Do you Liberals love Trump now?

Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

That's just because thinking for yourself is hard. Apparently. I've always found it comes pretty naturally, but I guess to many people it is difficult.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

Gee, I wonder if massive NRA campaign contributions to Repug politicians have anything to do with the fact that Repugs never talk about gun control. That couldn't possibly be a contributing factor, could it?
Regardless, he's not wrong; most gun owners are supportive of gun laws that promote responsible gun ownership. Imagine that! People who know how deadly guns can be want them to stay out of the hands of those who will misuse them! It's almost like basic logic!

No, he's wrong all the time. I pity someone that is that ignorant.

Not in this case.

All states have background checks.

In some states you can buy rifles without any sort of background check or precaution. In FL, from what I'm reading, there is no need for a background check if you buy an AR-15 from a civilian at a gun show, for instance. I'm aware that people could still obtain weapons illegally even were there mandatory checks for all legal transactions, but at least you would be putting pressure on the seller if it were illegal.

I don't really think tighter background check would stop mass shootings. It would just add difficulty to the shooter's objective.

I don't either but I do think the mental aspect needs to be tightened.

Obviously the mental minimum requirements have to be tightened.

We are talking about the Presidency, right?
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018

In trade for what? His wall?
Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

That's just because thinking for yourself is hard. Apparently. I've always found it comes pretty naturally, but I guess to many people it is difficult.

I never made a personal judgement on either issue. I simply stated they are considered issues the left champions, and I'm right.
Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

Gee, I wonder if massive NRA campaign contributions to Repug politicians have anything to do with the fact that Repugs never talk about gun control. That couldn't possibly be a contributing factor, could it?

I'm sure it absolutely could.
There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA.

Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

That's just because thinking for yourself is hard. Apparently. I've always found it comes pretty naturally, but I guess to many people it is difficult.

I never made a personal judgement on either issue. I simply stated they are considered issues the left champions, and I'm right.

Actually the quote nest says you said "liberal", and now you're changing it to "the left".
Just sayin'.
Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

That's just because thinking for yourself is hard. Apparently. I've always found it comes pretty naturally, but I guess to many people it is difficult.

I never made a personal judgement on either issue. I simply stated they are considered issues the left champions, and I'm right.

Actually the quote nest says you said "liberal", and now you're changing it to "the left".
Just sayin'.

Did it need to be said, tho? They equate to the same thing.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

Bullshit on gun control. The agenda of the Liberals and the Democrats is to abolish the Second Amendment. Both the New York Times and the LA Times (Democrat) called for it this weekend in addition to some fringe Moon Bat politicians. They want to abolish it because it is a threat to establishing the US as socialist shithole. Besides, they hate the idea of White people having firearms. They don't care about .Blacks shooting each other with guns every night in the Democrat voting ghetto big cities but they don't want some White guy living in rural Georgia to have a gun. You know, somebody that opposes their extreme far Left agenda.

Alo bullshit on immigration reform. As far as DACA and immigration the filthy ass Democrat Party needs Brown and Black welfare immigration or else their voter base will be diminished. It is all about voting demographics. There are only so many dumbass White Guilt Moon Bats so they need the Illegals and welfare queens or else they would never get more than 20% of the vote. That is why the Democrats don't want to hear anything about no stinkin immigration welfare reform and will resist it just like they did with shutting down the government over DACA. How stupid was that?
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

Bullshit on gun control. The agenda of the Liberals and the Democrats is to abolish the Second Amendment. Both the New York Times and the LA Times (Democrat) called for it this weekend in addition to some fringe Moon Bat politicians. They want to abolish it because it is a threat to establishing the US as socialist shithole. Besides, they hate the idea of White people having firearms. They don't care about .Blacks shooting each other with guns every night in the Democrat voting ghetto big cities but they don't want some White guy living in rural Georgia to have a gun. You know, somebody that opposes their extreme far Left agenda.f

Alo bullshit on immigration reform. As far as DACA and immigration the filthy ass Democrat Party needs Brown and Black welfare immigration or else their voter base will be diminished. It is all about voting demographics. There are only so many dumbass White Guilt Moon Bats so they need the Illegals and welfare queens or else they would never get more than 20% of the vote. That is why the Democrats don't want to hear anything about no stinkin immigration welfare reform and will resist it just like they did with shutting down the government over DACA. How stupid was that?

I got up to the part where you wrote "The agenda of the Liberals and the Democrats is to abolish the Second Amendment" and stopped, because I already know what kind of a crazy person writes something like that, and nothing that kind of a person has to say is worth reading or listening to.
Disagree. Both are considered by many to be liberal causes across the board.

Explain what is "liberal" about them, if you would. Because I don't see it. Gun control has to do with public safety and civil defense, which are priorities of both parties (supposedly). Reagan, supposedly the pinnacle of conservatism, was highly pro-immigration, and likely would not have hesitated in getting DACA done.

All I'm saying is is that both causes are supported and favored mostly by the left. You don't see many conservatives favoring either issue, savvy?

That's just because thinking for yourself is hard. Apparently. I've always found it comes pretty naturally, but I guess to many people it is difficult.

I never made a personal judgement on either issue. I simply stated they are considered issues the left champions, and I'm right.

Actually the quote nest says you said "liberal", and now you're changing it to "the left".
Just sayin'.

:dunno:Many people operate under the mistaken impression that "liberal" and "left" are synonymous.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant." -- John Stuart Mill
Is that like Crooked Hillary being a major piece of dishonest shit? Or maybe Obama being a major incompetent asshole?

Wouldn't know. We have no direct experience with that.

Maybe you didn't because you are an ignorant uneducated pink pussy hate pajama boy Moon Bat but the rest of the country sure as hell did.

That piece of Affirmative Action shit Obama is by the far the worst President this country ever had and Crooked Hillary was the worse dishonest corrupt candidate who couldn't even win with a fixed election and paying off the Russians.
Is that like Crooked Hillary being a major piece of dishonest shit? Or maybe Obama being a major incompetent asshole?

Wouldn't know. We have no direct experience with that.

Maybe you didn't because you are an ignorant uneducated pink pussy hate pajama boy Moon Bat but the rest of the country sure as hell did.

That piece of Affirmative Action shit Obama is by the far the worst President this country ever had and Crooked Hillary was the worse dishonest corrupt candidate who couldn't even win with a fixed election and paying off the Russians.

Why are you so pissed off, dude? Your guy is in office. Obama is gone. I'd think you'd be happy about that, but here you are, still raging your life away.

Trump supporters; always angry and afraid for no damn reason.
Looks like Trump is jumping on the filthy anti gun bandwagon. Wants to increase the background check system. Wasn't Obama and Crooked Hillary both advocating making the background checks more stringent?

See, Moon Bats, Trump gets elected and you get both increased Federal spending and more gun control.

So what were you morons marching around with your pink pussy hats and howling at the sky for?

Is anything ever going to satisfy you Libtard turkeys other than the US becoming a full blown socialist shithole with no Constitutional rights?

Breaking: President Trump is open to improving the background check system for gun purchases, according to a statement from the White House this morning.

NPR (@NPR) February 19, 2018


Orange can lean as liberal as he likes. At the end of the day, he's still a turd.

There is nothing "liberal" about gun control. Or DACA. Those should both be neutral arenas. Unfortunately, republicans have aligned themselves with gun fanatics and racists, which causes people to mistakenly believe immigration and gun control are partisan issues, when really they have little to do with either liberalism or conservatism.

Bullshit on gun control. The agenda of the Liberals and the Democrats is to abolish the Second Amendment. Both the New York Times and the LA Times (Democrat) called for it this weekend in addition to some fringe Moon Bat politicians. They want to abolish it because it is a threat to establishing the US as socialist shithole. Besides, they hate the idea of White people having firearms. They don't care about .Blacks shooting each other with guns every night in the Democrat voting ghetto big cities but they don't want some White guy living in rural Georgia to have a gun. You know, somebody that opposes their extreme far Left agenda.f

Alo bullshit on immigration reform. As far as DACA and immigration the filthy ass Democrat Party needs Brown and Black welfare immigration or else their voter base will be diminished. It is all about voting demographics. There are only so many dumbass White Guilt Moon Bats so they need the Illegals and welfare queens or else they would never get more than 20% of the vote. That is why the Democrats don't want to hear anything about no stinkin immigration welfare reform and will resist it just like they did with shutting down the government over DACA. How stupid was that?

I got up to the part where you wrote "The agenda of the Liberals and the Democrats is to abolish the Second Amendment" and stopped, because I already know what kind of a crazy person writes something like that, and nothing that kind of a person has to say is worth reading or listening to.

I can't help educate you if you nkeep your head up you ass.

Just read the editorials of the New York Times and the LA Times. Both mouth pieces for the filthy Democrats

LA Times

Americans deserve to lose their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms

Americans deserve to lose their 2nd Amendment right to bear arms

New York Times


Is that like Crooked Hillary being a major piece of dishonest shit? Or maybe Obama being a major incompetent asshole?

Wouldn't know. We have no direct experience with that.

Maybe you didn't because you are an ignorant uneducated pink pussy hate pajama boy Moon Bat but the rest of the country sure as hell did.

That piece of Affirmative Action shit Obama is by the far the worst President this country ever had and Crooked Hillary was the worse dishonest corrupt candidate who couldn't even win with a fixed election and paying off the Russians.

Why are you so pissed off, dude? Your guy is in office. Obama is gone. I'd think you'd be happy about that, but here you are, still raging your life away.

Trump supporters; always angry and afraid for no damn reason.

The purpose of this thread is ask you Moon Bats how come you don't love Trump now that he is on the background check bandwagon and that he also increased the Federal budget, which you turkeys always love. He even want to give amnesty to a couple of million of the Illegals. That is Libtard Heaven, isn't it?

You voted for that Crooked Hillary piece of shit who ran on a platform to increase background checks, let the Illegals in and increase federal spending and you got it from Trump so what are you bitching about?

Are you still going to put on your pink pussy hats and march in the streets and then assemble to howl at the sky? No need now, huh?

By the way, although I am very glad that he won instead of that Crooked Hillary piece of shit I didn't vote for Trump so go bark up another tree.
You try to tell Liberals that Trump is neither Democrat, nor Republican, and their heads are too full of marbles to understand this. He is an Independent Moderate who had to run on The GOP ticket to get elected.

Yes he does lean more to The Right, but if Demtards ever could embrace a Republican, and weren't too busy getting their panties in a bind over Russian Propaganda they are being told to Regurgitate, it would be someone like President Trump they'd embrace.

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