to make it something bigger than they could have dealt with. Otherwise we would have had to focus on why they dropped the ball. So instead of pouring resources into investigating the ACTUAL events they set up the bogus 9/11 commision and lashed out with clear intent to just make money off of 9/11. Nothing is a lucrative as chaos, fear and war when you own Haliburton and Blackwater.

This is why most if not all republicans are scum and traitors.

IMHO, 9-11 was not prevented because of the policies of political correctness that were still in effect after Clinton left office. Can you imagine the indignation and outrage of liberal weenies if all of the people who appeared to be middle eastern or arabic had been subjected to special search and seizure at airports? Not to mention the thousands of law suits that would have been brought by sleazy lawyers.
There is still outrage expressed to this day if someone is singled out on suspicion.

Thank you for your incredibly weak response to my post. Go google the origin of "their hair was on fire". Your deflection has NOTHING to do with preventing the events of 9/11.

Thanks for playing.

Your response that 911 was a felony is bullshit. It was an act of war! I told you why the FBI and CIA were handcuffed by the PC policy that prevented them from profiling potential terrorists. It was up to the airport screeners to detect weapons and detain someone whose actions or mannerisms or profile indicated they were a threat to the aircraft and they failed to do so.

Would you have had Bush convene a grand jury and indict the dead hijackers? LOL
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

It really made no difference. We have Threatcon living on and around military bases. On this past 9-11 our car was searched as if I had just been stopped with a kilo of coke in my car. Twice in the days leading up to and one day after. I really seen no difference with reading in the paper ISIS has beheaded yet another person and is threatening the West, or they are threatening NYC, or wherever, as opposed to the government mentioning it. Our news agencies are basically carrying on the same tradition IMO.

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