Zone1 Do you know the good news of the kingdom?


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Matthew 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth as a witness to all nations, then the end will come.

This is the message Jesus brought and taught about, This is the message that the religion that he is with teaches to its flock.
The OT and NT is filled with realities on why its good news.
Since all true followers know the facts about this good news, please share with us some of the things written about it in Gods bible. CAN YOU? If not, you are not being taught by the religion who has Jesus as head of the congregation.
Matthew 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth as a witness to all nations, then the end will come.

This is the message Jesus brought and taught about, This is the message that the religion that he is with teaches to its flock.
The OT and NT is filled with realities on why its good news.
Since all true followers know the facts about this good news, please share with us some of the things written about it in Gods bible. CAN YOU? If not, you are not being taught by the religion who has Jesus as head of the congregation.
Which religion has Jesus as head of the congregation? Is there a Christian religion that doesn't make that claim?
Matthew 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth as a witness to all nations, then the end will come.

This is the message Jesus brought and taught about, This is the message that the religion that he is with teaches to its flock.
The OT and NT is filled with realities on why its good news.
Since all true followers know the facts about this good news, please share with us some of the things written about it in Gods bible. CAN YOU? If not, you are not being taught by the religion who has Jesus as head of the congregation.
those that speak about religion the most, good or bad, should be watched with the most prejudice.........Sloopviticus........98:14
please share with us some of the things written about it in Gods bible.

I thought that most of the Bible was written over 1500 years by dozens of people?

You do know that the Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton created the chapters and verses in the 13th century.
Matthew 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth as a witness to all nations, then the end will come.

This is the message Jesus brought and taught about, This is the message that the religion that he is with teaches to its flock.
The OT and NT is filled with realities on why its good news.
Since all true followers know the facts about this good news, please share with us some of the things written about it in Gods bible. CAN YOU? If not, you are not being taught by the religion who has Jesus as head of the congregation.
According to the Holy Scriptures.......the good news, i.e, the gospel truth which is the power of God unto Salvation, to the Jew First (Romans 1:16) has already been preached around the world.

Historical Scripture: Before Jerusalem was destroyed (an event called the abomination of desolation by the Christ......that would happen in the 1st century -- Matthew 23:36, 24:15)
Jesus declared, "This gospel (good news) shall be preached in the whole world........."

The apostle confirmed the gospel was spreading around the then............known globe, there was no western world at that time, as the majority of the population lived in Asia, Asia minor, Eurasia....etc., "But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed: their sound has gone out TO ALL THE EARTH, AND THEIR WORDS TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD." -- Romans 10:8

He confirms again in (Romans 16:25-26), THE GOSPEL, "........HAS BEEN (past tense) known to ALL THE NATIONS, LEADING TO THE OBEDIENCE OF FAITH."

He stated again, "The Gospel (good news of Jesus Christ) is constantly bearing fruit IN ALL THE WORLD" -- Col. 1:5-6

What does this phrase really mean.........The gospel shall be preached to all the nations, and confirmed by baptism in the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:18-20)?

These passages do not mean that everyone on earth shall hear and obey the Gospel Truth......its means that God is providing a path to ALL THE NATIONS on earth via offering a faith that was once reserved for only one nation on earth........Biblical Israel (Deut 4:6-8). This confirms the prophecy of Jer. 31:31-34..........of a coming NEW COVENANT that would be offered to the Jew First and then to ALL NATIONS ON EARTH. God would hope that everyone be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (the gospel truth) -- 1 Tim. 2:4

Matthew 24 has nothing to do with predicting the end of the world and the establishment of a New Kingdom..........Jesus Christ made it clear, that no man, no angel in heaven, not even Jesus Himself, knew when the end would come, Only THE FATHER. (Matthew 24:36)

Thus, anyone predicting they know when that time is preaching FALSE DOCTRINE and slapped back to reality by the Sword of the Spirit.........The Word of God (Eph. 6:17).
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Which religion has Jesus as head of the congregation? Is there a Christian religion that doesn't make that claim?
All claim it. But in light of 1 Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division= 1 single religion is lead by Jesus.
I thought that most of the Bible was written over 1500 years by dozens of people?

You do know that the Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton created the chapters and verses in the 13th century.
The last book of the bible( Revelation) was written in 96 ce. Fact of history.
According to the Holy Scriptures.......the good news, i.e, the gospel truth which is the power of God unto Salvation, to the Jew First (Romans 1:16) has already been preached around the world.

Historical Scripture: Before Jerusalem was destroyed (an event called the abomination of desolation by the Christ......that would happen in the 1st century -- Matthew 23:36, 24:15)
Jesus declared, "This gospel (good news) shall be preached in the whole world........."

The apostle confirmed the gospel was spreading around the then............known globe, there was no western world at that time, as the majority of the population lived in Asia, Asia minor, Eurasia....etc., "But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed: their sound has gone out TO ALL THE EARTH, AND THEIR WORDS TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD." -- Romans 10:8

He confirms again in (Romans 16:25-26), THE GOSPEL, "........HAS BEEN (past tense) known to ALL THE NATIONS, LEADING TO THE OBEDIENCE OF FAITH."

He stated again, "The Gospel (good news of Jesus Christ) is constantly bearing fruit IN ALL THE WORLD" -- Col. 1:5-6

What does this phrase really mean.........The gospel shall be preached to all the nations, and confirmed by baptism in the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:18-20)?

These passages do not mean that everyone on earth shall hear and obey the Gospel Truth......its means that God is providing a path to ALL THE NATIONS on earth via offering a faith that was once reserved for only one nation on earth........Biblical Israel (Deut 4:6-8). This confirms the prophecy of Jer. 31:31-34..........of a coming NEW COVENANT that would be offered to the Jew First and then to ALL NATIONS ON EARTH. God would hope that everyone be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (the gospel truth) -- 1 Tim. 2:4

Matthew 24 has nothing to do with predicting the end of the world and the establishment of a New Kingdom..........Jesus Christ made it clear, that no man, no angel in heaven, not even Jesus Himself, knew when the end would come, Only THE FATHER. (Matthew 24:36)

Thus, anyone predicting they know when that time is preaching FALSE DOCTRINE and slapped back to reality by the Sword of the Spirit.........The Word of God (Eph. 6:17).
There are signs to watch for. All of them are occurring now.
Yes only the Father knows, because only the Father is God.
It was offered to Israel-They rejected it when they rejected their own Messiah. They reject him to this day.
Yes the door was opened to all, Jesus said--FEW will find the road that leads off into life. Few even know what Jesus teaches, so its impossible for them to obey what they do not know. 99% of all religion claiming to be christian teach very little of what Jesus actually taught, they get paid to teach that religions dogma.
There are signs to watch for. All of them are occurring now.
Yes only the Father knows, because only the Father is God.
It was offered to Israel-They rejected it when they rejected their own Messiah. They reject him to this day.
Yes the door was opened to all, Jesus said--FEW will find the road that leads off into life. Few even know what Jesus teaches, so its impossible for them to obey what they do not know. 99% of all religion claiming to be christian teach very little of what Jesus actually taught, they get paid to teach that religions dogma.
Ad hominem BS does not replace the documented book, chapter and verse. Only a fool would suggest that Jesus was rejected by the Jews.........Jesus was a Jew, all His original disciples were Jews..........the first gentile family to be converted into the Christian Church/Kingdom did not happen until 10 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 10).

"I say then, Hath God cast away His people (the Jews)? God forbid. FOR I (SAUL/PAUL) am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the Tribe of Benjamin. God has not cast away His people which He foreknew........." -- Romans 11:1-2

The gospel was exclusive to the Jews only in the infant stage of Jesus' church, as the Jews were promised a new covenant like the Covenant of Christ would be given to Israel (Jer. 31:31-34)........even though they continually broke God's Law.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the Power of God unto salvation........TO THE JEW FIRST......." -- Romans 1:16

Do not think that you are special because you as a gentile have replaced God's people.......... God did not reject Biblical Israel, a loyal remnant was saved according to prophecy. The Jews are blinded to the gospel truth due their own stubborn pride, even to this day. (Romans 11:8) But they are the natural root, it is the gentile nations that have been grafted into the natural root (Romans 11:17)

"Boast not against the branches (the original Jewish tree). But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root......but the root bears thee (there could be not gentile conversions if not for the original root (the Jews). "What shall we say then, The branches were broken off (the original Jews), that I (gentile nation) be grafted in? WELL; BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF THEY WERE BROKEN OFF, AND THOU (the gentile) STANDEST BY FAITH. BE NOT HIGHMINDED..........for If God sparred not the natural branches, TAKE HEED, LEST HE ALSO NOT SPARE THEE......" -- Romans 11:18-21

In the past God had saved a loyal remnant of Israel, "Lord they have killed thy prophets, and digged down Thine alters; I am left alone, and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to Myself 7000 men, who have not bowed a knee to the image of Baal. EVEN SO AT THE PRESENT TIME (1st century AD) there is a remnant according to the election of grave........" -- Romans 11:3-5

The Jew is equal to the Christian..........all are one when baptized into Christ Jesus, there is neither Jew nor Greek (gentile).........all are seeds of Abraham and heirs to the promise (Gal. 3:28-29)

Can the Jew be saved today? Of course, just like anyone accepting the Gospel Truth of Christ Jesus....the good news (Romans 11:23)
The last book of the bible( Revelation) was written in 96 ce. Fact of history.

That sounds about right. Consistent with what I told you.

Do you know that the father of the Big Bang Theory postulating that
the universe had it origins nearly 14 billion years ago now proven fact
was actually a Catholic priest by the name of Georges Lemaître?

Looks like "God" got his own book wrong and Moses didn't know what he was talking about!
Mind you, I'm anything but an atheist, just pointing out the flaws and limitations
of the Bible that Christians have been going to war over for 2000 years
trying to claim it was the absolute last word in the universe.
The Bible is neither an Encyclopedia nor a science book.

Exactly. For those really serious about God, more is needed than just "On the 7th Day He rested and saw it was all good," or that every animal was herded onto a boat in pairs of two to wash away all of the faithless in a flood (even though there is some supporting archeological evidence of a flood).

Kind of sounds like: "Don't you dare question or examine anything too closely lest God will smite you with boils" crap.

In other words, just accept what you read and don't question anything.

We are a questioning species. No wonder the Church is losing more and more young every day.
Kind of sounds like: "Don't you dare question or examine anything too closely lest God will smite you with boils" crap.
Here is a link to a post I just completed in another thread about the flood. What is the question in the story of Noah's Ark? What is the lesson? Looking for a physical science lesson in a story that is a lesson about understanding our human behavior and instead of what God wants us to reconsider about how we behave won't get us far.

those that speak about religion the most, good or bad, should be watched with the most prejudice.........Sloopviticus........98:14

Excellent Win-Win method for Control .

Precisely why they rigged the story the way it is .
If they were not busy banning and excluding books and gospels, they were deliberately mis-translating l

A fine scam because they have got around 2000 years of conditioned gullibles from it .
Until now .

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