Do you Liberals love Trump now?

left, right, or center makes no difference -the sorry old bastard is a lying pos

F Trump
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


What's wrong with closing the loopholes in the background check system?

I'll explain this to you Moon Bat. I want you to take notes because I may quiz you on it later and you don't want to look like a fool by not having the correct answer.

There are three major things wrong with background checks.

1. They don't work. Several of the last people to do mass shootings like in Texas, DC and Florida passed a background check. The only thing background checks do is make it more difficult for law abiding Americans to enjoy their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. It does nothing to stop a crook or somebody that that wants to commit a crime from a gun somewhere. We see that every day in Chicago, don't we?

2. The Bill of Rights says that Americans have the right to keep and bear arms and that right shall not be infringed. The Supreme Court has upheld that the right is an individual right. There are no qualification to that right because it is necessary to the security of a free state. Background checks becomes an American having to get permission from the filthy ass government to enjoy a right that is guaranteed them under the Bill of Rights and that is simply wrong. If we have to get permission from the government to enjoy our Constitutional rights then they really aren't rights, are they?

3. Background checks are an assumption of guilt until proven innocent. That goes against the American idea of innocent until proven guilty, doesn't it?

However, don't you worry your precious little pink pussy hat wearing head. With Trump's support it looks like the Republicans are going to go along with the more gun control. See Moon Bat, it was so bad Trump getting elected, was it? Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to have more gun control, including more stringent background checks, didn't she?

Now don't you feel silly howling at the sky because Trump won?
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


You still don't get it?

Rump is not an asshole because of anything having to do with politics. He HAS NO politics. He'll say or do anything that he thinks makes Numero Uno look good in the moment, even if it contradicts what he said or did to look good yesterday. Even paints his face orange for the same reason. There are no principles or political standards there. NONE. He's a whore to his own narcissism.

Rump is simply an asshole because he's an Ass Hole. Personally.

Ain't rocket surgery.

Is that like Crooked Hillary being a major piece of dishonest shit? Or maybe Obama being a major incompetent asshole?

So Trump is giving you Moon Bats big government and gun control and you assholes are still bitching about him?

Nothing will ever make you stupid Moon Bats happy unless this country because the socialist shithole you crave so much, will it?
Universal background checks have nothing to do with "liberals."

UCBs are supported by a majority of gun owners and have been upheld by the courts as Constitutional and consistent with the Second Amendment.

You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.
Universal background checks have nothing to do with "liberals."

UCBs are supported by a majority of gun owners and have been upheld by the courts as Constitutional and consistent with the Second Amendment.

You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.

CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.
Universal background checks have nothing to do with "liberals."

UCBs are supported by a majority of gun owners and have been upheld by the courts as Constitutional and consistent with the Second Amendment.

You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.

CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.

Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!
Universal background checks have nothing to do with "liberals."

UCBs are supported by a majority of gun owners and have been upheld by the courts as Constitutional and consistent with the Second Amendment.

You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.

CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.

Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!

No, he's wrong all the time. I pity someone that is that ignorant.
Universal background checks have nothing to do with "liberals."

UCBs are supported by a majority of gun owners and have been upheld by the courts as Constitutional and consistent with the Second Amendment.

You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.

CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.

Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!

No, he's wrong all the time. I pity someone that is that ignorant.

Not in this case.
Universal background checks have nothing to do with "liberals."

UCBs are supported by a majority of gun owners and have been upheld by the courts as Constitutional and consistent with the Second Amendment.

You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.

CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.

Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!

No, he's wrong all the time. I pity someone that is that ignorant.

Not in this case.

All states have background checks.
Is that like Crooked Hillary being a major piece of dishonest shit? Or maybe Obama being a major incompetent asshole?

Wouldn't know. We have no direct experience with that. Rump on the other hand has bent over backward to make sure we all have direct experience with his Assholism, for decades. It's never been a secret. He's been crowing it to anyone who will listen, all his life.

So Trump is giving you Moon Bats big government and gun control and you assholes are still bitching about him?

Once AGAIN --- read the post. It's all about personal character, not about politics. Can't be about politics where they don't even exist.

Nothing will ever make you stupid Moon Bats happy unless this country because the socialist shithole you crave so much, will it?

Once again AGAIN --- read the post. It's all about personal character, not about politics. Can't be about politics where they don't even exist.

Guess I'll just continue to cut and paste that until it sinks in.
You are talking to a Trump supporter and expecting them to have common sense, lol. Not likely.

CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.

Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!

No, he's wrong all the time. I pity someone that is that ignorant.

Not in this case.

All states have background checks.

In some states you can buy rifles without any sort of background check or precaution. In FL, from what I'm reading, there is no need for a background check if you buy an AR-15 from a civilian at a gun show, for instance. I'm aware that people could still obtain weapons illegally even were there mandatory checks for all legal transactions, but at least you would be putting pressure on the seller if it were illegal to forego those precautions.

I don't really think tighter background check would stop mass shootings. It would just add difficulty to the shooter's objective.
CC is a radical fringe loon leftist. You will not glean anything of substance from him.

Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!

No, he's wrong all the time. I pity someone that is that ignorant.

Not in this case.

All states have background checks.

In some states you can buy rifles without any sort of background check or precaution. In FL, from what I'm reading, there is no need for a background check if you buy an AR-15 from a civilian at a gun show, for instance. I'm aware that people could still obtain weapons illegally even were there mandatory checks for all legal transactions, but at least you would be putting pressure on the seller if it were illegal.

I don't really think tighter background check would stop mass shootings. It would just add difficulty to the shooter's objective.

I don't either but I do think the mental aspect needs to be tightened.
Rump is not an asshole because of anything having to do with politics. He HAS NO politics. He'll say or do anything that he thinks makes Numero Uno look good in the moment, .

Uh-huh, do you happen to know what that particular political strategy has been called in the past?

Bill Clinton & Co. called it "triangulation", of course Bill was a hell of a lot more articulate about it but it's exactly what Trump appears to be doing with both DACA and now (possibly) Gun Control.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Way to go, Trump! Ban all guns I say! And the 2nd Amendment!

I'm starting a new campaign..."Communists for Donald Trump!"
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

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