DO YOU KNOW the difference between Socialism and Communism.


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Here is an easy read;
Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen

And here is an easy video on Socialism;

The Exclaimer; This post was made because I'm sick of uneducated Americans talk about Socialism and they clearly haven't done any research on what it actually is. Many define Socialism as Communism. I believe in Capitalism as long as it's well regulated as the Constitution states it should be. The very people that notice it's crony Capitalism are fighting against the Commerce Clause making it even less regulated and crony.

My church today tried to debunk the statement spreading today that "Jesus was a Socialist". The preacher the mentioned, "Jesus didn't want to split up the wealth and divide it equally" which is the very first sign of someone that knows NOTHING about Socialism. He stated, "It's ok to have lot's of money and be rich, as long as you give 10% to the Church and don't worship money over god". Only then he contradicted his very words by using Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." In seconds I thought, "Hmmm. A rich person that hates and despises money...."

The verdict (IMO); Jesus wasn't a Capitalist or a Socialist. But his perspectives on how people should act absolutely fall in line more towards Socialism. Or maybe someone can show me a rich Capitalist that can't find a way to get rid of their money they hate and/or despise...
The Point; STOP QUOTING SOCIALISM IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. And it's amazing how many Americans do this without 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day's research on the topic.

The Responses Will Be; "Oh my gosh, so much text"~ "I knew you were a Socialist!"~"You are an idiot!"~ or just "Insert clever verbal attack with no substance on the topic here" All in a thread I made to educate people on what single little term actually means.

Last. The title would have ended with a question mark if it wasn't rhetorical. I know most of you don't know.
I would say that the majority of conservative posters on this board do not understand the difference between liberalism and communism - let alone the much smaller distinction between socialism and communism.
I would say that the majority of conservative posters on this board do not understand the difference between liberalism and communism - let alone the much smaller distinction between socialism and communism.
I would say that the majority of conservative posters on this board do not understand the difference between liberalism and communism - let alone the much smaller distinction between socialism and communism.

My perspective has always been Liberal and Conservative mean "more of" or "less of". This type of title use gives massive amounts of ammo to the other creating more of a separation in the people.

But according to the broken labeling system we use today, I agree with you.
The Exclaimer; This post was made because I'm sick of uneducated Americans talk about Socialism and they clearly haven't done any research on what it actually is. Many define Socialism as Communism. I believe in Capitalism as long as it's well regulated as the Constitution states it should be. The very people that notice it's crony Capitalism are fighting against the Commerce Clause making it even less regulated and crony.

I have no problem with the commerce clause. What I have a problem with is the federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce being twisted beyond recognition to give them authority to regulate intrastate commerce.

Interstate is not intrastate. They are in fact, opposites. Rendering the practice an afront both constitutionally and linguistically.
The Exclaimer; This post was made because I'm sick of uneducated Americans talk about Socialism and they clearly haven't done any research on what it actually is. Many define Socialism as Communism. I believe in Capitalism as long as it's well regulated as the Constitution states it should be. The very people that notice it's crony Capitalism are fighting against the Commerce Clause making it even less regulated and crony.

I have no problem with the commerce clause. What I have a problem with is the federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce being twisted beyond recognition to give them authority to regulate intrastate commerce.

Interstate is not intrastate. They are in fact, opposites. Rendering the practice an afront both constitutionally and linguistically.

You bring up a good topic. Should a State have a power over a majority of States? Isn't that the difference between a Democracy and a Republic and the reason for the Civil War? When certain states showed they abused their power with slavery?.. Wasn't slavery and the point in history when we noticed we shouldn't rely on so few people to make an important decision?

I fully recognize the changes should have been notated in the Constitution
If one state has the fair tax. Goes intrastate to buy everything.......Aren't they paying no taxes :) and isn't that the motivation for the Fair Tax to begin with? Or did you think it was fair?
The Exclaimer; This post was made because I'm sick of uneducated Americans talk about Socialism and they clearly haven't done any research on what it actually is. Many define Socialism as Communism. I believe in Capitalism as long as it's well regulated as the Constitution states it should be. The very people that notice it's crony Capitalism are fighting against the Commerce Clause making it even less regulated and crony.

I have no problem with the commerce clause. What I have a problem with is the federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce being twisted beyond recognition to give them authority to regulate intrastate commerce.

Interstate is not intrastate. They are in fact, opposites. Rendering the practice an afront both constitutionally and linguistically.

You bring up a good topic. Should a State have a power over a majority of States? Isn't that the difference between a Democracy and a Republic and the reason for the Civil War? When certain states showed they abused their power with slavery?.. Wasn't slavery and the point in history when we noticed we shouldn't rely on so few people to make an important decision?

I fully recognize the changes should have been notated in the Constitution

The point I'm bringing up is the authority of the Federal Government vs. the Authority of the State regarding intrastate commerce. I think its pretty clear that when the founders granted the Federal Government authority over interstate commerce, they didn't mean intrastate commerce. Else they would have said as the two terms are demonstrable opposites.

The power of one state over another isn't any part of my claims regarding the commerce clause. But the power of a state over its own intrastate commerce.

When certain states showed they abused their power with slavery?.. Wasn't slavery and the point in history when we noticed we shouldn't rely on so few people to make an important decision?

The civil war wasn't fought because a state 'abused its power with slavery'. It was fought because the States seceded and attacked US federal forces. Lincoln made it ridiculously clear before hostilities broke out that slavery was perfectly legal in the Southern States. Nor was there any proposal from the Lincoln White House before the war to outlaw slavery in the southern states before the war.

As a Whig before he was a Republican, Lincoln had great respect for Clay's Great Compromise. And stated throughout most of his career that he supported the right of slave states to have slaves.
If one state has the fair tax. Goes intrastate to buy everything.......Aren't they paying no taxes :) and isn't that the motivation for the Fair Tax to begin with? Or did you think it was fair?

A 'fair tax'? Could you define your terms?
I would say that the majority of conservative posters on this board do not understand the difference between liberalism and communism - let alone the much smaller distinction between socialism and communism.

I stopped making informative posts years ago. People don't respond to them. People only respond to "Honey Boo Boo" type titles
If one state has the fair tax. Goes intrastate to buy everything.......Aren't they paying no taxes :) and isn't that the motivation for the Fair Tax to begin with? Or did you think it was fair?

A 'fair tax'? Could you define your terms?

The "Fair Tax" aren't my terms. It's what the Right Wing is pushing for today. It's the Canadian system. We only pay taxes on what we buy and nothing else. It allows them to outsource without paying taxes.

I'm curious how you got specific about my post on slavery but never heard about the Fair Tax. The Civil War was about Slavery and the "Fair Tax" is about tax dodging.
DO YOU KNOW the difference between Socialism and Communism.

Both treat people unfairly and destroy the society they're in.

The differences between them are unimportant.
DO YOU KNOW the difference between Socialism and Communism.

That's like knowing the difference between Cholera and Bubonic Plague.

Both are deadly diseases that destroy most things they infect.

It's not necessary to know any more than that.

For the same reason, it's unimportant what the differences between communism and socialism are.
DO YOU KNOW the difference between Socialism and Communism.

That's like knowing the difference between Cholera and Bubonic Plague.

Both are deadly diseases that destroy most things they infect.

It's not necessary to know any more than that.

Similarly, it's unimportant what the differences between communism and socialism are.

Thank you :) See more about you in the OP :)
I'm curious how you got specific about my post on slavery but never heard about the Fair Tax.

Oh, I've heard the term 'fair tax' before. But its meaning depends on who is saying it. I wanted to know your definition.
I'm curious how you got specific about my post on slavery but never heard about the Fair Tax.

Oh, I've heard the term 'fair tax' before. But its meaning depends on who is saying it. I wanted to know your definition.

Actually it doesn't depend on "who's saying it". It, like political parties, has a platform.

If you don't follow platforms, then you might become ignorant on a topic.

Which brings us back to Socialism and the people that don't know what it's actual definition is.
I personally think the #11 poster "I don't know what it is and don't care and proud" is less dumb than the person that tries to say what Socialism is without knowing. Progress. :clap2:

(Oh crap! I'm going to be called a progressive because I believe in Education!)
Socialism leads to communism. Not a big difference. Socialism comes about by lying politicians asking people to support their policies for the 'greater good' and idiots vote for it. Communism is where dictators merely force people to do things, supposedly for the greater good.

Those who believe they are able to run people's lives will eventually dictate. Even those elected by people will eventually turn on them and become the next Chavez. Liberals loved that guy.
there is no diff. at all; both the same. (see how easy that works you third party drones?)
only ignorant thing on that list, taht was clearly selling socialism, was the use of the word free, when it should have been using 'tax payer funded'.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR): Although the actual categorization of the USSR's economic system is in dispute, it is often considered to be a form of centrally-planned socialism.


socialism is communism lite

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