Do You Have Confidence In Joe Biden?

And trump NEVER lied.
LOL, mother fucker.
I'm pretty sure Trump isn't participating in this thread.

Now you're just like Trump, running off at the mouth to cover for your own insecurities, failures, and lies.

I bet your mama's proud!
Dear god this is idiotic.
Appealing to gid hasn't done anything so far but if you get a warm inner glow, knock yourself out.
The supply chain disruptions of the last year didn't have squat to do with the recent protest in Canada.
Of course it didn't you fool. The humour went over your empty head.
I'm no hypocrite I avoid Chinese products when and wherever I can, and Trump actually stepped up and launched a trade war to force China to start dealing more fairly with the US.
No he didn't. He imposed tariffs which they reciprocated and plunged the economy because exports to China were too expensive. They also bought products from other countries. Is that what you call dealing more fairly? Thank "god" Biden got in and rectified it.
He at the same time took the enormous gamble of forcing the EU countries to do the same and both worked.
No he didn't and they ignored the idiot. They never imposed tariffs because they hated China.
All you loonies did because you wanted revenge for the virus.
Under the last administration US median income reached an all time peak and at the same time saw the lowest unemployment in 40 years.
If Biden lowered the trump unemployment rate, which he has, how come bidens is not the best in 40 years?
Do you see the contradiction in what you wrote unction?
Nobody willing to work needed to line up for freebies from the gov't for a lack of money to buy groceries.
Not so. He printed money to give them and that is history. Biden did the same. Those who are not willing to work, always rely on handouts. No economy on earth has 100% employment. The difference is America would like all those people destroyed because they give them your taxes. Welcome to socialism.
People were learning what real prosperity looked like and learning to free themselves of the Federal Plantation and liked it.
They also learnt what a complete fraud looked like, what economic mismanagement looked like, what a tanking economy was by the imposition of hate filled tariffs that achieved nothing. They also learnt just how easy it is to get rid of the mongrel and they did.
Yes you intellectual midget. Omicron spread like a wildfire producing very few serious cases and leaving in it's wake long lasting immunity to all known strains.
The produced vaccine against it and it worked perfectly which is why it had little effect. Not immunity son. Not god. Pure vaccines
That's why we've been down below 3,000 daily deaths since the first of the year and now we're even down below 1,000.
Well why don't you thank Biden for that? If those who had immunity at 3000 at day, why are they still dying?
Youre immunity theory is a failure and you can see it in those numbers.

Unlike the vaccines Omicron provides substantial long lasting immunity so Covid is no longer of any serious concern, mostly it produces minor cold like symptoms that are gone in a few days with virtually no deaths among anyone but the very sickest people who were likely to die for the next respiratory infection of any kind.
You have no evidence to support that claim. If you did, it would be written by one of faucis colleagues and already be published
Omicron was the natural "cure" for the pandemic due to "viral attenuation".
Is it really? Yet I'm the mental midget.
Eventually most viruses mutate to a much easier spreading but far less lethal variant, that's how they achieve biologicals success.
You certainly have projected yourself as some virus guru. Does fauci know your talents.
Absolutely none. Less than zero, if that were possible.
You are a teacher.

How much do you make per year as a Public School Teacher?
Are you scared to answer?

I make $116,000, Plus I have another Part Time Teaching Job, making another $33,000. I teach in Very Liberal Western Washington.
Thing is, the Eastern Washington is highly Conservative, yet the Union has bargained for those teachers too. They make the SAME. $116,000
*****for those at the top of the scale. Which is 70+%

That adds to $149,000 for the math challenged.
Am I lying SweetSue92 ?
Or telling the truth SweetSue92 ?
Appealing to gid hasn't done anything so far but if you get a warm inner glow, knock yourself out.

Of course it didn't you fool. The humour went over your empty head.

No he didn't. He imposed tariffs which they reciprocated and plunged the economy because exports to China were too expensive. They also bought products from other countries. Is that what you call dealing more fairly? Thank "god" Biden got in and rectified it.

No he didn't and they ignored the idiot. They never imposed tariffs because they hated China.
All you loonies did because you wanted revenge for the virus.

If Biden lowered the trump unemployment rate, which he has, how come bidens is not the best in 40 years?
Do you see the contradiction in what you wrote unction?

Not so. He printed money to give them and that is history. Biden did the same. Those who are not willing to work, always rely on handouts. No economy on earth has 100% employment. The difference is America would like all those people destroyed because they give them your taxes. Welcome to socialism.

They also learnt what a complete fraud looked like, what economic mismanagement looked like, what a tanking economy was by the imposition of hate filled tariffs that achieved nothing. They also learnt just how easy it is to get rid of the mongrel and they did.

The produced vaccine against it and it worked perfectly which is why it had little effect. Not immunity son. Not god. Pure vaccines

Well why don't you thank Biden for that? If those who had immunity at 3000 at day, why are they still dying?
Youre immunity theory is a failure and you can see it in those numbers.

You have no evidence to support that claim. If you did, it would be written by one of faucis colleagues and already be published

Is it really? Yet I'm the mental midget.

You certainly have projected yourself as some virus guru. Does fauci know your talents.
You continue proving yourself to be a complete idiot.
China lowered tariffs and opened markets to US goods in the end including farm commodities which they could not source anywhere else.

That's what a trade war is, and we came out on top.

Trump did the same thing with the EU forcing them to finally deal more fairly with the US or face rising tariffs on their exports to the US.

You have no evidence to support that claim. If you did, it would be written by one of faucis colleagues and already be published

One of these days you may learn not to challenge me on the facts because I always bring them to the debate.

Daily cases and daily deaths.

The studies have already been published you nitwit.
If Biden lowered the trump unemployment rate, which he has, how come bidens is not the best in 40 years?
Average unemplyment under Trump? 4.75%, lowest, 3.4%.

Average Unemployment under Biden? 3.8% Lowest, 3.6%

The only reason it's this low is so many people sitting it out with over 2 million fewer Americans in the labor market. The labor participation rate fell by nearly 3.5% 2020 since 2020 and still has yet to fully recover. Those going back to work even for the same money take home a steadily shrinking paycheck to due to inflation, not to mention what that's doing to people's retirement investments and savings.

Real Meidan family income has dropped from it's all time high of 69,600 in 2019 to 67,500 and the CPI and Inflation are taking a bigger bite out of it every day.

Americans are literally growing poorer by the day under the current administration.
Perhaps you should think about more than just your silly out of context talking points.
Everytime one of your guys or gals says something explicitly offensive or controversial, the immediate response is that everyone is “taking it out of context”. Then the onus is on you Bide. defenders to put exact comments like these into context:

“Unless there is orderly integration, my children are going to grow up in a racial jungle”.

“I mean you have one of the first mainstream African Americans who is articulate and bright and good looking. I mean that is story book man”

“If you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black”.
You are a teacher.

How much do you make per year as a Public School Teacher?
Are you scared to answer?

I make $116,000, Plus I have another Part Time Teaching Job, making another $33,000. I teach in Very Liberal Western Washington.
Thing is, the Eastern Washington is highly Conservative, yet the Union has bargained for those teachers too. They make the SAME. $116,000
*****for those at the top of the scale. Which is 70+%

That adds to $149,000 for the math challenged.
Am I lying SweetSue92 ?
Or telling the truth SweetSue92 ?
Good Gawd! $149,000 to indoctrinate, and destroy our youth? Unacceptable!
Managed Democratic remarket capitalism builds the middle class from the bottom up as well as the upper class.

Socialism shrinks the upper class to only the "true believers" and eliminate the middle class by trying to create an "equal outcome" for all outside of their very elite club.
Which do you think we now have?
Everytime one of your guys or gals says something explicitly offensive or controversial, the immediate response is that everyone is “taking it out of context”. Then the onus is on you Bide. defenders to put exact comments like these into context:

“Unless there is orderly integration, my children are going to grow up in a racial jungle”.

“I mean you have one of the first mainstream African Americans who is articulate and bright and good looking. I mean that is story book man”

“If you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black”.
OK. Those are the same three statements you right wingers always quote. We have literally thousands of really batshit crazy statements from trump to choose from.
Well since they have yet to prove an actual case of insurrection I'd say it's a good idea to move on. :D
Here's more....

Byron York:
DEMOCRATS' JAN. 6 COMMITTEE PROBLEM. "People care about getting pissed off every time they buy a tank of gas," a Republican strategist said recently, pointing to the importance of inflation as an issue in the midterm elections. "You know what they don't care about? Jan. 6." With that, the GOP pol succinctly pointed out the political problem facing House Democrats. They created a committee to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot in part so they could use it as an issue in the midterm elections. What if it doesn't work?

Polls support the Republican strategist. It's not that the public thinks Jan. 6 was no big deal. Significant majorities believe it was a terrible event and that those who took part in the violence should be prosecuted. Many blame former President Donald Trump for inciting it. The problem, for Democratic campaign hopes, is that voters simply do not place Jan. 6 very high on the list of problems they care about most. With inflation, crime, the war in Ukraine, COVID, the mess at the U.S.-Mexico border — with all those, plus traditional issues such as healthcare and the environment, most voters simply do not think Jan. 6 belongs anywhere near the top of their priorities list.

That has House Democrats worried. So now there is word they are searching for ways to add drama and pizzazz to the Jan. 6 committee's report. "The House January 6 committee has tried to recruit high-profile journalists to write its report about the attack on the Capitol, hoping to build a narrative thriller that compels audiences and is a departure from government reports of yore," reported the Washington Post.
So when Republicans accuse Democrats of politicizing the Jan. 6 investigation — they're right. Indeed, House Democrats want to make the committee's findings a "key part of the Democrats' midterm strategy." Noted one House Republican aide in a text exchange Friday morning: "With rising inflation, crime, and illegal border entries under their watch, Democrats know they have nothing to run on, so it's no surprise that they're going to rely on a committee that has operated explicitly to attack their political opponents."

The Democrats' strategy is reminiscent of their plans during the Robert Mueller investigation, when the party hoped to make the Trump-Russia special counsel's report and impeachment part of its 2020 political strategy. But how to do that? Mueller had produced a 400-plus-page report in legal language that would capture no one's imagination. So Democrats looked back to their greatest hit ever, the Watergate investigation. The Senate Watergate committee held dramatic televised hearings that helped create enormous interest in the scandal. Maybe in 2019 Democrats could do the same thing with Trump-Russia!

That was the idea, at least. Of course, it didn't work. Mueller was unable to establish that collusion ever occurred and then had a difficult time during his testimony at the show hearings. The whole thing was a flop.

Of course, Jan. 6 is different from the Trump-Russia investigation. For one thing, there are hours of dramatic video of rioters battling police in and around the Capitol. There are more than 700 criminal cases against participants. There are the personal accounts of members of Congress, the Capitol Police, and the staff who experienced the riot. That is a lot of material. The Washington Post reported the Jan. 6 committee is "seeking to compile dramatic videos, texts and emails in a digital format that is easy to understand — and easy to share on social media. And they want to put together blockbuster televised hearings that the public actually tunes into."

Maybe it will work. But the problem is, the story has been told before — many times and at great length. And people have reached conclusions about what happened. They have seen Trump impeached for the riot and hundreds of people prosecuted. And that will likely make it difficult for the Jan. 6 committee to mount the "blockbuster" campaign of its dreams.

But the Democrats' biggest problem is that the midterm elections will not be about Jan. 6. They are about President Joe Biden's and the Democratic House and Senate majorities' handling of the problems facing America in the last two years. If the polls are to be believed, and they are extensive, then people are ready to change control of the House, and perhaps the Senate. Their opinion of Biden's job performance, with an approval rating currently in the low 40s, will be a part of their decision-making process. And one thing that very likely will not be a part of that decision-making is the work of the Jan. 6 committee.
I have confidence Biden and his administration only care about their own financial and political gains, and confident they only care about mainting their power to the point they will let the country go to shit to keep it as long as it's nice in their back yard.

That's what I am confident in. That they are selfish and self serving people who do not love American or Americans. That's why every single thing they say or do is only to benefit themselves.
Anybody who has confidence in Joe Biden is a fucking idiot. That is about as succinctly as I can put it. Here is a list of his priorities, in order:

1. Joe Biden

2. Biden family

3. Democratic Party
99. American people
OK. Those are the same three statements you right wingers always quote. We have literally thousands of really batshit crazy statements from trump to choose from.
Ok. But you are the one that said Biden quotes are out of context. How?
Somebody is making decisions, and I suspect it's a committee of his advisors and Cabinet Members, Joe doesn't seem to have enough going on mentally to be trusted to order lunch.
If I were in his position today, I hope that I would have enough guts and integrity to resign. Unfortunately that would put Giggles Kamala Harris in the Oval Office.

What a mess we have credated
I have confidence Biden and his administration only care about their own financial and political gains, and confident they only care about mainting their power to the point they will let the country go to shit to keep it as long as it's nice in their back yard.

That's what I am confident in. That they are selfish and self serving people who do not love American or Americans. That's why every single thing they say or do is only to benefit themselves.
That's OK. You can think anything you want. It won't change the good job Biden is doing, no matter how much you whine.

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