Democrats Are Just Plain Weird

What's weird is their using the word Weird

such a descriptive word, isn't it?

No, it's a subjective word, a virtually meaningless word.

Besides.. How can those who open the borders of their country to just any old yahoo who could be a rapist or murderer..

have a right to call someone else Weird?

How can people who support murdering the unborn, even to th 9th month call anyone Weird?

But they have to do something.. they're losing.

What's weird is their using the word Weird

such a descriptive word, isn't it?

No, it's a subjective word, a virtually meaningless word.

Besides.. How can those who open the borders of their country to just any old yahoo who could be a rapist or murderer..

have a right to call someone else Weird?

How can people who support murdering the unborn, even to th 9th month call anyone Weird?

But they have to do something.. they're losing.

Got it. You don't think furniture sex and drag queen style eye makeup is weird. Thanks for clearing that up.
It'd be easier to ask how many of

us DON'T think it!

You probably saw that montage by Fox News of all the "news" folks on the left saying this, almost simultaneously in real time?


They really think we're a bunch of dummies.. (just because dimrats are)
Dimwits think that voting Democrat makes them smarter than everyone else.
Dimwits think that voting Democrat makes them smarter than everyone else.
You got that backward. Voting Democratic doesn't make us smarter. We vote Democratic because we are smarter. I understand that is confusing for you.
It’s about to the point everyone in politics is weird Democrats, Republicans all of them weird bordering on bat shit crazy. Of course the partisans only think this about the other side never theirs.
Got it. You don't think furniture sex and drag queen style eye makeup is weird. Thanks for clearing that up.
I think making up WEIRD lies like that is



except that dimrats lie and make up stuff so often, it's kind of predictable these days, therefore maybe not so weird (for them)
What's weird is their using the word Weird

such a descriptive word, isn't it?

No, it's a subjective word, a virtually meaningless word.

Besides.. How can those who open the borders of their country to just any old yahoo who could be a rapist or murderer..

have a right to call someone else Weird?

How can people who support murdering the unborn, even to th 9th month call anyone Weird?

But they have to do something.. they're losing.

Their only weapon is ridicule.

They lose everywhere else.

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