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Do You Have Confidence In Joe Biden?

I suppose this is one way to get every batshit crazy trump supporter here into one thread. Of course I have confidence in Biden. That's why he got so many more votes than trump.

But he's not destroying either. His reduction in unemployment has manufacturing moving after Trump placed the tariffs in China.
The mid terms don't define his presidency. Its just a popularity contest. He will be the potus after nov.

Under the nato agreement he was obliged to do that. Why would you be concerned about Ukraine. You support Trump who supports Russia. That should make you happy. How patriotic of you.

I don't recall you bellowing in glowing terms of anything Obama did. All you did was condemn his every move

What poll?
His assistance was already there before a shot was fired.

Its not solely America's job to stop the war. Its a European war so why not condemn all the nations countries. Your showing you ignorance and hate again.
I don't think you understand nato.
Do you understand the meaning of the words 2022 Congressional Election? Of course he'll still be president after the midterms, nobody even intimated otherwise.

There is no obligation under the NATO agreement restricting our ability to supply non NATO Nations, that's nothing but pure fabrication.

What poll? Start here.

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Do you understand the meaning of the words 2022 Congressional Election? Of course he'll still be president after the midterms, nobody even intimated otherwise.
Absolutely. Here it what you said.
Apparently he thinks his job is to destroy the US energy and manufacturing sectors while begging our enemies lice VZ and Iran for oil to save his presidency and the 2022 congressional election.

2.5 years out and youve put the ground rules in place for him to win. Really?
You all predicted Trump would win 5 minutes before her lost.
Don't be so bold to predict anything

There is no obligation under the NATO agreement restricting our ability to supply non NATO Nations,
I didn't say that. You did.
You need to check that.
that's nothing but pure fabrication.
No so. I fully understood the procedures.

What poll? Start here.
Where? Do you mean the republican dominated message board is an indication of his failure?
You weren't correct with your assessment before.
Absolutely. Here it what you said.
Apparently he thinks his job is to destroy the US energy and manufacturing sectors while begging our enemies lice VZ and Iran for oil to save his presidency and the 2022 congressional election.

2.5 years out and youve put the ground rules in place for him to win. Really?
You all predicted Trump would win 5 minutes before her lost.
Don't be so bold to predict anything

I didn't say that. You did.
You need to check that.

No so. I fully understood the procedures.

Where? Do you mean the republican dominated message board is an indication of his failure?
You weren't correct with your assessment before.
You continue fabricating BS, I said for two years Trump would likely lose in 2020 and drag the party down with him.

You don't understand the difference in winning a congressional election and saving presidency, they are not one and the same.

He's been an absolute disaster so far the only thing he's done to raise his poll numbers was to finally get off his ass a year too late to start helping Ukraine.

I didn't think it was possible but he has knocked the bottom out of even Trump's lowest approval to become the worst first year president in the history of Presidential Popularity polls.

The only thing holding our economy together at all is the same thing spurring inflation along which is the black checks passed around for supposed, "Covid Relief".

Just like we saw during the "Obama Years" fewer Americans by 2 million are working today vs when Trump left office, we are still at a net negative over 2020.

Manufacturing is not returning to the US we're back down to 2007 levels of manufacturing jobs with a net loss of over a million jobs since the peak in 2020.

Inflation is at a 40 year high as well and US real median income has cratered by more than 2000.00 under this administration after reaching an all time high in 2020.

With 9% inflation and 4.50-5.50/gal gas both right around the corner his policies are steadily sucking the lifeblood out of this country at an enormous rate.

Out national debt has jumped by nearly 7 Trillion dollars in just one year with dem's running wild with the national check book as well, to over 30,000,000,000.00 and nothing to show for it but more debt, a 3 Trillion dollar annual deficit and Both He and the Congressional Dem's screaming for more.

Every Child born in the US the day Trump took office inherited about a 70,000.00 share of the national debt, every child born today is inheriting over 100,000.00 in federal debt.

Your great, great, great grandchildren will not live long enough to see this debt retired but they will live with the results of Social Security and Medicare as well as Medicaid collapsing under their own weight.

You and yours need a hell of a reality check.
Total. I have complete confidence now that Joe Bedpan is an installed hand-puppet bought and paid for thru Hunter the Crackhound whose real handlers are closely tied to Kammy Suxalot through Soros, Jingping, and other hostile foreign influences with the aim of finishing Bammy's "fundamental changes" to the USA before Joe has a coronary and ends up drooling in the rubber plant somewhere.
Don't worry, if/when they finally wheel him out to a quiet retirement Kamala will step right up and the takover of the party by the extreme left will be complete.

Remember, we were told that Joe was the Moderate... . If what he's done so far is "moderate" totally ignoring federal law (immigration) and the draconian Covid lockdowns and restrictions that accomplished nothing but to induce mass psychosis on a large chunk of the population is "Moderate" the party has driven the nation off the far, far, left edge of the board and Kamala would only accelerate it.

We'll have by far the least qualified, most incompetent partisan hack in presidential history at the helm and nothing will be off limits.
You continue fabricating BS, I said for two years Trump would likely lose in 2020 and drag the party down with him.

You don't understand the difference in winning a congressional election and saving presidency, they are not one and the same.
I understand exactly but you were linking the midterms to your expected demise of Biden in 2024.
Youre not that good.
He's been an absolute disaster so far the only thing he's done to raise his poll numbers was to finally get off his ass a year too late to start helping Ukraine.
That's your ignorant and its not my responsibility you are wrong and marinated in hate.
I didn't think it was possible but he has knocked the bottom out of even Trump's lowest approval to become the worst first year president in the history of Presidential Popularity polls.
It doesn't matter. In the general election we'll see his popularity with the electorate. Now means nothing.
The only thing holding our economy together at all is the same thing spurring inflation along which is the black checks passed around for supposed, "Covid Relief".
I agree. Ledt to the market forces like gwb wanted after the gfc, the country would be similar to Afghanistan. The Keynes method never fails
Just like we saw during the "Obama Years" fewer Americans by 2 million are working today vs when Trump left office, we are still at a net negative over 2020.
Youre forgetting Obama dragged America out of the gfc that gwb left him.
Remember that? Of course you don't want to.

Manufacturing is not returning to the US we're back down to 2007 levels of manufacturing jobs with a net loss of over a million jobs since the peak in 2020.
Well. Who was the potus then? You are blaming Biden for the current situation. Would you like to admit who was in control then and leading up to it

Inflation is at a 40 year high as well and US real median income has cratered by more than 2000.00 under this administration after reaching an all time high in 2020.
Bouyant economies always travel with inflation after a pandemic. Wages have not declined

With 9% inflation and 4.50-5.50/gal gas both right around the corner his policies are steadily sucking the lifeblood out of this country at an enormous rate.
I've explained the inflation but you refuse to accept it.
Gas is priced in workd parity pricing. In fact, the government subsidises gas companies and drilling.
Current prices in Australia, I am told, is approximately $8.20 per gallon. What the fuck are you wringing about. Subsidised cheap gas? Ill have some of that think you very much.
Out national debt has jumped by nearly 7 Trillion dollars in just one year with dem's running wild with the national check book as well, to over 30,000,000,000.00 and nothing to show for it
Trump promised in the election campaign he would eliminate the debt and the budget surplus. He did the opposite to both of them and only in the last few months did his printing money exercise kick in. Now your blaming Biden because he saved the country.
but more debt, a 3 Trillion dollar annual deficit and Both He and the Congressional Dem's screaming for more.
Yes. How do you suggest there is another way?
The fact the country has inflation and low jobs numbers proves its working
Every Child born in the US the day Trump took office inherited about a 70,000.00 share of the national debt, every child born today is inheriting over 100,000.00 in federal debt.
You never complained a word when Trump increased the debt by 5 trillion and there was no pandemic. Now you come with the bleeding heart and crying. It means nothing nor will it be ever paid v
Your great, great, great grandchildren will not live long enough to see this debt retired but they will live with the results of Social Security and Medicare as well as Medicaid collapsing under their own weight.
America does not have real government funded health system. It is by name only so it will never be involved in any demise of the country. In fact, you have no idea what a government funded health care system is because you've never experienced it. Youve been fed a steady diet of republican lies that it is disguised as socialism. So you keep paying those fat cats in wall Street hundreds of dollars a month and more. They love you for it.

You and yours need a hell of a reality check.
Its not as if you're up to speed with how a country runs. The fact you support a complete idiot like Trump doesn't give me confidence you know much at all.
Under the nato agreement he was obliged to do that. Why would you be concerned about Ukraine. You support Trump who supports Russia. That should make you happy. How patriotic of you.
Why do you keep fabricating BS?

The closest I've ever come to supporting Trump is to give him credit for getting things right. He was right on about 85% of his policies but he really screwed the pooch on others and I'm not the least bit bashful about talking about them.

Fortunately on most of the worst of those he listened to good sense and reversed his dives to the left but things such as his justice and sentencing reforms will be costing innocent people for decades due to the jump in crime associated with letting those felons loose on the public again.

His failure to step in with force to stop the looting, burning of cities, and attacks on Federal Buildings for more than two years was an egregious mistake and created the conditions for January 6th.

His and his surrogates refusing to accept the outcome of the Election and failure to prove it was actually stolen added even more fuel to the fire again, ending in January 6th.

Sure, at the rally that day he told people to go and peacefully protest at the capitol after two months of constantly pouring gas on and stoking a fire led precisely to the violence that day.

None of that is excusable and I'll never make any excuses for them.
Why do you keep fabricating BS?

The closest I've ever come to supporting Trump is to give him credit for getting things right. He was right on about 85% of his policies but he really screwed the pooch on others and I'm not the least bit bashful about talking about them.

Fortunately on most of the worst of those he listened to good sense and reversed his dives to the left but things such as his justice and sentencing reforms will be costing innocent people for decades due to the jump in crime associated with letting those felons loose on the public again.

His failure to step in with force to stop the looting, burning of cities, and attacks on Federal Buildings for more than two years was an egregious mistake and created the conditions for January 6th.

His and his surrogates refusing to accept the outcome of the Election and failure to prove it was actually stolen added even more fuel to the fire again, ending in January 6th.

Sure, at the rally that day he told people to go and peacefully protest at the capitol after two months of constantly pouring gas on and stoking a fire led precisely to the violence that day.

None of that is excusable and I'll never make any excuses for them.
Blah blah blah . Youre just another rat deserting the sinking ship.
I've explained the inflation but you refuse to accept it.
Gas is priced in workd parity pricing. In fact, the government subsidises gas companies and drilling.
Current prices in Australia, I am told, is approximately $8.20 per gallon. What the fuck are you wringing about. Subsidised cheap gas? Ill have some of that think you very much.

You haven't explained anything relative to inflation, nor do I think you are capable.

What the fuck do we do to bring gas prices down? Turn our own production up full steam ahead!

You lower the price by increasing the supply relative to demand, that's not a difficult equation for anyone to understand or shouldn't.

Giving brutal dictators and terrorists in VZ and Iran Billions in exchange for their oil while still choking off our own supply is absolutely insane.

What did Putin do with the billions he's made exporting oil and refined products to the US?

What do you think Iran and Venezuela will do with billions more?

His solution is to give billions to our enemies rather than do one damned thing to increase US production.
Yes. How do you suggest there is another way?
The fact the country has inflation and low jobs numbers proves its working
Simiple the Covid mandates and restrictions should never have been imposed particularly since the proved completely ineffectual and arguably caused even more harm than the disease itself.

Put someone competent in charge of the Transportation Department and fix the damned "supply chain issue".

Start pulling all essential manufacturing out of China by coming up with policies that will encourage US companies to invest the money to do the job here at home.

Stop strangling our own energy sector, that alone would create 100,000 good paying jobs, many of them union jobs overnight.

Right now in US cities we have people standing in lines blocks long to get subsidized staples because they can't afford to buy groceries anymore as the price of gas and inflation have consumed their entire disposable/discretionary incomes.

Omicron took care of Covid, that isn't an excuse anymore so just when can we expect to see some competency out of this Administration and real solutions to the problems plaguing the country today?
I said, under Obama, when he was doing the same thing as now, there is no middle class in socialism.
Managed Democratic remarket capitalism builds the middle class from the bottom up as well as the upper class.

Socialism shrinks the upper class to only the "true believers" and eliminate the middle class by trying to create an "equal outcome" for all outside of their very elite club.
Read today their big hope for a January 6th extravaganza to stop the midterm looming disaster has been knocked out of first place by the economy and then gas prices....LOL
Well since they have yet to prove an actual case of insurrection I'd say it's a good idea to move on. :D
He is making decisions on the economy and foreign policy

I don't think he's any better or worse than most other leaders who didn't go warmongering. Wait, they all went warmongering. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, even Trump had his moments.
I don't think he's any better or worse than most other leaders who didn't go warmongering. Wait, they all went warmongering. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, even Trump had his moments.
Fighting when necessary is not, "Warmongering".

Sometimes there are only two options, fight, or surrender and none of us would like to live under the rule of our enemies abroad.
Fighting when necessary is not, "Warmongering".

Sometimes there are only two options, fight, or surrender and none of us would like to live under the rule of our enemies abroad.

When is it "necessary" for the US?

Iraq? Nope.
Libya? Nope.
Afghanistan? Nope.
Without starting a NEW thread,
Can we add a new segment to this thread?
Or will this receive the typical, "Rent Free" quotes. Bring it.

Do you have confidence in Dotard Trump?

One at a time, this might take awhile..................

1). Do you have confidence in djt condemning Putin?

Hasn't happened yet, and the RWI makes excuses for the dotard.
But c'mon, IF donald was really tough on putin, don't ya think......?
Simiple the Covid mandates and restrictions should never have been imposed particularly since the proved completely ineffectual and arguably caused even more harm than the disease itself.
Really. And wheres you evidence of that? Have you advised the authorities of your vast expertise on the matter?
Put someone competent in charge of the Transportation Department and fix the damned "supply chain issue".
And who would appoint. CANADIAN truckers?
Start pulling all essential manufacturing out of China by coming up with policies that will encourage US companies to invest the money to do the job here at home.
It was under bush and Trump that trend was maintained but now you want biden to solve it. You hypocrite.
Stop buying Chinese products.
Stop strangling our own energy sector, that alone would create 100,000 good paying jobs, many of them union jobs overnight.
I'm gobsmacked to think you think he is deliberately doing that to destroy the same base who installed him. Youre suggestion makes no sense.
Right now in US cities we have people standing in lines blocks long to get subsidized staples because they can't afford to buy groceries anymore as the price of gas and inflation have consumed their entire disposable/discretionary incomes.
That has been going on for decades under all President's. They were doing it when gas was cheap. Dont give me that shit knucklehead.
Omicron took care of Covid, that isn't an excuse anymore so just when can we expect to see some competency out of this Administration and real solutions to the problems plaguing the country today?
Another virus took care of covid????
Do you think I should explode the stupidity of that statement?
Do you ever read what you write?
Youre frustration at Biden is starting to show. You better settle down comrade.

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