Do you like Gypsy Music?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Move'em North
I would imagine or guess that most Americans do not like that type of music, I would guess they prefer pop, rock, metal, hip hop etc... etc...

If you like any Gypsy music post your song...

Time of the Gypsies...

Nobody with any pretensions to appreciate good music -- whatever the genre -- could abide that cacophany of violins and whaling for more than five minutes.
I have been subjected to Romanian versions of this torture over the last two weeks whilst sun bathing in an outdoor lido and it nearly drove me to extreme violence.
Repetitious beyond belief .One tone and formulaic .
Some songs by non-gypsies about gypsies are cool eventhough they are enforcing stereotypes, but sometimes those are "romantic stereotypes" and lead the listener or viewer on a journey to like the gypsies more...


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