Do You Like Encouragement As An Adult?

Personal life should be left at the door. The employer is paying for your UNDIVIDED attention to the job. If a personal problem exists--take time off and deal with it. A job isn't some touchy feeley place where they pay you for showing up. What happened to personal integrity and giving a day's work for a day's pay?
Sometimes leaving personal issues at home isn't in the cards especially if the personal issue has the ability to follow the person to their job like an abusive spouse or family member who has yet to be put away in prison for example. Sometimes getting time off isn't in the cards either which can only make doing a job even harder.

God bless you always!!!

Sometimes leaving personal issues at home isn't in the cards especially if the personal issue has the ability to follow the person to their job like an abusive spouse or family member who has yet to be put away in prison for example. Sometimes getting time off isn't in the cards either which can only make doing a job even harder.

God bless you always!!!

Again, not my problem. If I am paying for a product or service, I expect a quality product or service. If it is not provided. I shouldn't have to pay. Anyone who expects to be paid for a substandard product or service has no integrity and should go broke. Why should other people suffer because of an issue you are suffering from. If you have a problem, deal with it and stop expecting others to deal with your problems.
^^^ Wow, I didn't realize that saying a word or two of encouragement was like asking for a million bucks. At the end of the day, it isn't like a raise or promotion is being asked for and another thing, we are not talking about a substandard product being delivered. If anything, we are talking about the product being no different even with any added challenge that may be out there.

God bless you always!!!

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^^^ Wow, I didn't realize that saying a word or two of encouragement was like asking for a million bucks.

God bless you always!!!

I am not discounting encouragement. I am lamenting the fact that American's have become so snowflake sensitive that their lives are affected because they don't get enough attaboys. Pride in a job well done is its own reward.
I am not discounting encouragement. I am lamenting the fact that American's have become so snowflake sensitive that their lives are affected because they don't get enough attaboys. Pride in a job well done is its own reward.
For the record, I wasn't saying that an "attaboy" as you call them should be out there every day. I am only saying that every now and again, they can only help people when the way that things are going on this planet have only gotten worse compared to how they were back in the day.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And one more thing, I am sorry if the rest of the planet's population is not as strong as you are trying to make yourself appear to be.
Personal life should be left at the door. The employer is paying for your UNDIVIDED attention to the job. If a personal problem exists--take time off and deal with it. A job isn't some touchy feeley place where they pay you for showing up. What happened to personal integrity and giving a day's work for a day's pay?
I agree, and this is an interesting discussion. I think some of these workplace differences are generational. Different skill sets, expectations, motivators and priorities when it comes to jobs.

In the workplace I like to feel appreciated and valued for what I do, but encouragement for what is routine work feels a bit like grade school and participation trophies. I do it because it is my JOB, and that is what I’m paid to do and I want to do it well.
I value appreciation but consider encouragement to be an annoyance.
BINGO! Same here. The greatest emotional need a person has is to feel appreciated and that applies to relationships, jobs, or anything else when one or more persons are involved. But encouragement??? That's something different and for which I have never felt a need. I know I'm hot at what I do and I don't need to be noticed for it. I am my own reward.

Before, when working for a company I didn't ever need to be told by a regional manager to "keep up the good work" as had happened. It's nice of them to say that and some employees would feel good about it but I don't need affirmation on the job I do. I like being a small fish in a big pond and just getting on with working at the top of my game and not being told "especially" in front of others, how well I'm doing. I would never compliment an employee on what a great job they had done, in front of other employees. Embarrassing. Divisive also.

In the past when self-employed, my then hubby or I would sign the paychecks for 45 employees every two weeks and we would then write, "Thank you". That took a lot of time but we hoped it would make employees feel personally appreciated. And it probably did for some.
This has been a discussion for the past few days. As an adult I still like being told when I do a good job on things, especially when they've been really difficult for me. People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish. What do you guys think?
I think you like being told when you do a good job is none of their business and they are being boorish and judgmental by telling you anything different. Live and let live and mind your own business. I'm personally happy you are getting what you enjoy, RR.
This has been a discussion for the past few days. As an adult I still like being told when I do a good job on things, especially when they've been really difficult for me. People around me have told me that I don't need that as an adult and it's babyish and childish. What do you guys think?

"empty" praise is useless and often counterproductive. Just saying "good job" because you think you should doesn't work for many people, adults and children included.

OTOH, a word "in season", to paraphrase Proverbs 25:11, is a gift of gold and silver. This can be praise for a job well done or encouragement when it is genuinely needed. Rightly given, it lets people know they are seen and valued. That's important for everyone, not just children.
Another reason why I think that a good remark here and there is important enough is because of those who don't even bother to get up and go to a job in the first place.

God bless you always!!!


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