DO YOU KNOW the difference between Socialism and Communism.

Socialism leads to communism. Not a big difference. Socialism comes about by lying politicians asking people to support their policies for the 'greater good' and idiots vote for it. Communism is where dictators merely force people to do things, supposedly for the greater good.

Those who believe they are able to run people's lives will eventually dictate. Even those elected by people will eventually turn on them and become the next Chavez. Liberals loved that guy.

I love your quote, "Socialism leads to communism" then follow with "lying politicians asking people to support their policies for the 'greater good'".

"Socialism Leads to Communism" is like stating "Buying a gun will lead to killing". And are you stating Republican, Libertarian, Green and Tea Party politicians don't lie and decieve? You really think it's a "Socialist" thing? Or were you trained to blame every flaw in the political system on a party you are not in. Hence, Anti-Party.

And to finish..

Everyone notate that even after very easy reading this kid took no time to educate on what Communism or Socialism is and stated, "Communism is where dictators merely force people to do things, supposedly for the greater good." <---This happens in Capitalism and is happening today! I has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Communist party! I'm guessing you are one of the sheep that allow this to happen because you think it only happens in Communism!
only ignorant thing on that list, taht was clearly selling socialism, was the use of the word free, when it should have been using 'tax payer funded'.

No grammar, no specifics and no quote. I'm not sure which part you are talking about but I'm certain you are wrong without the debate.

Clearly you didn't read the OP which pinpointed the word Free. But who is here for reading? Let's get back to insulting.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR): Although the actual categorization of the USSR's economic system is in dispute, it is often considered to be a form of centrally-planned socialism.


socialism is communism lite

Not sure you know what "Often Considered" means from a bias source. Fox News leads many topics with "often considered" and it turns out they were the only ones considering that kind of stupidity.

I actually want to solidify your statement by notating it's exactly the reason behind my post. Socialism is "often considered" something it is not. Thanks.
Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization rather than being controlled by members of a small class of wealthy people.

Both want the government to dictate every aspect of your life to you..

Not really that much difference, Nazi's were Socialists and Stalin was a Communist.

The only real difffernce between the two is that Socialism can coexist with private and personal property.

Other than that not much difference between the two..

The far left can be both, right?

Anyone that wants the government to control every aspect of their lives is not connected to reality..
there is no diff. at all; both the same. (see how easy that works you third party drones?)

^There is and it was notated in the OP. I'm an Anti-Party thinker. Not a party puppet. I'm sure you think you are smart by not providing any information on the op but attacking someone that thinks outside your perspectives as a "Commie". You solidify my post, thanks.
Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization rather than being controlled by members of a small class of wealthy people.

Both want the government to dictate every aspect of your life to you..

Not really that much difference, Nazi's were Socialists and Stalin was a Communist.

The only real difffernce between the two is that Socialism can coexist with private and personal property.

Other than that not much difference between the two..

The far left can be both, right?

Anyone that wants the government to control every aspect of their lives is not connected to reality..

Wrong within the first sentence of your statement; "Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization"

In core Socialism the people vote for the wages of the people. It's why firefighters get paid way more than our supply and demand system. The people vote on the wages. "Centralized Socialism is different than Socialism. Crony Socialism such as in Australia can turn into Centralized Socialism where the greedy take over the Government to ensure they "get more". Just like we see in our Crony Capitalism.

Which brings me back to the OP. Systems will always get corrupt by the greedy. The only hope is people who understand this corruption. A change in the system no matter what system should be last resort.
Well it was fun handing the ball to so many people and watching some dumb enough to grab it and fumble. Off to bed.

DO YOU KNOW the difference between Socialism and Communism.

That's like knowing the difference between Cholera and Bubonic Plague.

Both are deadly diseases that destroy most things they infect.

It's not necessary to know any more than that.

For the same reason, it's unimportant what the differences between communism and socialism are.

And if you try and treat Cholera when they have the Plague, what do you get?
A lot of proof on this board that a lot of people don't know the difference.

Often things people don't know is brushed of with some kind of silly statement attacking something they don't know. It's how ignorant people get through life. They rant and rave until the other side give up.
Makes me wonder why they come on here. Is it so they can prove they are right but ranting and raving and swearing and insulting until they are sure they have "won" the argument because either it died out because it's a waste of time for the other side to continue or because they think they found something they can shout louder?
Here is an easy read;
Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen

And here is an easy video on Socialism;

The Exclaimer; This post was made because I'm sick of uneducated Americans talk about Socialism and they clearly haven't done any research on what it actually is. Many define Socialism as Communism. I believe in Capitalism as long as it's well regulated as the Constitution states it should be. The very people that notice it's crony Capitalism are fighting against the Commerce Clause making it even less regulated and crony.

My church today tried to debunk the statement spreading today that "Jesus was a Socialist". The preacher the mentioned, "Jesus didn't want to split up the wealth and divide it equally" which is the very first sign of someone that knows NOTHING about Socialism. He stated, "It's ok to have lot's of money and be rich, as long as you give 10% to the Church and don't worship money over god". Only then he contradicted his very words by using Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." In seconds I thought, "Hmmm. A rich person that hates and despises money...."

The verdict (IMO); Jesus wasn't a Capitalist or a Socialist. But his perspectives on how people should act absolutely fall in line more towards Socialism. Or maybe someone can show me a rich Capitalist that can't find a way to get rid of their money they hate and/or despise...
The Point; STOP QUOTING SOCIALISM IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. And it's amazing how many Americans do this without 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day's research on the topic.

The Responses Will Be; "Oh my gosh, so much text"~ "I knew you were a Socialist!"~"You are an idiot!"~ or just "Insert clever verbal attack with no substance on the topic here" All in a thread I made to educate people on what single little term actually means.

Last. The title would have ended with a question mark if it wasn't rhetorical. I know most of you don't know.

I will compare it to democrats vs rhinos
Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization rather than being controlled by members of a small class of wealthy people.

Both want the government to dictate every aspect of your life to you..

Not really that much difference, Nazi's were Socialists and Stalin was a Communist.

The only real difffernce between the two is that Socialism can coexist with private and personal property.

Other than that not much difference between the two..

The far left can be both, right?

Anyone that wants the government to control every aspect of their lives is not connected to reality..

Wrong within the first sentence of your statement; "Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization"

In core Socialism the people vote for the wages of the people. It's why firefighters get paid way more than our supply and demand system. The people vote on the wages. "Centralized Socialism is different than Socialism. Crony Socialism such as in Australia can turn into Centralized Socialism where the greedy take over the Government to ensure they "get more". Just like we see in our Crony Capitalism.

Which brings me back to the OP. Systems will always get corrupt by the greedy. The only hope is people who understand this corruption. A change in the system no matter what system should be last resort.

So the OP and the far left have proven that they do NOT know the difference.

Amazing how one can ask a question when they themselves do not understand what they post..
A lot of proof on this board that a lot of people don't know the difference.

Often things people don't know is brushed of with some kind of silly statement attacking something they don't know. It's how ignorant people get through life. They rant and rave until the other side give up.
Makes me wonder why they come on here. Is it so they can prove they are right but ranting and raving and swearing and insulting until they are sure they have "won" the argument because either it died out because it's a waste of time for the other side to continue or because they think they found something they can shout louder?

The proof goes WAY beyond this board. And the topics go way beyond this topic. Most people don't care enough about politics to do research for themselves. They want their party to tell them what they can parrot off as "the way it is".

I get it, politics are complicated......but they are complicated for a reason, to keep the people from learning. Once you understand it's all about the $ given to Politicians, EVERYTHING falls into place.

Politicians are puppets and the people are parrots.
Here is an easy read;
Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen

And here is an easy video on Socialism;

The Exclaimer; This post was made because I'm sick of uneducated Americans talk about Socialism and they clearly haven't done any research on what it actually is. Many define Socialism as Communism. I believe in Capitalism as long as it's well regulated as the Constitution states it should be. The very people that notice it's crony Capitalism are fighting against the Commerce Clause making it even less regulated and crony.

My church today tried to debunk the statement spreading today that "Jesus was a Socialist". The preacher the mentioned, "Jesus didn't want to split up the wealth and divide it equally" which is the very first sign of someone that knows NOTHING about Socialism. He stated, "It's ok to have lot's of money and be rich, as long as you give 10% to the Church and don't worship money over god". Only then he contradicted his very words by using Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." In seconds I thought, "Hmmm. A rich person that hates and despises money...."

The verdict (IMO); Jesus wasn't a Capitalist or a Socialist. But his perspectives on how people should act absolutely fall in line more towards Socialism. Or maybe someone can show me a rich Capitalist that can't find a way to get rid of their money they hate and/or despise...
The Point; STOP QUOTING SOCIALISM IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. And it's amazing how many Americans do this without 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day's research on the topic.

The Responses Will Be; "Oh my gosh, so much text"~ "I knew you were a Socialist!"~"You are an idiot!"~ or just "Insert clever verbal attack with no substance on the topic here" All in a thread I made to educate people on what single little term actually means.

Last. The title would have ended with a question mark if it wasn't rhetorical. I know most of you don't know.

I will compare it to democrats vs rhinos

The irony in your post is funny.
Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization rather than being controlled by members of a small class of wealthy people.

Both want the government to dictate every aspect of your life to you..

Not really that much difference, Nazi's were Socialists and Stalin was a Communist.

The only real difffernce between the two is that Socialism can coexist with private and personal property.

Other than that not much difference between the two..

The far left can be both, right?

Anyone that wants the government to control every aspect of their lives is not connected to reality..

Wrong within the first sentence of your statement; "Socialism and communism are based on the principle that the means of producing goods and providing services — such as all factories and companies — should be owned publicly and controlled and planned by a centralized organization"

In core Socialism the people vote for the wages of the people. It's why firefighters get paid way more than our supply and demand system. The people vote on the wages. "Centralized Socialism is different than Socialism. Crony Socialism such as in Australia can turn into Centralized Socialism where the greedy take over the Government to ensure they "get more". Just like we see in our Crony Capitalism.

Which brings me back to the OP. Systems will always get corrupt by the greedy. The only hope is people who understand this corruption. A change in the system no matter what system should be last resort.

So the OP and the far left have proven that they do NOT know the difference.

Amazing how one can ask a question when they themselves do not understand what they post..

^lol^ Poor kid.

"Controlled and planned by a centralized organization" was your flaw in your definitions which was easy to spot if you had taken 10 seconds out of your day to learn more by actually reading the OP.

In Socialism, the Industry is still "Controlled and Ran" by the people. The people simply vote on what the workers wages will be and the Government is supposed to abide.

You clearly mix Socialism with "Centralized Socialism" or Communism via the point of the post.
The proof goes WAY beyond this board. And the topics go way beyond this topic. Most people don't care enough about politics to do research for themselves. They want their party to tell them what they can parrot off as "the way it is".

I get it, politics are complicated......but they are complicated for a reason, to keep the people from learning. Once you understand it's all about the $ given to Politicians, EVERYTHING falls into place.

Politicians are puppets and the people are parrots.

The one reason for having politicians is because people will never understand the issues. However when you choose someone you should be choosing someone you think will understand the issues and work on your behalf. This is what is missing in politics right now, the sense that you vote for someone for the right reasons.

People just vote one party or the other and the one which presents the best show and best looking guy usually wins.

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