Do You Guys Remember The Color Codes Of Gloom & Doom Of The Bush Administration?

How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Excuse me but Obamarama inherited everything from the previous administration and is therefore responsible for everything. That's how it works. Bush isn't responsible for any wrong doing.. If it seems he was it is well documented that it was either Clinton's or Obama's fault. Bush is only responsible for bad dog paintings...that's all he has done wrong. And it isn't just Bush that owns any blame for what is wrong with the country. Issa and the Orange guy have done nothing since Obama took office so how can any republican be accused of doing ANYTHING actually. The GOP has saved America from anyone that would want to advance anything that Obama can latch onto as a success. That has been job one for the Pubes and they have not done anything very well.
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.
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Meh....wasnt that fond of it. But it's better than the current admins Sgt.Schultz method of dealing with the public.
So you're honestly telling me that that utter PRETENSE and fear-mongering was actually better that reasoned and responsible response?

Are you out of your cotton pickin' mind!?!?


Yeah...ignoring the fact that ISIS was growing at an astounding rate,then trying to blame his intelligence people.
So reasoned and responsible.....
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Excuse me but Obamarama inherited everything from the previous administration and is therefore responsible for everything. That's how it works. Bush isn't responsible for any wrong doing.. If it seems he was it is well documented that it was either Clinton's or Obama's fault. Bush is only responsible for bad dog paintings...that's all he has done wrong. And it isn't just Bush that owns any blame for what is wrong with the country. Issa and the Orange guy have done nothing since Obama took office so how can any republican be accused of doing ANYTHING actually. The GOP has saved America from anyone that would want to advance anything that Obama can latch onto as a success. That has been job one for the Pubes and they have not done anything very well.

If you and he is going to continue whining about this. He shouldn't of APPLIED FOR JOB. he wasn't qualified for it to begin with
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.

Thats some pretty funny stuff....
How is it you totally ignore all the crap about gov surveillance over the last six years?
You know...the stuff thats been in the news damn near none stop!!!!
What a partisan hack.
Here is what I remember.....

- The Left daily mantra that 9-11 was Bush's fault
- The Left wanting to know why Bush was not proactive enough ("Why wasn't something done?")
- Kerry, Biden, Obama all trashing our troops in Iraq
- The Hollywood Left calling for Bush War Crimes for Iraq

CONCLUSION: The Left Is, Was, and Always will be Full of Shit
My word for it, laughable.

Every time the news went into a tizzy over the threat-con color going up, i just sat back and laughed my ass off.
I am ALWAYS ALWAYS amazed at how such 20/20 hindsight is willingly displayed by such ass-less people!
No wonder they are always the FIRST to say "NO shi...T!
How are people like you i.e. ass-less so prescient? I really mean it! Someone so smart as you must be a billionaire made off the market!
How intelligent you must be! Right up there with the "smartest President" yup!
Totally impressed!
I remember the stupid color codes. WTF does that have to do with anything current?
You and others are either ignorantly or wilfully missing the entir epoint. That although you had a BUFFOON in charge for those abysmal 8 years that was ACTIVELY engaged in NONSENSICAL policies, you seemed to accept them w/o complaint or objection, if not outright like them and support them.

Compared to now when there's more reasoned, thoughtful policies that receive nothing but CONSTANT attack and criticicm from the likes of those that sat quietly during the WORST Administration in modern history.

That's what.
My word for it, laughable.

Every time the news went into a tizzy over the threat-con color going up, i just sat back and laughed my ass off.
I am ALWAYS ALWAYS amazed at how such 20/20 hindsight is willingly displayed by such ass-less people!
No wonder they are always the FIRST to say "NO shi...T!
How are people like you i.e. ass-less so prescient? I really mean it! Someone so smart as you must be a billionaire made off the market!
How intelligent you must be! Right up there with the "smartest President" yup!
Totally impressed!
Dude, are you suggesting that DURING the color code nonsense you were ACTUALLY believing that was doing something good or beneficial to the country??

I await your answer.
My word for it, laughable.

Every time the news went into a tizzy over the threat-con color going up, i just sat back and laughed my ass off.
I am ALWAYS ALWAYS amazed at how such 20/20 hindsight is willingly displayed by such ass-less people!
No wonder they are always the FIRST to say "NO shi...T!
How are people like you i.e. ass-less so prescient? I really mean it! Someone so smart as you must be a billionaire made off the market!
How intelligent you must be! Right up there with the "smartest President" yup!
Totally impressed!
Dude, are you suggesting that DURING the color code nonsense you were ACTUALLY believing that was doing something good or beneficial to the country??

I await your answer.

Well see,it's kinda hard to get worked up over something that the majority of Americans noticed in passing. Unless of course you're a rabid lib with an agenda.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

If you cant discuss the topic then why are you here?

Answer: Deflection
My word for it, laughable.

Every time the news went into a tizzy over the threat-con color going up, i just sat back and laughed my ass off.
I am ALWAYS ALWAYS amazed at how such 20/20 hindsight is willingly displayed by such ass-less people!
No wonder they are always the FIRST to say "NO shi...T!
How are people like you i.e. ass-less so prescient? I really mean it! Someone so smart as you must be a billionaire made off the market!
How intelligent you must be! Right up there with the "smartest President" yup!
Totally impressed!
Dude, are you suggesting that DURING the color code nonsense you were ACTUALLY believing that was doing something good or beneficial to the country??

I await your answer.
Yea... unlike you I took the color coding seriously because geez OH I don't know those people were in the business of assessing threats and I kind of think they knew what they were doing. But hey... super intelligent, smarter then the average joe guys like you...where were you? With ALL YOUR VAST and extensive expertise in terror, military, etc. I bet you were advising them weren't you? If you weren't GEEZ we sure could have used your expertise!
It is always a charge to read the water boys giving those that do advice!
Your brilliance is really overshadowing something... maybe you asslessness!
My word for it, laughable.

Every time the news went into a tizzy over the threat-con color going up, i just sat back and laughed my ass off.
I am ALWAYS ALWAYS amazed at how such 20/20 hindsight is willingly displayed by such ass-less people!
No wonder they are always the FIRST to say "NO shi...T!
How are people like you i.e. ass-less so prescient? I really mean it! Someone so smart as you must be a billionaire made off the market!
How intelligent you must be! Right up there with the "smartest President" yup!
Totally impressed!
Dude, are you suggesting that DURING the color code nonsense you were ACTUALLY believing that was doing something good or beneficial to the country??

I await your answer.
Yea... unlike you I took the color coding seriously because geez OH I don't know those people were in the business of assessing threats and I kind of think they knew what they were doing. But hey... super intelligent, smarter then the average joe guys like you...where were you? With ALL YOUR VAST and extensive expertise in terror, military, etc. I bet you were advising them weren't you? If you weren't GEEZ we sure could have used your expertise!
It is always a charge to read the water boys giving those that do advice!
Your brilliance is really overshadowing something... maybe you asslessness!

Wait until the next episode when Health tells how govt bureaucrats dont know anything about anything.
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

If you cant discuss the topic then why are you here?

Answer: Deflection
When the subject is relevant I will discuss it when it is to use your word a deflection I will treat for what it is..
What I find amusing is the lefts continued obsession with a man who has been out of office for almost 6 years now. Anything to keep from focusing on the current President I guess.

If you cant discuss the topic then why are you here?

Answer: Deflection
When the subject is relevant I will discuss it when it is to use your word a deflection I will treat for what it is..

A thread on a topic cannot be a deflection. Its the topic. You on the other hand have nothing to add so you deflect from it and pretend to be outraged
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.

Bush lowered taxes for every single taxpayer and Obama has raised them for every single taxpayer and you want to hide your wallet from Republicans.

Better read some history about Richard Nixon being forced to resign or appear stupid.

The press published American names and numbers of the KIA in Iraq and Afghanistan every day while Bush was in office. You will have to google it to find out for the last 5 yrs and 8 months.

If you don't think the government is here to protect you, perhaps you should read the Constitution and try to understand the part about national defense.
How did that make you feel?

Did you feel fearful when the color raised from cooler to warmer colors?

How about when it lowered from hot colors to cool colors, did you feel safe or safer then?

Was that color scheme helpful or not?

What's your take on that whole situation?

Nothing grows government power and budgets like fear.

A question about Republicans and the growth of government power:
When the Right has the presidency, why do their voters trust Washington with far more obedience than the Left does when a Democrat is in the White House?
(Psst: LBJ was driven from office by the Leftwing anti-war base. This would never happen with Rightwing voters, who trust their presidential leaders completely)

The likelihood of dying from a terrorist attack in the USA is far less than the likelihood of getting struct by lightning - yet, somehow, the Right built a centralized soviet-style surveillance system in response to this threat (see Patriot Act and Homeland Security). Don't Republicans get it? -centralized government power is far more dangerous than 15 lucky morons with box cutters who exploited Bush's inability to protect the eastern seaboard despite several direct warnings.

ISIS must love the Republican Party for the constant free press they get from the Right. This free press allows them to scare more people. Don't Republicans get it? The whole point of terrorism is to have your evil deeds broadcast and re-broadcast so that everyone lives in fear of you. This fear becomes your leverage. This is why terrorists love it when Republicans use them in campaign adds and Color Coded FOX fear games. (Bin Laden watched how the Russians got trapped and bled dry in Afghanistan. Who knew he would get the Republican Party to fall for the same trick?)

The Color Coded media blitz surrounding the War on Terrorism - complete with election commercials featuring mushroom clouds - helps ISIS and Al Qaeda scare more Americans, which in turn creates the political will for war, which war invariably turns into an endless quagmire, which drains Americans financially - which is what the terrorists want. Again, this strategy was used brilliantly to destroy the Soviets, who got stuck in Afghanistan. The free press given to terrorists by Republicans also allows terrorists to take advantage of their local populations, which populations are more likely to join the cause if it seems winnable and powerful (as opposed to small and incapable).

This is why the Israelis try not to give any free press to terrorists, which free press only reinforces their evil actions and guarantees their recurrence. Instead, the Israelis prefer to hunt and kill the guilty party. The Bushies took a different tack. Instead of sticking with Bin Laden, the Bushies put more energy into a domestic color coded media assault because this assault had/has immense political utility, not only geopolitically but electorally.

Guess what? The Republicans are coming back in 2016 when I predict they will re-take the White House. They are gearing up for the War on Terrorism Part II, with even more Color Coded alerts, and more unchecked surveillance. We will watch as loyal Republican voters bow to dear leader, believing everything he says ... and opening their wallets and the wallets of their grandchildren like never before. ISIS will love it because their evil deeds will be enlarged and broadcast constantly.

"Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to protect you"

Hide your wallets folks. The Republicans are coming back.

Bush lowered taxes for every single taxpayer and Obama has raised them for every single taxpayer and you want to hide your wallet from Republicans.

Then came the recession. By Jove good job
Bush had nothing to do with the colors. It was a tactic established by the gigantic bureaucracy of Homeland Security that Bush created and congress (including democrats) approved.

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