Dear god this is idiotic.
Appealing to gid hasn't done anything so far but if you get a warm inner glow, knock yourself out.
The supply chain disruptions of the last year didn't have squat to do with the recent protest in Canada.
Of course it didn't you fool. The humour went over your empty head.
I'm no hypocrite I avoid Chinese products when and wherever I can, and Trump actually stepped up and launched a trade war to force China to start dealing more fairly with the US.
No he didn't. He imposed tariffs which they reciprocated and plunged the economy because exports to China were too expensive. They also bought products from other countries. Is that what you call dealing more fairly? Thank "god" Biden got in and rectified it.
He at the same time took the enormous gamble of forcing the EU countries to do the same and both worked.
No he didn't and they ignored the idiot. They never imposed tariffs because they hated China.
All you loonies did because you wanted revenge for the virus.
Under the last administration US median income reached an all time peak and at the same time saw the lowest unemployment in 40 years.
If Biden lowered the trump unemployment rate, which he has, how come bidens is not the best in 40 years?
Do you see the contradiction in what you wrote unction?
Nobody willing to work needed to line up for freebies from the gov't for a lack of money to buy groceries.
Not so. He printed money to give them and that is history. Biden did the same. Those who are not willing to work, always rely on handouts. No economy on earth has 100% employment. The difference is America would like all those people destroyed because they give them your taxes. Welcome to socialism.
People were learning what real prosperity looked like and learning to free themselves of the Federal Plantation and liked it.
They also learnt what a complete fraud looked like, what economic mismanagement looked like, what a tanking economy was by the imposition of hate filled tariffs that achieved nothing. They also learnt just how easy it is to get rid of the mongrel and they did.
Yes you intellectual midget. Omicron spread like a wildfire producing very few serious cases and leaving in it's wake long lasting immunity to all known strains.
The produced vaccine against it and it worked perfectly which is why it had little effect. Not immunity son. Not god. Pure vaccines
That's why we've been down below 3,000 daily deaths since the first of the year and now we're even down below 1,000.
Well why don't you thank Biden for that? If those who had immunity at 3000 at day, why are they still dying?
Youre immunity theory is a failure and you can see it in those numbers.
Unlike the vaccines Omicron provides substantial long lasting immunity so Covid is no longer of any serious concern, mostly it produces minor cold like symptoms that are gone in a few days with virtually no deaths among anyone but the very sickest people who were likely to die for the next respiratory infection of any kind.
You have no evidence to support that claim. If you did, it would be written by one of faucis colleagues and already be published
Omicron was the natural "cure" for the pandemic due to "viral attenuation".
Is it really? Yet I'm the mental midget.
Eventually most viruses mutate to a much easier spreading but far less lethal variant, that's how they achieve biologicals success.
You certainly have projected yourself as some virus guru. Does fauci know your talents.